This was posted 3 years 1 month 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1,XSX] Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee $3.73, GTA IV $13.98, Sonic Gen. $7.48, Red Dead Redem. $16.64, Tomb Raider: Anniv. $4.49@MS


For anyone who wouldn't mind snapping up some old games, Microsoft has a backwards compatibility sale on at the moment. There are quite a few games on sale that were the ones recently added in the final backwards compatibility update in November 2021.

You can get a further 9% off this price if you have access to Suncorp Rewards, you just need to purchase Microsoft/Xbox Gift Cards. The only thing is that the gift cards can only be bought in $10, $25, $50 or $100 blocks. You just redeem it as credit on your account that can be used on purchases at any time.

There is also 5.5% cashback through ShopBack/Cashrewards. (Edit: Can also get 10% off giftcards through ShopBack (Thanks llzzz))
10% cashback on Xbox Gift cards

Link to the full list of specials below:

I tried to list some of the deals that stood out to me. There was quite a lot. Happy to add any others that anyone would recommend :)


Edit: Thanks BargainGeezer and RealGTalkin, I have added your suggestions.

Game Price Discount
Bully: Scholarship Edition $8.18 60%
Burnout Revenge $7.47 50%
Fable Anniversary $12.61 75%
Fable II $14.97 50%
F.E.A.R. 2 $9.98 60%
Grand Theft Auto IV $13.98 65%
Just Cause 2 $3.06 85%
Max Payne $10.77 40%
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne $10.77 40%
Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete $13.70 33%
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee $3.73 75%
Rayman Origins $6.74 67%
Red Dead Redemption $16.64 67%
RESIDENT EVIL CODE: Veronica X $5.99 80%
Saints Row 2 $2.24 85%
Saints Row: The Third $3.06 85%
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed $7.48 75%
Sonic Generations $7.48 75%
SpongeBob: Truth-Sq. $14.97 50%
Stuntman: Ignition $5.11 75%
TimeSplitters 2 $3.73 75%
TimeSplitters Future Perfect $3.73 75%
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent $8.18 60%
Tomb Raider: Anniversary $4.49 85%

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closed Comments

  • Thanks

    How long is this sale on for?

    • +1

      No worries! It's on for six more days

  • +3

    Very nice! Cheers! Time to finally check out Timesplitters I reckon!

  • +3

    Time Splitters Future Perfect is also $3.73

  • +2

    GTA 4, been looking forward to a price drop, thanks!

  • +8

    purchased Red dead 1 about two months ago for my series S. 1440p/30, I don't lie when I say the game looks better than AAA games released in the last 2 years.. that good still

    • +5

      Wait until you play RDR2. The scenery, cinematography, and graphics blew me away.

      • -7

        Too bad about the rest of the game.

        • What was wrong with RDR2?

          • -4

            @BLB1984: It doesn’t know what it wants to be. Conflicting design direction makes it clunky and very unenjoyable for me.

      • Loved rdr2, some great graphics and music. Wish I took more time to explore early in the game

  • +5

    Worth noting that the three Sonic games on that list have all recently gained FPS boost upgrades and run at 60fps if you're playing them on Series X/S. Think I'll be picking them up on that fact alone!

    • +1

      Sonic Generations is also 4k enhanced.

  • +3

    Oh bugger, mate of mine finally lashed out and bought TimeSplitters 2 for 15 bucks a couple days ago after waiting almost a year for it to go on sale and now both it and it's sequel are 3.73. I don't wanna tell the poor guy.

    • +1

      14 days can ask for a refund

      • Yeah, I told him yesterday, dug up the link and everything. Ball's in your court now, Cameron.

        • +1

          Did you tell him you're here to provide savings a chew bubblegum, but you're all out of gum?

          • +1

            @King Steuart: It's time to tell people about good deals and care about their feelings regarding previous purchases,

            And I'm all out of care for their feelings regarding previous purchases.

  • +1

    Xbox gift cards all 10% off from Shopback, better deal than Suncorp rewards!

  • +5

    Thanks OP. I don't think we see enough Xbox game sales deals posted. On occasion, there are some decent deals. 👍

  • +1

    Thanks OP, bye you listed Just Cause 2 twice

    • Thanks for picking up on that! Just fixed it

  • +8

    Microsoft just bought activision/blizzard for 70 billion. Gamepass gonna get nuts

    • +2

      MS is just killing it this generation.

    • -7

      Wtf? They don’t even make good games anymore. What a waste of money. You could produce great games from smaller devs for multiple console generations with that money. Xbox has lost their damn minds.

      The only winners are activision blizzard. Made bank one last time.

    • Had to Google it as I'd just woke up to this comment and couldn't believe it.

      Jesus (profanity) Christ.

      Anyway, just yesterday I was toying with picking up a cheap copy of Modern Warfare 3 to replay, or downloading the Wii version since it has Classic Control support and shoving it on RetroArch on the Xbox. Guess I can now just sit and wait until it ideally eventually comes to Game Pass.

      Jesus (profanity), 70 billion, crazy.

  • +2

    Bully is also $8.18

  • XSX newbie question, can the gift cards be used for sub payment(s)?

    • +1


  • But you do need a credit card (I think)

    I purchased a few gift cards with the intention of not putting my details online, but they require address, bday and credit card before letting you sub to live/gamepass.

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