This was posted 3 years 1 month 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1,XSX,PS4,PS5,PC] Pre-Order: Dying Light 2 Stay Human $69 Delivered ($68 PC) @ Amazon AU

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A good price for an anticipated game scheduled for release on 4 February.

Caveats about pre-orders apply.

The PC page does not indicate if it is a Steam key or Epic, but it is available on both stores so be careful if that matters to you.

VAST OPEN WORLD Participate in the life of a city engulfed in a new dark era. Discover different paths and hidden passages, as you explore its multiple levels and locations.

CREATIVE & BRUTAL COMBAT Take advantage of your parkour skills to tip the scales of even the most brutal encounter. Clever thinking, traps and creative weapons will be your best friends.

DAY AND NIGHT CYCLE Wait for night to venture into dark hideouts of the Infected. Sunlight keeps them at bay, but once it’s gone, monsters begin the hunt, leaving their lairs free to explore

CHOICES & CONSEQUENCES Shape the future of The City with your actions and watch how it changes. Determine the balance of power by making choices in a growing conflict and forge your own experience.

2-4 PLAYER CO-OP GAMEPLAY Play in up to four-player co-op. Host your own games or join others and see how their choices have played out differently than yours.

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closed Comments

  • $30 off before it's even out… Nice.

    • +14

      you'll find most games are $69 on release, but jump back up after a couple weeks

      • +1

        New version of pre-order bonus, gotta decide if you want it up front or willing to wait for sale.

    • +1

      This is normal pricing.

  • +3

    $69 for 500 hours entertainment… ~14c per hour. Can't beat that for value!

    • Only if the game is that good that you want to play it that much. I don't think I've played anything near as long except World of Warcraft.

      • +3

        I've played dying light through 3 times and the dlc is massive as well.

        Easily one on the best games in the past decade.

        Dying light 2 is even bigger.

        • +4

          And hopefully better

  • +1

    I've still got an unplayed version of Dying Light PS4 at home after copping it on eBay for $15 months ago…whoops…

    • +4

      Get playing pronto! It's a fantastic game, the core gameplay loop is very addictive especially once you've levelled up and gained lots of abilities — sadly the PS4 version didn't get a Pro update for 4K, but Techland did say that a free PS5 update will be coming out for it at some point, so that's nice. At the moment, the game is still stuck at 1080p/30fps.

  • +5

    JB HiFi has dropped to $69 for PS4/PS5/XB1/XBSX/PC (…)
    Furthermore their PC listing states Steam code in the box so I'd guess Amazon will also be Steam

    • Possibly a better bet for getting it on release.

    • DO you think JBHifi will maintain this price till launch day? I have an EBGames gift card. So need EBGames to price match.

      • They usually keep that price until launch day. Then it goes up the day after. Should be able to price match then.

      • +1

        I managed to price match at EBGames today.

        So you could try your local store and put down $10 as deposit.

        • Thanks for the heads up. They didn’t tell that to me over the phone (Knox, VIC branch).

          • +1

            @TheUsualSuspect: In store I showed the price at JB on my phone and I paid the full amount, though I think a deposit would have been enough to get the price.

            • @Xenocaust: Thank.
              Yeah I went in and asked. They said that for preorder, they only price match on the day of launch. Bit sus. I paid a deposit anyway. Hopefully JB price stays until day 1.

        • Did you price match a PC version? Do EBGames sell PC codes? I didn't know that.

    • +2

      Yes all physical is Steam. I asked a Techland rep last year and they confirmed as much.

  • +6

    So tempted to buy this one. Might be my first disc game this generation.

    Absolutely shocked by how much I ended up loving the original, played it to goddamn death for a bit over a month back in early 2016 and then dropped it completely. Will be interesting to see if the new one can grab me. Could be a Doom Eternal situation where I adored the first one, and then the second was objectively more of the same but refined and improved in many ways, but once I had that initial taste of the crack that was Doom 2016, no sequel was ever gonna be able to give me that hit again. I feel Dying Light 2 may be the same.

    There's my unsolicited opinion. Regardless of that, 69 for an unreleased AAA curent gen game is an upvote from me.

    Edit: Went Googling and JB have it for 69 too, Amazon is likely just matching them.

  • +9

    Tempting, but dont want to be BURNED….like Fallout 76 and Cyber punk

    • +7

      Keep it going

      Or No Man's Sky, the GTA remasters…

      • +5

        No man's sky has completely redemeed itself, however.

    • +1

      Yea in the same boat. The 69 price should stick around for the weekend. Plenty of reviews and impressions will be out by then.

    • +1

      Or BF2042

    • +2

      Same thoughts… Mine would be far cry 6…

      • +1

        What did you expect to come out of Far Cry 6? We have been seeing the same thing recycled with little effort for a long time now. It was almost a guarantee that 6 would just be more of the same thing.

        • +1

          It's been the same game since 2014 …

  • Oh shoot. Didn't realise it was coming out so soon .

  • I'm definitely buying this, but I'll wait for a sale! I just can't pay over $40-50 for a game absolute max

  • +1

    i wish they had this in VR

    • +2

      There's a VR mod for the first game, it is extremely vomit inducing with all the parkour.

  • +5

    As someone that has been following this game pretty closely, id be absolutely gob smacked if this turns out to be anything but top tier.

    They have delayed the game to polish it to a very high standard. You can tell they are all gamers and want people to really enjoy the experience.

    There are plenty of 30min previews out there of the final build. The level of detail is pretty staggering.

    The parkour looks silky smooth, which they spend A LOT of time perfecting (far less floaty that the first game!).

    • +15

      Not to rain on your parade but people have said the exact same thing about previous games, the last big game being Cyberpunk. I think it's very valid to be skeptical about a game that has had its fair share of issues during development.

      You can tell they are all gamers and want people to really enjoy the experience

      You can say that about every developer, a shit game still has passion in it, suits control the outcome.

      I fully expect this game to be good, I don't think the story will be good but the game play will surely make up for it.

      • -3

        no they didnt, you gamers overhyped CDPR because “omg they made Witcher 3!!! They can do no wrong!!!”

        and after the garbage release its all gamers’ fault for rushing them

        • +1

          no they didnt, you gamers overhyped CDPR because “omg they made Witcher 3!!! They can do no wrong!!!”

          I didn't overhype shit, I still haven't played it

    • a very high standard

      Well, the PC version was having trouble at 1920x1080 and didn't exactly look stellar as far as visuals either.

    • The developers have said that gravity in the new game has halved, this game will have "floaty" parkour

  • +3

    I'll eat my hat if this turns out anywhere near the train wreck that Cyberpunk was!

    • +2

      Watching this space.

    • Better keep an eye out for Hat deals 🎩

  • +2

    Not sure on this one if I should pull the trigger. I did that with Cyberpunk and up to this day and I haven't touched the game again after playing it for an hour or so upon its initial release. Mmmm. Can someone please convince me that this game will be worth it. IMHO $68 is still a big ask.

    • Got the Switch version of the first game and it is incredible. The team committed to the first game long-term and didn't abandon it.

      If the sequel is even as good as the first one, it'll be a good time.

      Should you get it? Don't really care. You're an adult (I assume) and should be able to make your own decisions. If you're questioning it, it's probably a no

      • If you're questioning it, it's probably a no

        You are quite perceptive there dude and you're probably right. I did invest a hefty amount of time in playing the first game though which means I enjoyed it, a LOT. Thanks for the input.

    • +2

      How about just don't preorder it and wait a few days for some reviews to come in? Embargo for it drops the day before so you'll still have a day of reading/watching reviews before it releases and can still (probably) get the cheaper preorder price

  • +2

    If anyone has doubts, techland really pour a lot of love and attention to detail in their games.

    This will be an amazing game, especially for zombie movie aficionados.

    You'll see a lot of nods to the Romero classics around the world.

  • Has there been ps4 footage released as promised?

  • Dying Light is one of my favourite games ever so against my better judgement I have preordered this - thanks OP. Will be pleasantly surprised if it's not an overhyped under-delivering train wreck.

  • +1

    I'd wait for reviews before buying anything these days!

  • Noob question : it says Xbox one version if I put this disc on the Xbox series X will I get XBSX graphics or Xbox one X graphics?

    • +2

      It uses Smart Delivery, so you get the best version available for your hardware.

  • Dont really want it on origin - amazon do not advise

    • Does Harvey do click n collect for PC? Otherwise it's an extra $5.95 for delivery. Thanks.

      • apparently so when I click through the purchasing optiions

  • +1

    Picked up the XSX version this morning. EBGames price-matched JB ($69). They didn't even ask to check.

  • Did anyone get their preorder content for physical games? I bought for Xbox from HN and didn't get any codes in the case for extra content. Not a big deal, but just interested to see if/how others got it.

    • +1

      I didn't get anything from EB Games.

      If you have Twitch (included with Prime membership), there's a few items you can get from watching Dying Light 2 streams for a couple of hours - just leave running in a browser on a PC, you don't have to interact.

      • Did EB say you'd get something?
        HN said "Pre-order for Bonus Content!*"
        It's even written on my invoice, but I don't know what the asterisk meant, because the description on their website has obviously been updated.

        • +1

          Think you're gonna be too late for it, you could still try though:

          Pre-order for Bonus Content!* Available from 4 February 2022

          Offer available until 11:59pm AEST day before release.
          Bonus content includes:
          'Reload' Outfit
          'Reload' Weapon Skin
          'Reload' Paraglider Skin

  • xbox cersion coming up for $79 @ amazon

    • Game has now been released, I think it was a pre-order price.

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