I recall buying 4L of these cooking oil for $9-$12 (max) when they go on 50% special.
Has The Cooking Oil Cost Increased Recently?

Has the cooking oil cost increased recently?
Yes, everything is increasing…. welcome to inflation. That is what happens when gov printers run at full speed for a couple of years printing money.
I recall milk was $2 for 2L
I just want milk that tastes like real milk
Alt milk is the new trend.
Like alt meat and alt bear
buy a cow
I noticed that particular one yesterday too
Was $24 down to $12 in December 2021 so the price rise of ~33% is pretty recent.
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/669890Inflation has cometh, just like climate change.
Covid supply chain issues have affected prices and covid inflation have also affected prices and normal CPI price increases and the number of specials available now days has dropped.
Also cooking oil prices will go up and follow the global oil prices to some extent as it is an "oil".
The specials are still occurring, but the time between the same category/company/product is now longer than it was before covid.
The prices have gone up because the Government is snapping it up to cook the books with.
Why buy this when you get 4L of Crisco canola oil for $14, no sale necessary?
I run several restaurants (I don’t own them). Every single supplier has increased pricing….Meat, Seafood, Oil, coffee, dry goods…absolutely everything has gone up 10-15%… and just like the supermarket, we are struggling with some product supplies.
The link is gone.
In before some brofessor says that the feds devaluing fiat money is a supply chain problem.
💵 🖨️ brrr = 💵 👇 = 💲 🏷️ ☝️