New iPhone 13 Pro Arrived Turned on

It is so strange that I don't have a word to describe it.

The new iPhone arrived in a sealed box. But when I unboxed it, the phone inside the sealed box was already turned on, staying in the welcome screen, and the battery was still full.

Very hard to understand how the phone was turned on itself within a sealed box and why the battery was still full after probably months.

Anyone has similar experience or know what happened? Thanks!


  • +6

    Threads in this place are getting so ludicrous

    • Threads in this place are getting so ludicrous

      Anyone has similar experience or know what happened?

      there, completed for ya

    • What happened is ludicrous.

      • +1

        Clearly the only logical outcome is to contact apple and they’ll give you a brand new iPhone for your trouble

  • +3

    Did you wink or wriggled one eyebrow when you first opened the box?

    • I recorded the process actually.

  • +4

    Possibly the delivery guy drop-kicked the package so hard the force pushed the phone against the box so hard it turned on?

    Call Apple Support if you're really concerned. Part of me thinks this isn't uncommon

    • Called, can be replaced, but still curious.

  • +11

    That's how they track the delivery.

  • +10

    Be sure to check if it has ordered an expensive watch.

  • +1

    Because it's the Pro model.

    • Mt first thought exactly, like automatically turned on. Then I watched unboxing video.

  • +3

    … And where did you buy it from? The official Apple store or off an eBay seller?

    • Apple store

  • Did you slap yourself three times to confirm the situation

  • +10

    arrived turned on

    I wish my significant other would arrive in the same state.

    • +2

      is that your left hand rather than your right one?

  • Change your house.

  • +1
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