• expired

Samsung HW-Q950A 11.1.4ch Home Theatre Soundbar (2021) $1059 ($1009 with $50 Voucher) Shipped @ Samsung EPP Portal

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Samsung ANZ EPP site (presumably all partners) are having this offer.
Spend $1200 or more on any Domestic Appliance, TV, Soundbar, Monitor and Memory products and save $200.
Offer ends 31.01.2022.

I was looking for this soundbar for quite some time and able to get it for $1009

Samsung HW-950A Soundbar
11.1.4 channel as it comes with the soundar, sub and 2x rear speakers.
Supports Dolby Atmos and DTS:X

Current price : $1259, once you add the product to cart, automatically, it changes to 1059 and top apply $50 newsletter bonus so it becomes $1009

Details on EPP stores, click on link below.


Thanks @ThatguyfromCBR for sharing the price from student and Govt employee portal.
$1129 for Govt employees

$1129 on student portal as well

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closed Comments

  • -6

    Uhh…11.1.4 and Soundbar in the same sentence?

    What’s next, lemme guess, is it 25,000 Watts* output power?


    • -2

      I get what you're saying but these high end sound bars do have specifically tuned individual drivers, a sub woofer and rear speakers so 11.1.4 is an accurate representation.

      • +12

        Tuned drivers? That’s marketing speak..every speaker has “tuned” drivers.

        If this soundbar is trying to make sounds appear like they come from locations where there physically is no speaker, the only way to do it, is through reflections.

        As such this device would highly benefit from being tuned to your specific room, with your walls and ceiling playing an important part in the timing of when each speaker is fired.

        I searched the Samsung website but didn’t see any mention of a setup / calibration microphone in order to assist with this tuning process?

        In fact, all I did see, is pictures of audio waves moving in circles around the room and a disclaimer that, quote, ** Sound effect may vary depending on environmental characteristics (including ceiling).**

        Physics apparently is trumped by marketing, as this product will obviously sell… oh and the fact that I would guess that 99% of people who buy this have never actually heard a real 11.1.4 setup to compare it to. So how would they know any better.

        Each to their own, but buyers should be aware..

        • +3

          I studied audio engineering and did a unit on acoustic engineering.
          Unless ppl acoustically treat the rooms they wish to listen to any sort of audio, you are bound to hear an inaccurate representation of the audio.
          So is a high end soundbar worth it. Yes, provided you acoustically treat ur room.
          Otherwise not so much, just buy whatever is in ur budget.

        • +7

          Calm your horses. No one is saying the soundbar is a replacement for a dedicated 5.1. It does however produce great sound if you don't have the space or want an amp+speaker set up.

          And here's your room calibration wasn't that hard to find.

          • +1

            @Dream-cast: Samsung is saying it's actually a replacement for an 11.1?

            • @Jackson: Samsung is saying to replace your dedicated 11.1 HT set up with their 11.1 soundbar? Where?

              • +2

                @Dream-cast: It's implied, for most of us laymen. It's unclear marketing that they benefit from, so there's no effort to allow the average person to believe that a 5.1 setups is actually better than an 11.1 soundbar

                • -1

                  @Jackson: Ok, so Samsung isn't saying that. How else is Samsung supposed to advertise how many speakers its soundbar has? It's not Samsung's fault if the average person doesn't do their homework.

                  • +1

                    @Dream-cast: It's also probably debatable whether 11.1 soundbar is better than a say 9.1 soundbar. It's just playing bigger numbers. It might have 2 extra speakers, but in the same box will anyone notice? It's just training laymen to pick an easy method of differentiation that maybe makes zero difference

                    • @Jackson: Yeah but not one is actually saying 11.1 is better. Samsung marketing says it has 11.1 speakers and it produces great sounds. You're making your own interpretations.

                      • +1

                        @Dream-cast: I'm not, but I can appreciate that people are, and there's a very logical thought process behind that reasoning

        • +4

          I bought this recently after looking at a bunch of separate options. It’s nothing like a ‘real’ 11.1.4 system but you cannot get anything decent for close to this price. It’s still extremely good and 99% of people will be quiet happy. The fact that it’s not ‘just’ a sound bar and has actual physical rear speakers makes it pretty decent.

          Without a Samsung TV you don’t get any real automatic calibration. The biggest issue it has with manual calibration is you can’t adjust left and right rear channels independently, but you can at least adjust each position (side/rear etc) separately.

          Comparing this to a completely separate system is like comparing a Ute to a semi trailer. If you want the semi trailer, you know.

        • -3

          How much to buy your so called acoustic tuned monkey ears 11.1.4 setup, talk acounstics and charge arm and leg for installation.

          • +1

            @regenade: Dunno, don’t have one.
            But if I wanted one, I wouldn’t be buying this.

            Soundbars are great for being “better than TV” speakers, and usually provide a fantastic upgrade for only a few hundred bucks…

            but cmon…. Dolby atmos / 15 channels? Gimme a break, that’s just marketing.

            • +2

              @desty: It has got automatic room calibration. Overall sound is pretty awesome, specially Dolby atmos on movies. Its not in the league of what you consider as just “better than TV” speakers.

              But yes, you have already made your mind, so you would probably keep on negging it without ever listening it.

              While I agree it may not be for the dedicated home theatre setup, but for a neatly displayed living room, it give a great sound in a clean look.

              • +1

                @EssendonUser: I have an older model and I just love it. Power for days and so easy to set up with only 4 pieces.

                I'm really impressed with atmos blu-rays. Only problem is it's far too bassy and I have no idea why the volume goes to 100 when anything above 30 makes it impossible to even be in the room.

        • +1

          "I searched the Samsung website but didn’t see any mention of a setup / calibration microphone in order to assist with this tuning process?"

          Not related to this product, but I was super impressed by Sonos's idea of using apple's iphone microphones to do calibration (they are a known sound signiture so can be used).

          Sony also does something similiar with their HT-a9's where they have mics on each speaker to do their full room calibration, it does exist.

          • @Jofzar: Ok, is that what are you looking for ? - I have got q950A and I have done this - open SmartThings application which got calibration option. Go to auto EQ > Tune Auto EQ, which pretty much initiate a buzzing sound wave from the soundbars and the other speakers, which lasts for few minutes and eventually calibrate it for the room.

        • +2

          I agree with you and what others may be missing is that, they are selling it as a 11.1.4 system and pushing that idea out to a lot of people who dont know any better. Theres a lot of people who just hear 5.1, 7.1 etc etc and think that 11.1.4 is the next step up and is better even though the 7.1 system may actually have 7.1 speakers… I have the older model of this in a room as well as sonos playbar and sub with rear speakers in my bedroom and a proper dedicated room with separate speakers. Its no comparison.

          • +2

            @lonewolf: I tried telling this in the past and was negged perhaps by those who purchased Sonos and didn't want to hear the truth as it's too late for them.

            You hear them repeat things like "it sounds pretty good" and so on. Sonos themselves say that their sound bar isn't to be compared to a proper av receiver + surround speakers system. But to some people here not only it's comparable but they're deluded enough to think that these sound bars are somehow going to sound better.

            • +2

              @CocaKoala: "but they're deluded enough to think that these sound bars are somehow going to sound better." People actually say this?
              Im all for sound bars for practicality purposes as they are fantastic for their smaller portfolio but for people to actually believe they are better than av receiver set up… i havent come across this yet.
              I think most people will say they are better value for them as they fill the gap for their audio while not compromising their smaller space

            • +1

              @CocaKoala: Perhaps it does sound pretty good? And to the average user that's all they need. You're also forgetting the practical reason for getting a soundbar is that its smaller and easier to set up. Until they can shrink an amp and 5.1 speaker set up into a form factor as small as a soundbar without sacrificing sound, soundbars will always have a place.

          • -1

            @lonewolf: That's no different to any type of marketing speak. 108 megapixel camera? 99% fat free (but loaded with sugar)? 300 horsepower engine? 144hz screen? All of these figures are true but it's never the full picture. Like with any purchase, it's up to the buyer to do their research.

            • +2

              @Dream-cast: Actually in this case its not true. 11.1 was always referred to as speaker count and different signals / targets etc. Except in the soundbar its all in 1 speaker with different angles and in some cases using sudo 3D sound software.

              And like doing research, its good for people in the know to then speak up and say , "hang on guys, this isnt as good as proper separate speakers", without that person being told by others that thats pointless information. This is the research that buyers will be reading.

              • @lonewolf: Actually it is true because Samsung have never said "11.1 speakers". It is however 11.1 channels of sound. Again it's up to the purchaser to do their research.

                • +2

                  @Dream-cast: The 11 channels of sound was always designed to be coming from different locations, not from 1 speaker. And again, the purchaser will get their research from people on forums like these telling them exactly where they stand and how it works. So again for others to come on and tell these people to not bother posting information about how separate speakers are better doesnt make sense because then there is no way for the purchaser to do their research.

                  • -1

                    @lonewolf: Well the purchaser can just ask a sales person at any hifi store. What's the difference between a sound bar and amp with 5.1 speakers? Simples. In fact that's what people often do.

                    I'm not arguing against people posting information im saying soundbars have their place and people recommending 5.1 over one are not thinking about the use case.

                    • +1

                      @Dream-cast: Actually thats the worst thing you can do, most sales people are the worst people to ask especially in the stores that give commission etc. A lot of sales people dont know anything about what they sell or they are just interested in selling the item and not in informing. The forums and talking to peers who have already got more knowledge in this area or experience and have tried both systems out etc are generally the best options as they dont really have a stake in the sale of either item.

                      I definitely agree soundbars have a place, my point was the other person posted some information and people came on and said he doesnt have to post that useful information. I see the same issue when it comes to food delivery service deals on here and people trying to inform others to just check prices of the menu directly as sometimes even after the deal, its not as good as just ordering directly . These people sometimes get shouted down because apparently everyone should know this already, but people dont know till others inform them. Case in point i didnt realise how bad the markup was myself till i read others point it out and then i started to check directly.

  • I paid 1262 just 3 weeks ago at appliancesonline, should I return and refund?

    • Do you have EPP access?

      • I have

    • whats your feedback on the soundbar system? do you like it and recommend it?

      • +5

        Surprisingly large and long and a dust magnet. The menu screen is tiny and not visible when you're sitting on the couch as it faces the top and not the front. I didn't know the rear speakers are now wireless which is great one less set of wires to deal with though they each are powered by their own power cables.

        Sounds amazing, put it through its paces with a couple of war movies you can really hear the bombs dropping on you and bullets flying past. Having said that I've never had a system like this before. Bought for $1250 from JB 3 weeks ago, I'd say at this price definitely well worth it

        • Google Q950A prism for your menu display issue, thank me later!

          • @[Deactivated]: Do you know where to buy this prism from? I can't find spec or place who sell it? Thanks

    • Same here! wondering if it's worth the hassle?

      • +1

        U can calculate the worth by the man hours required to pack and return and multiply by your hourly income. Plus add in over time rate since u would do it outside normal business hours.

        • But I’m looking for a job

          • +1

            @ntt: It means ur time is worth 0$ so it's worth the trouble. Haha

      • What would appliance online do with a second hand soundbar system and what reasons you tell them, found it cheaper??

        • Just tell them you are not happy with the quality and performance. They won't approve returns bassed on price complains. Electrical goods price fluctuate all the time. I think there is a window of 30 or 60 days customer satisfaction period. Could return for free minus shipping cost. I returned the blender last time. Appliance Online after-sales service is quite commendable. AO will probably sell the returned items as "renewed" items on eBay.
          You could try request for Credit for the price difference if purchased within 2-4 weeks.

          • +1

            @Michael Lim: 100% satisfaction
            At Samsung, we stand by the quality of our products. However, if you're not 100% satisfied with your Soundbar purchase, we’ll refund your money.*

            I can't find the T&C for it.

            • @Oauiii: you have to pay for the pick up arrangement

              • @ntt: Do u know how much the courier cost would be for the q950a box?

                • @Oauiii: no idea, I'd skip it this time, $200 not worth my trouble.

    • Same scenario! I bought from the good guys. Wonder if I just buy from Samsung and return to good guys the unopened one.

      • Serial number on the box might catch you out

    • What would appliance online do with a second hand soundbar system and what reasons you tell them, found it cheaper??

  • This or Sonos beam 2?

    • this can be compared to sonos arc, sub and one setup .. beam 2 is not in the same league

  • This seems to have good reviews. I’m debating replacing my old HT setup which is a mess of cables between a huge receiver/amplifier and speakers/sub all in one spot due to nowhere to run cables.

    Does anyone know if this works well as an HDMI switch particularly for 4K content? I know not all switches are equal especially for some types of content which won’t play.

    • Does your TV support eArc + Dolby Atmos?

      • Yes and no. Is my tv required to support Atmos?

        • It doesn’t need to if you’re plugging your Atmos capable device via the Soundbar.

          • @BillyG687: Actually I think my TV just supports normal ARC. Would that change your recommendation? I’m no audiophile and just want a way to connect quite a few devices like Xbox series X, foxtel, switch, Apple TV, etc and my Samsung 75” LCD TV only has three HDMI ports, one of which is the ARC. I tried various HDMI switches but they either had random artefacts and glitches or didn’t work at all when showing 4K content.

            • +1

              @jace88: In one way or another your device may be crippled.
              eARC is the best way to connect t your soundbar with the TV connecting to your series x (if using hdmi2.1.)
              If you don't have a hdmi2.1 connecting the series x to your soundbar should be able to send 4k 60hz signal and get full atmos support

              • @maverickjohn: I thought to get full potential your TV must support Dolby Atmos?

  • +3

    $1129 for Govt employees

    $1129 on student portal as well :)

    • +1

      It's still showing $1399 on the student portal.

    • I don't have student account so can't check price, will have to ask someone to buy for me. Would you kindly confirm this price as below comment states $1399. Do you also apply discount or voucher codes?

      • +2


        Links to prices on my edu/govt portals

        • So do you get this additional $200 discount when add to cart or $1329 is final price? Standard normal price is now $1399?
          Edit: I seen note about the $200 discount.

        • Thank you @ThatguyfromCBR, I have updated in description.

  • Purchased a few weeks ago for about 1400 when the median pricing showed closer to 2000, very good price for what is in my opinion, great sound.

    As others mentioned, virtual speakers are created to provide a rich experience that can be appreciated in adaptive mode, surround or game pro.

    The subwoofer’s mic is used to auto calibrate your room to set up the sound stage with auto eq.

  • +1

    Love my q950a. Still looking for rear stands though

  • +2

    I have the 950t which is one generation down, Sound quality is excellent. Just beware that due to the subwoofer and rear speakers being wireless, there's a fair bit of wifi interference which can make the sub and rear speakers buzz,crackle and cut out.

    • How often do you have to charge the rear speaker or plug in? Thanks

      • +1

        Still needs to be plugged in for power.

  • really happy with mine, gets really loud but always clear, using Q Symphony on 75" Q80t works well..

  • +11

    Yes, all the audiophiles are crying about the performance, but I have this unit and the sound is superb. Easy to set up, no wires (apart from power supplies) and solid performance.

    • +2

      I am also very happy with mine! It sounds great!

  • +2

    having zero luck with the voucher… been chasing them up as well.

    • message me, ive got one for you

      • all out of codes, so thanks to everyone who messaged

        tips for people who don't have a code yet
        register with multiple emails (use gmail +1s at the end)
        email [email protected]
        wait ~3hrs if no code by then something's wrong

        • I actually did that, registered with 4 accounts but i still haven't got it. Checked spam, trash etc but theyre not there.

        • I registered with 2 emails, also sent email to [email protected], but still haven't received any code, not sure how long it takes to send the code

          • @hothot: finally got it for one of my gmail account, order placed

    • +1

      Me too! I've been waiting a few hours. How long have you been waiting?

      • a day now

  • Had a q90a (2019 predecessor), and now this system. 10 times better for some reason in the same room. Also added a decent marklevinson subwoofer which cost more than the whole samsung system (wired to the existing Samsung Bluetooth sub) and this rocks for movies. $1k is a no brainer for such a good system if you need one.

    • more info please. been wanting to add/upgrade sub on this system

      • +1

        In the back of the Samsung subwoofer is a circuit board. Take it out by removing the 4 screws, including the two wire speaker wire. I went to jaycar and picked up a two pin socket. Fits but not a perfect fit. Buy some decent speaker wire, terminate the ends with the plug. I soldered them but can maybe crimp them. Note the polarity + / -.

        Now the thing is to get a new subwoofer with what they call hi level inputs. You can connect the other end of your cable directly on to them. Once again try line up the polarity otherwise you will reverse the phase of the sound. Not all subs have hi level inputs so you will need to google for subs with them. My sub I purchased just for this and it is awesome. Oh, I ran the cable that goes to my new sub out through the Samsung subs pipe/funnel and then screwed the circuit board back onto the samsing sub. All done, no issues. Does this help?

        • Champion. Makes perfect sense

  • Adding 11+ drivers doesn't make it 11.1.4ch. It needs to be in the right position. You will never get proper Atmos or surround sounds using sound bar gimmicks.

    • +1

      true but most people do not have the means for a dedicated cinema room (home cinema space + a proper 11 channel atmos set up you are looking at 10-20x cost) not to mention the clutter. properly set up for the room and calibrated correctly this is pretty decent for the price and profile

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