This was posted 3 years 1 month 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Preorder] Clungene Rapid Antigen Test: 4 Packs of 5 Tests $200 ($10 Per Test) + $9.95 Postage @ OzSale

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So far one of the cheaper RAT tests, $10 per test + reasonable shipping ($9 to Sydney).
Very high sensitivity according to TGA site.

Dispatch 4th of Feb. Thanks @Ruptur3 for pointing it out.

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closed Comments

  • +15

    Just so you don't have to click, dispatching on the 4th of Feb.

    • +9

      That's not very rapid

    • +1

      So this is a preorder…

    • +1

      That's very expensive when you are buying in bulk. Cheaper to buy the 5 packs for $50 which many pharmacies now have in stock.
      It's definitely getting easier to get them as of today.

  • +5

    prices are going down

    • +31

      Coles employee spotted

      • +7

        GET HIM!

        • +1

          No added hormones?

      • Where are the fresh food people

        • +3

          In isolation, waiting for RAT tests :)

  • -3

    You can get them for free at any testing clinic in NSW

    • +5

      Well, I tried and failed with that…

      • -5

        by 4th Feb there will be plenty of stock at the testing clinic. Just go there and tell them you have symptoms. Paying for RATs only makes sense if you want to save time and get them delivered or f you need to confirm and hide your positive status.

        • +3

          you need to confirm and hide your positive status.


    • Any requirements?

      • +17

        Going to the clinic is one requirement

    • -2

      Correction: you can get ONE test for free when you prove that you need to isolate due to close contacts. And yes, you need to defy your isolation order to get a test.

      • +1

        You are still isolated if you are in a car by yourself

        • +2

          Because of course everyone has a car and every testing clinic around is a drive through.

          Furthermore, in order to get the test you have to have some communication with another person. Guess they "signed up for COVID" though right?

          • +2

            @decc0: You do realise some people in isolation will need to do a PCR test on day 6 by drive through right? Going out to get tested or picking up a RAT kit via drive through is not considered breaking isolation.

            • +2

              @MuddyClear: The fact you think this is good and enough is quite disturbing.

              Other countries you can order multiple tests per week and get delivered right to you very quickly.

              NSW: once you prove you're at a greater risk of getting COVID, you can get a single test you have to travel for. Wonder what the rules are if you don't have a car because all you've talked about is everyone owning one which isn't true.

              • -1


                Wonder what the rules are if you don't have a car…

                It’s pretty obvious, but I guess not for some people…

                • @MuddyClear: Yeah I know it's too much for your entitled ass to consider, sorry if I popped your bubble of privilege.

      • +1

        you need to defy your isolation order to get a test.

        If VIC you're allowed to leave isolation to get a test, doesn't NSW allow the same?

        • All states allow the same as there is no DIY or home delivery PCR testing. And for those that don’t have a car or family member to drive them then they obviously have no choice but to stay home and isolate for whatever number of days (longer I believe) as per the rules.

          • @MuddyClear:

            longer I believe

            Lol I think I remember the press conference saying "people without a car have to isolate for longer"

            Who cares if they get seriously ill because our government decided not to allow delivery of tests.

            • -1


              Who cares if they get seriously ill because our government decided not to allow delivery of tests.

              Yes the government does not care for idiots who think home delivery of tests is a good idea. If you have symptoms or are a close contact then your bottom end moving to a PCR testing clinic. No car? Well then work it out…Still confused? Wait for COVID to sort you out for good.

              • @MuddyClear:

                No car? Well then work it out… Still confused? Wait for COVID to sort you out for good.

                The liberal government wants you on their bench. Make no suggestions except to die

                • @decc0:

                  The liberal government wants you on their bench.

                  The question is does anyone want you on their bench? Hold on, no car right? Well you know what to do then.

                  • @MuddyClear: That makes so little sense I tried googling. I don't want to run for politics, I don't play sport and I'm not in school. My kitchen bench isn't very comfortable. What exactly were you meaning?

                    Well you know what to do then

                    Btw I love these generic filler responses 🤣🤣

                    • @decc0:

                      That makes so little sense

                      Still confused then.

                      I don't want to run for politics

                      Thank you but you wouldn’t qualify anyway.

                      My kitchen bench isn't very comfortable.

                      Sounds cheap. Why did you go cheap? Oh, no car right? Okay.

            • @decc0:

              Lol I think I remember the press conference saying "people without a car have to isolate for longer"

              I think you're making crap up….. You are not defying a isolation order to get a test, you don't need to isolate longer if you don't own a car.

              • @JimmyF:

                you don't need to isolate longer if you don't own a car

                Oh nah shit Sherlock, how did you work that out? Ever heard of something called sarcasm. I certainly wasn't agreeing with their claims 🤣

                • @decc0:

                  Ever heard of something called sarcasm

                  Who can tell with the dribble you post to what is sarcasm and what is what you believe is the 'truth' like you can't break ISO to get a covid test.

    • +2

      Yeah but you still need them in bulk to stack away with your toilet paper, masks, hand sanitiser and 10kgs of rice. 😉

  • -2

    Let's ban !

  • +17

    If you're in NSW, just wait for all of the parents to start selling the freebies that are being distributed via the schools later this week/early next. Every school kid is going to receive 2 free tests a week, but it's up to families if/how/when they use them. I'm expecting a flood on the secondary market.

    • +25

      The govt is so `*ed . Trusting AO Tennis players and Parent to self report .
      I'd love to know the stats on those that just don't .

      • +30

        How very dare you. Scomo is the best prime minister this country has ever had. We should all be grateful for his brilliance. Regards S.Morrison. Ah f*** another cock up, how do I unpost my name OP?

      • +3

        Govt dont care you live or die. They just care about budget.

        • +5

          it's not even the budget anymore, it's just helping Scotty's mates

          • +4

            @yikes914: Always has been 🌏👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀

          • +2

            @yikes914: Wait I thought everyone was complaining about him not giving out free tests? Now people are complaining he is giving out free tests?

            I'm confused 🤔

            • @incipient: Blaming the government for all of your problems is the new normal.

    • +1

      Yep keep an eye out on gumtree for them

    • They will be able to sell it for 120% over the purchase price without getting fined. So $0. haha

      • 120% over RRP .

        • Nope…. 120% of the cost to acquire them. So maybe they could charge 120% of transport to/from school.

          people should report those trying to sell RATs that they have been given by a government organisation. If people choose not to use them they should either not take them in the first place or give them to people who need them.

          • -1

            @morse: I thought the 120% only applied to businesses selling them. Individuals could charge whatever.

            • +2

              @Elpres: Nope - individuals can be fined. I think it's up to $5000 for an individual. Maybe check the legality of your side hustle if that's your thing.

              Laws aside, it's pretty unethical to take something that has been paid for by tax payers for free with the intention that it's for your use and then sell it for personal gain. Particularly when we're talking about something that is part of a public health strategy.

              • @morse: Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately roughly unethical is how you seem to get ahead these days (insider trading, friends in high places, politicians looking out for #1, etc). It's part of our bum slide into excessive capitalism lol.

    • -1

      I hope the schools don't let opportunistic "parents" drive to various schools and collect RAT tests for their "child"

      • +8

        Well I'm guessing if your child isn't on the school register they'd politely tell you to f##k off.

    • plus all the pensioners now getting their 5 free box of RAT this week.. :)

    • Every school kid is going to receive 2 free tests a week

      For how many weeks though in NSW? In VIC its 2 free tests a week for 4 weeks. So a total of 8 all up.

  • +2

    Before you spend $200 - if you have kids, Tests are free from Vic state sites, you just need to ask. Went to an inner city location, no issues with stock and not a long wait.

    • +7

      The flu doesn't cause 60 deaths a day or potentially incapacitate people with "long-flu" even if initial symptoms are mild.

      What I'm more perplexed about is the point of these tests. By the time you get a positive, there's nothing that you can do to keep yourself safe and avoid getting it.

        • +13


          Zero deaths in Australia from flu in 2021 and 36 in 2020.

          But don’t let the facts get in the way of your delusion.

          (mandatory flu vax for nursing home visitors/staff/anyone might have helped; NSW 1st May 2020); sorry more facts.

            • +1


              that even if a patient has cleared a COVID-19 infection, they are still counted as a COVID-19 death;

              But would they have died if it was not for COVID?
              Just because someone may have passed the infection does not mean that they did not die as a consequence of contracting COVID

            • +1

              @tharlow: If we don’t test, then how do you know that those deceased people have the flu? Or did you just make that up?

        • +6

          There’s a long-everything. Again, fake news.

          Not fake news
          I have brain fog, it feels like mini-alzheimer's.
          No longer testing positive to COVID (by RAT)
          I keep forgetting what I need to do for a second or two, I have trouble concentrating because of this.

          This did not happen before I contracted COVID.

      • +1

        Based on the rules within your state, I believe this could be the difference of being allowed to work or not. Could be wrong though.

    • How do you know ?

    • +3

      What's it like being nuts?

      • -2

        If one would pull one’s head out of the sand, one might find out!

        • If I pull my head out of the sand, I'll find out what it's like to be a Covid denier? Sweet!

    • +1

      COVID is not influenza

  • With cases going down to the low 10k,expect these will drop in price soon in a few weeks.

    • I hope it stays that way too but then you have schools opening up next week….ffs

      • school has been opened since term 4 last year and it hardly was an issue. It was the Christmas gathering that's causing a chain of reaction, school has been doing their own classroom bubble for a while so there'll be cluster here and there but not as bad.

  • +1

    That's very good price for very high sensitivity. Brought 20 InnoScreen the other day with the same price but they are barely acceptable sensitivity.

  • +3

    What is with that vulgar brand name?

    • +20

      Bring your wellies, because we’re going to be knee deep in clunge

  • +5

    Does the clunge go in your nose or mouth? Asking for a friend…

    • +5

      It’s a painless anal swab

    • +1

      dammit, I came here to make that joke !

      • Anal swabs are no joke!

        • +2

          I guess that depends on which end of the swab you're at?

          • @bluechan: Some people enjoy their job more than others — it’s true

  • +1

    why do they all have weird names

    • Because most are made in China and the names dont translate well

  • Very High Sensitivity

  • +1… we should sign this petition to access them for free

    • There's no such thing as free. We'll have to pay for them one way or another. If you get them from the government. You are just paying for them via tax instead of retail.

      • +3

        If they were all paid for via our taxes ie freely available and paid for by the government with regulation of supply and distribution, we wouldn’t be seeing the price gouging and hoarding going on that we are now.

      • +1

        There's no such thing as free. We'll have to pay for them one way or another. If you get them from the government. You are just paying for them via tax instead of retail.

        But yet we are all totally ok with the gov handing out jobkeeper money in the billions during 2020 to companies who made record profits during 2020……

        Which yes as you pointed out there is no 'free' here, it was just a transfer by the libs from the people who pay tax, to businesses who pay little to no tax!! Yes harvey norman, I'm looking at you!

        I honestly would rather my taxes went to free RATs than stuffing the pockets of Gerry Harvey or those other businesses.

      • There's no such thing as free. We'll have to pay for them one way or another. If you get them from the government. You are just paying for them via tax instead of retail.

        Why do people think that it's a killer point to say that governments use public funds to do things? That's a platitude, not an argument.

        Nobody is labouring under the illusion that governments get things by magic. Everyone knows that "free" means "free at the point of use". The argument for free tests is that this is a situation where it is justified and important for the government to use public funds here – to provide an important good that is needed in a major public health crisis.

  • +1

    wow it is still available shows….. ! soon prices might drop dead like what happened with mask.. !

  • +2

    When do we stop testing? Is there a roadmap out of testing or does this just go on forever now ?

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