Back in stock online as of time of posting. It is cheaper if you buy in person, but this is still a very good price to get it minus the social contact.
High clinical sensitivity according to TGA.
Buy it if you need it, buy it if you don't need it.
Back in stock online as of time of posting. It is cheaper if you buy in person, but this is still a very good price to get it minus the social contact.
High clinical sensitivity according to TGA.
Buy it if you need it, buy it if you don't need it.
Last batch bought a month ago expiry was March 2023
High clinical sensitivity according to TGA.
how high?
I bought instore yesterday, expiry is November 2022.
Not a costco member :( ah well.
The Nasal Swab is also available for $174.99 delivered - I suggest that because these are awkward in terms of spitting into a funnel.
I think oral is more precise as no risk of not swabbing enough and friendlier for kids?
These are rated higher than the Oral Fluid and with kids, they will be getting 2 per week from the Government (VIC) so that may cater to them more?
yeah same for NSW
haven't arrive yet, school starts Monday…………..
oral is more precise
other way around…
Stop testing your rear end, JV.
@Necromancer: With the amount of things that come out JVs rear end that end up in his comments, it might be wise for him to get his rear end tested .
I thought omicron lives in the throat which may be why oral is more precise. I thought that was why everyone was saying to swab your throat with nasal swab tests.
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service recommends swabbing both the nose and the throat when using a rapid antigen, or later flow, Covid test, the kind used at home. But the agency does not recommend only taking a sample from the throat. The Israeli Health Ministry early this week also advised people to swab both their nose and their throat when using rapid at-home tests.…
Yeah, oral fluid is much more kid friendly. I was reading that even very high sensitivity nasal swabs can return a false positive if you don't go deep enough into your nasal passage. With my young kids, that was not possible, so oral fluid/saliva would be the way to go.
i got swabbed with a RAT in order to enter a construction site today. the medical professional they used barely scraped the sides of my nose. i didn't tear up or sneeze as i would with a PCR at laverty. i doubt my result was accurate…
More likely a false negative, rather than false positive. Most tests have a very low false positive rate in the first place, too.
I've used this exact one; didn't find it awkward at all.
Each to their own, I just didn't like the sample size needs to be a certain level for it to be accurate and I am unco.
It is cheaper if you buy in person
What's the price in-store?
I spotted the oral test kit for $159 at Marsden Park a few days ago, did not see the nasal kit though.
The higher online price is to cover shipping, from memory in one of the earlier posts for Costco RATs. However, at the last Ozb post, I went into costco 2 hours later and there were no RATs there to begin with. There was a sign outside saying they don't have any stock of RATs in store.
Depends on where you live. I’ve seen people say they got some in the last couple of days but Perth is still out of stock.
Why it says delta variant detectable? How about omicron
376310 AM Diagnostics Hangzhou Alltest Biotech Co Ltd (China) All Test COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test (Oral fluid) (ICOV-802) POC Evidence of performance against Delta and Omicron.
delta variant detectable? How about omicron
In-app purchase…
Managed to get one, thanks.
why does anyone need 20 kits, unless your want to resell them for lots of moneeey.
If you have kids, you easily need a lot even for 1 case. Say 1 kid, 3 tests for household for start, then another 3 before returning to school or work
Because you might need to visit someone in aged care or who is at greater risk if they contract the virus and you want to either:
a) do the right thing for that person at greater risk, or
b) take the pressure off the aged care home providing a test for you when they can't even get them because they've been commandeered by the federal govt.
[edited for spelling, because it matters to me]
pretty smart.. for a cat
These tests work much better on serial testing over multiple days. Lots of anecdotal reports of people who are symptomatic testing positive only on their 2nd or 3rd serial test. Made worse by the fact some of these tests are less reliable with Omicron as they were designed for the original strain.
testing positive only on their 2nd or 3rd serial test
Also the reason why we're running out of tests because close contacts are expected to do 1 RAT a day over 5 years.
If government and people had half a brain they'd be told to isolate and take a RAT every 2nd day. But then you miss out on one day of your life. The exact day you might be tempted to buy a lottery ticket and end up never having to work again. Automatically 50% more tests available to people who need it.
I was definitely positive for Omicron but these dirty RAT's only showed me negative. About as effective as using some TP.
Because I need 4 for before me and my partners flight overseas (for peace of mind before we get our PCR test at the airport), we need 10 for when we land in our destination country (Government there requires for self-testing for 5 days after we land), and need 2-4 for when we arrive back in Australia.
I need to test before going for work. Yes, work reimburses me, but I have to buy the kits first.
Getting better pricing. Will wait for 50% discount when I need it ;)
Getting better pricing
?? The same ones were $150 last week.
In reality they are only $1-2 each (o/s prices)… we are getting burned.
But keep doing the right thing everyone so all the business tycoons can get rich!
I think the stocks will start to stabilise by feb. So i wouldnt go overdrive stocking them, as price might drop.
This is just a guess tho! Take your dirty mouse cursor from that downvote ;)
Not worth hoarding, but if you're a household and someone tests positive, you'd probably end up want to do 2-3 tests/person over the course of a week. So it's interesting how you can go from needing 0 tests, to suddenly needing 12-15. Having a box of 20 isn't too bad, as long as you're getting them at <$10/test
My assumption is that they're about to be announced as free for the public as a flip flop from the federal government because it's losing them votes. So sellers are discounting them before they're worthless.
Then promptly take it away after the election. Exactly how governments lose trust.
Imho, that's even worse. Like I know governments care about votes not people already, but this would just scream "desperate government that is easily sold out"
Current govt already lost my vote when they prioritised votes over safety. We had life almost back to normal, people going to restaurants, wearing masks and signing in. They then remove the mask and sign in requirement for a week and all hell breaks loose.
Already get 2 free swabs when required from the government in TAS ;)
Hopefully the rest follow.
Many thanks OP, much appreciated.
Here's the TGA blurb
It's the first one on the table…
Here's the link to the stats…
thanks OP
Everyone nose that…
Already got one from last deal, wonder should I buy another ?
They should be free
why would we need one of these?
Because you are sick and need to test
Thanks op
Thanks, ordered cancelled overprice Kogan order I had
Thanks op!
I was going to buy but just realised that NSW schools giving 2 per week free to parents so how does school knows who use it? ;) :D :D
how does school knows who use it?
They don't need to know, the students are supposed to use it twice a week, as instructed…
So concerning!
I imagine parents who have to work and cant look after their children will just dump them in schools.
Easy to take a photo of yesterdays test, is there a unique identifier on tests? Or just an honesty system?
I imagine parents who have to work and cant look after their children will just dump them in schools.
Well they must be pretty shortsighted and stupid if they do that, because if any of the kids go to school with covid and it spreads, they'll probably send the whole class home for the week…
@jv: wow "Shortsighted and stupid"
didn't that started with the liberal national government ?
Not enough PCR test - don't worry you don't need one
Not enough RAT - don't worry you don't need one just check symptom
…. lol
wow "Shortsighted and stupid"
Yep, knowingly sending their kid with covid into an environment where it is very likely it will spread and most likely close down the class, or even the school is Shortsighted, stupid and selfish…
@jv: It is the Government who has not planned anything and it is the liberal national coalition government in Federal and NSW which is responsible for completely for the current economic and pandemic situations… not anyone else… that is why you elect government.. IMO.
it is the liberal national coalition government in Federal and NSW which is responsible for completely for the current economic and pandemic situations…
Not in Vic.
Also, what is the problem with the 'current economic situation' you refer to?
Australia is doing much better than most other countries and significantly less deaths.
@jv: Agree, in Victoria it is Labor and certainly now in QLD it is labor as well, same Liberal for SA and Labor for WA… ! But don't forget it is NSW where everything started to get out of hand thanks to Gladys first and now Dominic .. !
regarding economy you need to look at latest states from ABS to work out what is the problem .. !
where everything started to get out of hand thanks to Gladys first and now Dominic
I was always going to get out of hand unless we stayed in lockdown forever…
What the governments were trying to do is suppress the virus long enough so as many people as possible can get vaccinated to minimise the impact on the hospitals and ultimately save people's lives…
@jv: so here is the state statistic, now work out which government strategy worked, which one caused less loss of loved ones form family? which made list damage to their population… !
Location Cases Deaths Population (June 2021) Cases % of population Death % of population
New South Wales 976,000 1,110 8,189,266 11.9180% 0.0136%
Victoria 761,000 1,814 6,649,159 11.4451% 0.0273%
Queensland 325,000 105 5221170 6.2247% 0.0020%
South Australia 100,000 69 1773243 5.6394% 0.0039%
Australian CT 31,366 24 432266 7.2562% 0.0056%
Tasmania 25,282 15 541479 4.6691% 0.0028%
Northern Territory 9,645 2 432266 2.2313% 0.0005%
Western Australia 1,386 9 2681633 0.0517% 0.0003%
now work out which government strategy worked
Victoria has by far the most deaths and the longest lockdowns….
So what is your point?
@jv: Well, if you don't get the point from states then what I don't see you will get it anyways .. !
@SydBoy: You forgot to differentiate between the different strains as they have different mortality rates, plus the state's vaccination rates were different at each point in time. VIC's death rate is higher because they were hit with Delta when vaccination rates were low. NSW has higher infection rates because we were hit with Omicron when our vaccination rates were high.
you need to look at latest states from ABS to work out what is the problem ..
No i don't. I didn't make a claim that there is problem…
@jv: so you not making a claim that economy in good condition as well then and in that case no need to worry about how economy is going.. !
so you not making a claim that economy in good condition
You claimed there is a problem, but did not state what it is.
All I said is that we are doing better than most other countries. So what is the economic problem you are referring to?
@jv: so you do have point that we are doing better than most other countries then what economic problem you are referring in each of those other country that we don't have?
what economic problem you are referring in each of those other country that we don't have?
i didn't claim we have an economic problem.
It says insufficient stock for your cart
Out of stick?
Wooden you know it…
Looks like it's out of stock now.
Not having any luck when I go to checkout
What's the expiry date on tests?