• long running

[NSW, Hack] Avoid Sydney Airport Train Stations Access Fee ($15.13/$13.54) by Bus Transfer at Mascot @ Transport NSW


Not sure if this hack constitutes a deal, but I’m on the way home from the airport, so wanted to share with my fellow Ozbargainers now that flying is opening up.

Taking the train to/from the international or domestic terminal of Sydney airport incurs a rather large ($15.13, $13.54 concession) ‘station access fee’.

The easiest way around this is to instead take the train to Mascot station, and take bus number 420 (lol) for a few stops and you will shortly be in the airport. This takes an extra ~10min or so, but for a family of four you’re looking at a $60 saving.

Any questions feel free to ask in the comments.

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Transport for NSW
Transport for NSW
Sydney Airport
Sydney Airport


  • +72

    Post might get moved to forum - but good to know 👍

  • +106

    Cheaper again if you walk.

    • +13

      I believe with the transfer discount it's only 20cents lol

      • +51

        As he said, cheaper is cheaper.

        • +24

          Don't know why people even bother with these plane ticket prices. I recommend swimming to your next holiday destination.

          • +8

            @Setiawan: Hopefully border at other end will be open and they won't make you swim back across ocean.

    • +18

      I have done that. Not too bad if your luggage has wheels but some stretches do not have paved footpaths and it's very industrial. No shops and nothing much pleasant to see but fences and concrete for half the walk.

      • +5

        Few years back it was a bit iffy but should be fine now between Mascot station and the Domestic Terminal.. There was midway through last year a small detour to get to the station entrance though due to construction work.

      • +2

        I did it when it looked like the bus wasn't coming.

    • +6

      that's actually a viable solution if you live in Mascot or Wolli Creek

      • +6

        Once walked 7km to Domestic Terminal from Dulwich Hill.

    • +7

      Cheaper if you don't fly

    • @mrwalker may have something to say

    • +4

      Definitely the best solution! Nothing better that loosing your body weight in water while walking in a 40 degrees sun carrying 40kgs of luggage!

    • +1

      I tried the walk years ago, its terribly confusing and awkward… its like the made it intentionally that way…

  • +91

    Done that, good if your lightly packed..otherwise an uber for the family is a better deal

    • +86

      Amazes me people don't do the simple math, if you have more than 3 people, it's often cheaper to just uber but you often see large families all on these airport transfer buses. Flying is stressful enough without having to train, bus, walk, and switch between with all the hassle of transferring your luggage, I'd rather cop the slightly extra fee of being dropped straight at the door.

      • +10

        Went up the other weekend. Tickets were $18 each for the train to Sydney CBD; cost $35 for an Uber…

      • +9

        There are still people that don't know how to use Uber
        or don't want to use Uber (ideologically, technologically)

        • +28

          For young kids you can't get car seats in an uber

          • +3

            @paultiffen: If you're travelling you should probably bring your own anyway - well that's what I would do…

            • +10


              If you're travelling you should probably bring your own anyway - well that's what I would do…

              Not sure which Muppet neged they comment … Probably a taxi plate owner, who has an axe to grind with uber drivers/riders.

          • +13

            @paultiffen: If you have young kids, get Shebah. Same as Uber but targeted for families and young/vulnerable people. All drivers have WWVP card and you can request drivers with car seats.

          • @paultiffen: In Melbourne at least you are exempt from using a car seat for Airport transfers.

      • +8

        I feel like train is more reliable.

        • +3

          My son 9yo prefer train.

          So that's what we did last week coming back from an overseas trip.

          Also feel safer covid wise in a train carriage vs a car.

          • @rabkoa: Great point!

          • +11

            @rabkoa: Why safer? Isn’t more people in a train?

            • +15


              Why safer? Isn’t more people in a train?

              Keep in mind that this post is about getting to/from and airport. The train/car/bus ride probably isn't where you're getting covid on the journey. It'll be the PLANE.

        • +5

          LOL, i work on the railway…
          Bet ya money it's not…
          In fact I can assure you that MOST railway workers , especially in my area, drive to and from work (and we get free train and bus travel)…

          • @ultramag69: If he's thinking what I'm thinking, the reliability means you don't have to worry about traffic and hence it's likely that you'll be on time for your flight. Even though my company pays for my travel I still take train when I go to Sydney

          • @ultramag69: There's many reasonable reasons that could be the reason why they chose to drive rather than catch puclic transport. And the main reason is definately not reliability lol

      • +3

        I'd walk over coals rather than spend 10 minutes listening to the Uber or taxi driver complain how they were just in a queue for 2 hours to earn 15 dollars. And fair enough on their part too, I Uber'd a few years back between jobs and the airport pickup queue was horrible. Did it once and that was enough.

      • Transfer busses might be coming from nearby parking lots, where parking fees are less than 2 x Highway robbery by Taxis and Ueber ( wagons )

    • +51

      imagine the government allowing this bull to take place. train should be cheap and accessible

      • +3

        It's not hard to, unfortunately.

      • +2

        Agree. I happily take the train when travelling solo, but with family its cheaper by taxi which is ridiculous.

      • To be fair - Its relatively cheap in the context of other travel costs

        • So you say domestic airport station does not have surcharge?

          With all the relatively cheap compared to travel costs, you start to spend a fortune.
          Train fees: cheapish
          Mac Donalds before departure Cheapish
          A 400ml drink before sitting in an aircraft with 1H delay: Cheapish
          and so on and soon you're $200 OUP

        • +12

          We already do. It’s paid for by our taxes. We double pay for the damn thing.

          • -5


            It’s paid for by our taxes. We double pay for the damn thing.

            Show your working…

        • +10

          Seems ironic that a person called "1st Amendment" would be such a simp for government ineptitude.

          • -4


            Seems ironic that…

            It seem that way because you failed to grasp what was being said.

            for government ineptitude.

            Yep, you definitely missed the point…

      • Yep. Train line between Airport Zurich and city, no surcharge, Airport station is seen as any other station.

      • They have to price in ticket sales in order to build the thing otherwise the costs to build are too much. I don't see much of a point in subsiding air travel anyway. It's either people going on holidays or businesses.

      • It's a public-private partnership that helped to fund construction of the line. It ends in 2030.

        • +6

          watch them do what they did with transurban in victoria, they will sign another contract with them, and cite something like "ongoing maintenance savings" for the gov while feeding millions to mates

      • +1

        If I recall this section of the line was privately build and their payment was being about to fleece people using it for 30yrs or so. Essentially it works the same as a toll road.

      • +1

        Just another victim in the Federal v State government competition I'm afraid.

        Airports are federal, public transport is state. Federal government allowed our 'friends' Macquarie Bank to buy and handle the airport - so a massive 'access' fee was almost inevitable. ☹️…

      • We need to save the money for tanks and nuclear subs.

      • If you voted Labor or Liberal you voted to enrich the private sector at your own expense.

        One of neoliberalism's core tenets is to remove government from everything so that people cannot make decisions via democracy but rather "vote with their wallets" (lose money to business).

        Nine out of ten Australian were brainwashed enough to vote for neoliberalism. That's you unless you voted Greens.

    • Family of 4, done the train once and never again. for me airport parking works out much better and slightly more expensive (for a week of parking). I don't want to be dealing with tired kids and public transport at odd hours of the night.
      I now book at the P7 car park instead
      PS: Uber or taxi would cost me more than the parking due to distance

      • +2

        Family of five here… worked out cheaper to hire a car for the weekend than to catch the train when visiting Sydney. So much easier than organising special taxis for five or having to split between two family cars when going anywhere (we went places with the wider family group we were visiting).

        Also, parking at the Airport on the home side often has good deals too making it far more convenient than fighting unhappy travellers, and again with five of us making sure you can get a maxi taxi or something to seat everyone isn't always as easy or quick as you would like.

    • +1

      This is actually a terrible suggestion if you take a moment to think about it. If you are NOT lightly packed, there is no way a family with suitcases is fitting into one Uber. Even for 2 people with suitcases, sometimes you'll need to put a suitcase on the back seat, depending on the driver's boot space, and whether they keep their own personal belongings in there (which I've found to be common).

  • +56

    You're supposed to ask a family member/friend to drop you off for free /s

    • +1

      In a Cherry Red Ferrari?

      • +5

        on a white horse

        • +15

          That's the way it's gonna be, little darlin'.

    • +5

      Exactly right and return the favour when they fly- works best

    • +1

      ps not going to be for free for your family member/friend lol

      • +3

        You've never reciprocated a favour?

    • +2

      Because they love to get up at 4:30 AM to take me out there, or spend 2 hours in the car on their weekend ?

      • Maccas brekky on the way for payment

  • +21

    Going to Wolli creek and walking if you're going to international is the ozbargain way.

    • +4

      I have been doing that for ages. Years ago Mascot and Green square also used to have airport fees

        • +1

          They removed the fee in 2011

        • +1

          Doesn't mean it wasn't there before you moved..

        • +4


          “ Prior to March 2011, passengers were required to pay an access fee to use the station. The access fee was removed after the State Government reached an agreement with the Airport Link Company to pay the fee at Mascot and Green Square stations on behalf of passengers.[4] Following the removal of the fee, patronage increased by around 70% at the two stations in the months following,[5] and passenger numbers rose substantially in the years following - with a 117% increase in ridership between 2015 and 2019.”

    • -1

      I myself park at Rowers on Cooks River carpark and walk over the bridge.

      • -1

        Shhh, don't ruin it, now I'll never find a park…

  • +4

    been doin this for ages as a solo frequent flyer, excellent to save money

  • +3

    Been there done that many times. Westbound you can also take the Burwood bound bus and get off at Rockdale train station nearby.

  • +4

    Used to be the 400 bus

  • +21

    Is it a 420 bus because it's just a stones throw away?

    • +8

      It's because the drivers are 420 friendly on that route. Just make sure your bring a body board bag.

      • +4

        Enjoy your stay in Bali, Schapelle.

        • And only buy one way ticket to save money

  • +6

    It depends on the weather too,
    ie. if it's raining heavily,
    because you will definitely get wet,
    as the bus-stop is not near Mascot train-station.

    Also, it's not practical to tow large suitcases and luggage,
    on the train, change platforms at Central, and then at Mascot,
    and then walk to the bus-stop, get on the bus and then get off, etc.

    It really depends on the :
    - weather
    - luggage (quantity, type of luggage, fragile?)
    - number of passengers (if a family of 4, then it can be worth)
    - bus driver strikes
    - traffic condition (I've seen Mascot - Domestic Airport traffic jam,
    due to road-works; what if there's a bad road accident ?)

    • +2

      Also, it's not practical to tow large suitcases and luggage,

      This is all depends though on a person's abilities. Myself and my wife don't have any issues doing it, nor do my 60yo parents.

      • +2

        It really depends on the :
        - weather
        - luggage (quantity, type of luggage, fragile?)

        The last thing I want in hot summer weather is to board the long haul flight sweaty…

        • +3

          Use the showers at international before you board the flight, always feel better on a long trip. They are in the general access area.

          • +1

            @tonsta: Wouldn't you have to use up a towel and then end up travelling with a wet towel?

            As a budget backpacker abroad for over a year I couldn't convince myself to rent a towel at airports and budget hostels each day for a bit less than the cost of my towel (typically $2 - $4). I saved a lot of money over time but it's probably not worth the stink and hassle for a shorter trip. I like to wrap my body so I can change at public beaches without change rooms (or at beaches which charge for it) so I would need a larger microfibre towel to minimise moisture rot.

            • @peterpeterpumpkin: You can get by with a hair towel. Small enough to travel and use on board and to dry yourself in the shower. Otherwise one of those Chami style towels.

    • +2

      number of passengers (if a family of 4, then it can be worth)

      My clan already thinks I'm a cheapskate - this would not go down well. And even if they obliged, the whining from the kids…

      • haha sounds like my kids ,calling me a tightwad

    • -1

      Wow, you sound like a real bag of fun…

    • +4

      I was once on a 420 that got stuck in traffic between the domestic and international terminals. A guy on board begged the driver to let him off between stops. The driver refused. After lots of begging the guy forced the doors open, got out and ran to the terminal.

  • +1

    I just end up taking an uber from mascot that's still cheaper and takes you straight to departures.

  • +1

    Same thing can be done at mel and bne airport althought the bne airport require more stop

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