Greetings everyone, LG Direct are currently offering a $50 coupon with a signup on their site, and this doesn't seem to have a minimum spend (although it's written as $350 on site).
Most products are generally RRP or too expensive to really take advantage of, but this remote which is good for any LG Smart TV is really cheap.
Note: Stock is dependent on local stock levels, so some states may sell out faster than others. I have checked all local postcodes in every state and it seems as though all states are marked as having stock.
- Create an account by pressing the person icon at the top right of the page and press sign up and create account.
- Add the Magic Remote to cart when logged in.
- Apply the coupon in the order summary dropdown box (Select Coupon) - LG Members Welcome 2022 - and it will bring the price to $9.40.
- Checkout as normal and delivery will be free nationwide.
LG Magic Remote - Now Out of Stock
Remote Info:
* Backwards compatible with 2021, 2020, 2019 TVs
* Voice Recognition with Intuitive Mouse Like Pointing and Wheel Control
* Universal Remote Control
* Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Hot Keys
* Number Key Pad
* Magic Zoom
Some Other Cheap Items with the code:
- LG LT120F - Replacement Fridge Air Filter - FREE or 2 for $5.
Compatible fridges: GC-B247ESL, GC-D247SL, GC-L247ENSL, GC-P247ESL, GF-5D712BSL, GF-5D712SL, GF-5D906SL, GF-5L712PL, GF-6D725BGL, GF-AD701BSL, GF-AD701SL, GF-AD910SL, GF-B590MBL, GF-B590PL, GF-D708BSL, GF-D708MBSL, GF-D725BML, GF-L570MBL, GF-L570PL, GF-L677SL, GF-L708PL, GF-SD730SL, GF-SL730SL, GF-V570MBL, GF-V708BSL, GF-V708MBSL, GF-V910MBLC, GF-V910MBSL, GF-VB590MBL, GP-5D906BSL, GR-5D725SL, GR-5D951L, GR-D257SL, GR-D730SL, GR-D907SL, GR-L730SL, GS9366AEAV, GS-B655MBL, GS-B655PL, GS-B655WL, GS-B679PL, GS-D635MBLC, GS-D635PLC, GS-D665BSL, GS-D665PL, GS-L635MBL, GS-L635PL, GS-L668PL, GS-M678PL, GS-N635MBL, GS-N635PL, GS-V635MBLC, GS-V635PLC, GS-V665MBL, GS-V665PL, GS-VB655MBL, GS-VB655PL, GW-S6038AC
- LG LT1000P - Water Filter Replacement Cartridge $5 Delivered
Compatible fridges: GF-D706BSL, GF-D706MBL, GF-D708BSL, GF-D708MBSL, GF-L570MBL, GF-L570PL, GF-L677SL, GF-L706MBL, GF-L706PL, GF-L708PL, GF-V570MBL, GF-V706BSL, GF-V706MBL, GF-V708BSL, GF-V708MBSL, GF-V910MBL, GF-V910MBSL, GF-V910MBLC, GR-D257SL, GS-D665BSL, GS-D665PL, GS-L668PL, GS-V665MBL, SG-5I700TSL
As always, enjoy :)
Was trying to get 2x air filter for $5 and check out with Afterpay method and twice payment didn’t go through. Trying for the 3rd time now and the coupon code has disappeared. In my account under Orders there’s 2 canceled orders….
Great for those who got the deal.