New puppy, need a cage?I bought a puppy German shepherd.
New puppy, need a cage?

It's only 8 weeks, no training!
Did the breeder crate train it?
If you have a vet it might be worth talking to them about cage training etc. My old Vet had puppy classes so you could get you pup socialised and following basic commands.
Get a crate if you wish to crate train properly. If not don't just shove the puppy in a crate as punishment or to suit your lifestyle.
Also, don't make the same mistake as us. Don't call your new puppy google. It was fun 8 years ago but everytime we call the dog today the house echoes with
I'm not sure what you mean by that
Plus if you are outside and the dog goes inside, they are the smartest dog in the room.
I bought a puppy German shepherd.
Photo of German shep-pupper required or it didn't happen ;)
Don’t need a cage, just get baby gates for the laundry or bathroom
If OP graduates from raising this training child, OPs next post be "New baby, need a gate?"
"just gave birth, what do I do now"
We bought a cage for our puppy when we bought her, never used the cage past 4 years.
You may need some baby gates at your home to restrict your puppy's movement though. Also, when you do the vee and poo training specially night time restrict her to 1sqm with half the area covered with the puppy pee pads.
Fun times!
You bought a German Shepard without fully researching and understanding how to Train and care for it?
This will end with you putting it up for adoption in a few months
Why do people buy living creatures without preparing for it?
I did not know about crate training until just now but I'm convinced.…
Find one the usual way - Google. You can get them from K Mart or Target if you need one in a hurry, as you do.
Absolutely. Crate training our GSD pup has been invaluable. Potty training only took a few days, and having somewhere secure for them to nap while we're working is worth it's weight in gold.
Get a crate big enough for a full-sized GSD, and make sure it comes with a divider so you can make it small while they're a puppy.
Also if you haven't already, check out German Shepherd Man on YouTube - heaps of really good advice and training methods.
Thank you, I have bought a full size dog crate!
If they are crate trained, then yes. If you purchased from a breeder, check with them.