This was posted 3 years 1 month 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3050 GAMING OC 8G LHR Graphics Card $629 Delivered @ Centre Com


First post go easy please.

Looks like the first drops of the recently released RTX 3050 are starting to pop up, with Gigabyte making the first rounds.

$629 for 1660ti equivalent performance (+ampere features) in today's market is a fair deal, seeing how 1660's are going for more than $700.

Available for preorder and will be shipped after 8th of feb.

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closed Comments

  • +37


  • +8

    Better buy would be a RX 6600

  • +23

    $629 lol.. haba the RX 6600 8GB it much faster. Priced at $649 at PCCasegear

    If you need Nvidia The RTX2060 is also faster then this and can be had close to the price.

    $699 in stock…

    This card needs to be no more then $450 to be a good deal in this market

    • +11

      I remember the good old days you can get a 2060 with $450

      • +5

        Yeah, I remember buying two, one for me and another for my brother but he didn't need it anymore and I had to sell it at a loss @ $450. Should have just kept it for two years and doubled my money lol.

      • +2

        I got a 1660 Super in 2020 for $350, I wish I knew what was coming.

        • +1

          Use it until the 4060 is available, that card should keep its value in the second hand market due to its mining capabilities

          • @[Deactivated]: It actually gets about 2.5x hashrate than what the RTX3050 LHR is reported to get, while at 79W.
            Its my main GPU, I just mine Ether when not gaming.

    • It should be less than $250

    • this reminds me the $299 RX6500. both not good. but at least the 6500 is cheaper, like half of this. through both are not good choice…

  • +4

    ‘Fair deal’ bwahahaha
    because of something even more stupid going on…
    no dice
    6600s, 6600 XTs and RTX 2060s are better options in this stupid market

  • +3

    RX 6600 is ~33% more performance for $20 more and has as ~29 ETH hashrate, so can slowly pay for itself.

    I knew this would be a paper launch and the MSRP was simply to try and make the 6500XT look bad, but I did not except that prices would be this high for a card miners don't want.

  • +6

    I thought this would be $449. Oof.

    • +1

      Yeah hoped so too, maybe the more budget AIB's who are confirmed to release their own versions

  • +7

    $350 would be a fair price for 3050

    • +1

      ehh should be more like $200-250 at most
      GTX1060 (3gb and 6gb) and RX 470/80 were like $250-350 and are/were a full tier above in the stack.
      Hell i remember R9 390 and GTX 970s going for $400 or a smidge over

  • +7

    $250 USD as the MSRP for America, I was thinking it couldn't go above $500 AUD… Should have seen it coming, just disappointing. Affordable 1080p card my ass.

  • +7

    Me: checking YouTube and Google every 5 minutes for 3050
    YouTube: performance is decent
    Me: getting excited. Googling for prices.
    Ozb: $629 lol. I give up.

    • +4

      True, doesnt matter how good the reviews are, at $629 is still ripoff

    • +2

      They were available for $429 at launch last night and early this morning.

  • +12

    The new consoles are the best bang-for-buck gaming hardware going now. If you can find them.

    • +2

      For sure. I know they can be a hard to get too but at least retailers sell them for RRP (which is very reasonable at least for MS and Sony's new consoles). The PC market is a mess right now (not blaming retailers).

      • +1

        Just put your name down at JB, I got a call 2 weeks later.

        $606 after 19% discounted GC, happy I managed to get that because building a new PC would be triple.

        • Xbox or PS

          • +2

            @vid_ghost: As a fan of PS exclusives I'd usually say PS, but if you are new to consoles the value of XBox gamepass is impossible to ignore so if you're new to console gaming (and don't have a strong interest in PS exclusives), I'd go XBox.

        • How did you get 19% GCs? …. I though 15%was the max from Coles?

          • +1

            @Denny Crane: It was December 2020? Zip 10% + 9% GC

            It was 20%< but works out to 19% in total off.

    • I believe you buy the XSX from telstra if you have a telstra ID

    • -1

      The SeriesX specifically.


  • +1

    Watching some reviews/benchmarks on YT pretty much if you own anything over a GTX 1070 it's not worth the upgrade. Also $200 over MSRP haha ill stick with my 1080 for a few more months

  • +2

    1660ti for $650 being a fair deal is the first joke…

  • +1

    Checking majority of the stores around in Australia, and PLE has a Zotac model for $429 which sold out already, not many options for this card sadly

  • +1

    PCCasegear had the Asus Pheonix at $429 wwhich sold out in under 8 minutes.

    • Ok, they probably got 1 on sale.

  • +2

    $29 more expensive than my 2nd hand 1080ti…

  • This faster then a 1060?

    • Yes, it's around 1070/1660 super level plus the new tech like rtx and dlss on top.

  • +2

    RX 6600 is more competitive at this price range.

  • To be fair on a good day you can get a gtx1080/rtx2060 for about 400ish secondhand that flogs this pos card in benchmarks.

    • +1

      Haven't seen either of those cards sell for $400.00 in a long time.

    • Good luck getting either of those cards in the current market for less than $500 ($600 for a 2060), but in the coming weeks things might change for the better (if crypto keeps tanking)

    • To be fair on a good day you might win the lottery then you wouldn’t have to worry about overpriced GPUs.

  • +2

    Anyone else think this is an expensive 1660 Super for the money?

    • 1660S going for around this price anyway. 3050 has slightly better performance, 2GB more VRAM, DLSS, DLDSR, better power efficiency.

      But that doesn’t mean much when the AMD alternative at this price point is generally a better buy.

  • Wow when I first saw the price I was like: this crazy price huh, must be the premium ASUS ROG 3050.

  • what a waste of silicon these new 'budget' cards are. ffs, can you just build more of the good cards please

    • It's just the scraps from the bigger chips. It is a waste of PCB and VRAM though yes.

    • The 3050 is essentially the rubbish bin for dies that couldn't even make it as a 3060. My guess is that volume availability will be so low.

  • +2

    Don't know why you'd buy this rubbish at this price.

    Its a $250 card under normal circumstances

  • This card sold out everywhere in the US in just a few hours.

    • +1

      Nah, don't believe the hype, sold out because they only have 10 to sells. No one is buying it at double the price.

      • Everything is 50-100% more than RRP.

  • +2

    $629 for 1660ti equivalent performance (+ampere features) in today's market is a fair deal

    Don't be conditioned to think that paying 2x, 3x or even 4x over the odds is a "fair deal". Negging due to obscene price markups for a rubbish card.

  • +1

    This is terrible value. As long as people are dumb enough to buy at these prices….

  • +1

    The ACCC says you can’t price gouge on RATs or petrol or food or the NBN but on video cards?

    Go your hardest.

    It is unconscionable for manufacturers and retailers to make more than their normal component margin on video cards. Their business has not be badly affected by COVID, in fact it is booming.

    • +1

      I guess "RATs or petrol or food or the NBN" are essential items/services. The reality is GPUs aren't so they can price gouge.

    • Sorry, just had to reply as the bit about fuel made my eye twitch.

      Can't price gauge on petrol?
      Have a look at this comparison of fuel cycles from the ACCC's own site:…

      See how each state has a different price cycle, different length or cycle and hell even a different pattern to their cycle. This is can not due to oil prices, the fuel companies can just charge us whatever the **** they want.

      • A direct quote from the same ACCC page: "Price cycles are the result of deliberate pricing policies of petrol retailers, and are not directly related to changes in wholesale costs."

        Sounds like a license to gouge.

  • OEMs are saying they are paying ~$320USD for a 3050 from Nvidia. The MSRP is fake and everyone keeps falling for Nvidias tricks.

    • Source? Pls no slander papa Jensen.

        • Oh no it's atticman up to his atticantics again. Thanks for the link though.

  • Why does this even need 3 fans?

    • It doesn't, according to Techpowerup reviews it performs worse than a single fan version. SMH Gigabyte

  • -1

    Nvidia would make more revenue by focusing on mining chips than gaming chips.

    Remove the LHR and let the spice flow.

  • Really didn’t seem like the value this card was supposed to deliver

    • I am disappointed too, wish I could snag a 429 zotac or asus variant but looks like they are out of stock

  • Single fan RTX3050 cards were selling for $429 late last night on release

  • I'd rather buy a used rtx 2060
    can be found for $500-600
    slightly faster than 3050 too

    • I'd pay the +$100 for 8GB & DLSS, while having the full 3yr warranty ahead of me.

      • 2060 also has DLSS other than that I agree. Saving a little bit of money to buy from someone who god knows how they had treated their card while sacrificing warranty isn’t a good idea.

        Not to mention 2060 on the second hand market is more like $600-700.

  • -Price of a console (nearly)
    -Worse than a console at the one thing it does
    -Is only 1/2-1/3 of the PC budget.
    Gee wiz, this is insane.

    The 3070s at mid $1000 are crazy in their own way, but high (ish) end stuff getting expensive isnt as surprising. With demand and it already being something for those with expendable income, stretching to pay for it likely is not fun, but wont ruin them.
    But for something this, so low on the stack, its what the absolute budget builders trying to make 'console killers' usually get and should be $200 at most. so for it to go for more than many people used to build whole (pretty decent) budget PCs, is insane.

    • Bad comparison. Consoles are locked eco systems with no flexibility which will cost more than a PC over its lifetime.

      • Dude this is like 3 weeks old.
        But anyway you didnt really even understand what i meant.
        I wasnt comparing console vs PC in general. Was just saying what should be the absolute lowest end card on the market and is only 1/3 of what a PC needs, costs near the same as, and is worse than, a console.
        Was pointing out how terrible this card is, especially for the price and giving a comparison to what other current comparable (use case wise) options there are to emphasise how badly priced it is.

        Now, if i was talking about PC vs Console as a whole RIGHT NOW (and likely next year or 2).
        Well, no buying into console would not be more expensive in the long run. Most of the multiplayer games people play nowadays are free and dont even need xbox live, and full games are often $65 on release. PC is rarely as cheap. PC only wins on value if we are comparing getting a pooton of 5+ year old games off every steam sale and actually imagining people will play all of them and/or if we count pirating so 80% of your games will be free.

        Flexibility sure, of course. If you have use case for a desktop.
        But even then most people dont like to/want to do anything on desktop they'd rather a laptop, so it barely helps in that regard. Most people would probably have a PC AND a laptop, but if you have a console and a laptop theres no need for a desktop.

  • This particular model apparently has noisy fans and under-performing cooler compared to others:…

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