Tangerine Referral Not Working

Anyone else having issues with the code you supply apparently not working?

Haven't had any refferal dollar credited to my account. Be it friends/ family and users from here that I have supplied the code. Probably max of 4 ppl so highly doubt I have somehow been blocked.

Also just been told from a referee through here the code asks for an agent code and the refferal code doesn't work

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  • I recently asked for one, and they credited to me.

    The referral code is on the first step of checkout, below the checkout button. The agent code IIRC is at the last step of checkout

    Edit: sorry confused, are you the referrer or the referee?

  • I wouldn't go with this mob, signed on last year and took over a month for them to even activate my service, their technical support is horrendous in terms of IT knowledge. The downtime is not worth any minimal discounts they offer. Switched to Aussie and they activated it within a couple of days.

    • I’ve been really happy with them.

      My service was activated very quickly and I had a BYO modem which they helped me set it up too over the phone.

      Have only had one other issue when it wasn’t their fault (power turned off at my place) and it took a while for my nbn box to reset and they still started the process for a call out, which wasn’t needed because the nbn box sorted itself out after a few hours.

  • +1

    When i was with them my referrals were never processed at all

  • I've had reports of one user saying he used my referral, but I never got anything…I will keep a close watch, but likely will churn away from this mob due to this

  • Confirm with your family and friends that they have signed up using the referral code before giving Tangerine a call/online chat. Quote your referral code not being credited however many times it had been used as they should have a record of it. I had to do that last time and got credited 2 times along with a review credit of $10. I think they are playing some kind of game trying not to honour it.

    Service wise I am very happy with it. I am a low maintenance guy so YMMV.

  • Can someone please PM a referral code?

  • Had about 5 paid to me

  • When you signup to tangerine via their website there is no option to enter referral code at all.
    When I called Tangerine in regards to referral code they not only wanted the referral code they wanted the service account number, full name and mobile number linked to that referral code to check if the account was still active.

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