• expired

We're Giving Away $10 Store Credit @ www.i-tech.com.au for OzBargainers


We giving away $10 each to everyone at ozbargain, you can use it to buy our ever popular HP N40L, WD HDDs, Astone Media players, or anything that suits your liking.

If you haven't purchase from us before, register for an account @ https://www.i-tech.com.au/Security/Register.aspx
PM me your registered email address @ www.i-tech.com.au
I'll add $10 Store Credit = 1000 Reward points to your account, then I'll reply you back via PM.
Place your order online, at the "Payment Details" page, click on "Use Reward Point" to apply discounts.
Please do not create dummy accounts, 1 per person only

Deal ends Midday Monday.

This weekends specials

Mod: Removed voting requirement as it is against our guidelines

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closed Comments

  • -5

    Err.. your DNS service has expired!

  • I'm thinking about buying Kensington PowerBolt Duo Car Charger. No disrespect, but having been burnt by buying replicas stuff before, can you please confirm that this is actually a genuine Kensington product?

    • +2

      We only sell Genuine products, sourcing from authorized distributors.

      • Thanks for that.

      • +2

        That might be true, but that's the same thing all fakers say. No one selling fakes will ever admit they're selling fakes. In a lot of cases, they simply don't know they're fake. This is especially true of memory cards.

  • +12

    Seems like a flat shipping rate of $14? Even for a sd card…. meh

    • +7

      Oh crap, well that blows this deal out of the sky more or less IMO.

      • +2

        Same. I think a prefer a free shipping deal. This is better than nothing I guess.

  • i sent you a message.. how long would it take to get the credit?

    • voted as well!

  • probably nothing i'd buy at this stage but +1 anyway for a good deal/future deals :)

  • voted for you and sent you msg, generous offer, thankyou OP

  • Can you please give any examples of products which you think are a particular bargain (given $10 off)?

  • +2
    • +2

      A good deal on these would see me grab one too =).

    • +3

      I-tech is an expensive store!!!! They have intel 520 120gb listed at $200, whereas u can find greenboxit has it for 183, msy had them for 184. Even after the 10 dollar discount, it is still more expensive than msy or greenboxit.

      Certainly not a bargain on expensive items!!!

  • voted and sent msg to you

  • Nice one

  • voted and messaged

  • How to sent PM??

    • and charge diffrent shipping rates…

      Issues like this seem to happen when you have companies running large Dropshipping websites…

  • +13

    $14 flat shipping cost on everything !!!! stop messing around with OZBargainers !

  • ok i will sign up

    but $14 for shipping kills the deal

  • shipping rate kind of kills it

  • +2

    The 2TB internal HDD seems a good deal @ $109 after discount (if you pickup): http://www.i-tech.com.au/products/89727_Western_Digital_WD20…

  • not bad…. not GREAT either.

  • good work Rep!!

  • +3

    $10 is nothing, if you get something cheap the postage kills you, if you get something expensive, e.g. $100 it's only a 10% discount….

    Very tricky title!

  • +4

    $14 shipping is gross! reduce it! ;)

    • what $14, the microserver cost $22 to ship in sydney itself. bit extreme when DSE, catch of the day,bigW and other ship bigger items for less

      • i think dessytek and others charged $16 to deliver a microserver

        these guys charge about the same and give $10 off and they're the bad guys?


  • +10

    Item prices are not that competitive. Shipping of a small item to Sydney and Wollongong is $14. That kills it.

  • -1

    What is "PM" and it is "Post Comment"?

    • +1

      private message?

  • +4

    Maybe a better title - "$4 shipping on everything"?

    • i think they also offer pickup if you wanna get to ultimo

      still.. this is the cheapest way to get a microserver so can't complain

      • It can be cheaper to buy 2 in same order,
        at least from guys like HT.com

        The earliest N36L deal (direct from HP)
        was $199 -including- S+H

  • Wow, didnt expect such good response. I'll endeavor to apply the reward points ASAP. Keep them coming.

    • +18

      might want to work on ur shipping prices too

    • How to display our reward points (past + today's)?

      • login website, then click on My Profile.

  • -1

    Just quick look makes me really doubt in your honesty.
    From your weekends specials:

    Sapphire ATI HD6450 1G DDR3 1G 64Bit GDDR3 PCIE VGA DVI HDMI DX11 Low Profile Heatsink


    - Memory: 512MB / 64-bit DDR3;


  • +7

    Do not understand the love for this deal at all when there is a $14 shipping cost for something like an SD card. What am I missing? This just seems like free advertising for the rep.

    • It seems good only if you can pick up.

    • +7

      The shipping should be something like $4… Instead its $14.

      Charging $10 extra for shipping and promoting a $10 voucher isn't a deal in my books, sorry.

    • Exactly, it's a bait and switch..

      • +3

        I thought Bait & Switch was advertising X but, when you get to the store, showing only Y…

        This is more like the old "hide extra profit in the shipping" eBay trick, since forbidding by eBay, I think.

        (At least, you can report - when giving feedback - that you think they've overcharges for shipping… & eBay supposedly shakes a stick at the vendors who get "too many" complaints…

        Of course, by that time, you've already over-paid the shipping charge…

        So, it seems eBay is complicit in the scam… :-/

    • They prob use couriours all the time rather than AUS post or something like that…

      Or dropship direct from the disti

  • +1

    Ordered an N40L before Easter - 29th March to be exact. It was in stock & I paid $24 for shipping to Melbourne. It took a week before it was shipped, then it got stuck in the postal system over Easter. Finally got it yesterday - 12th April, though it got carded for delivery a couple of days earlier.
    That's a Fail from me I'm afraid, even with a 'free' $10.

  • +3

    Shouldn't there be something against linking ozbargain database id to i-tech accounts ids to avoid targeted marketing?

    • If they spam us, someone will complain to OzB & they get a consequence, maybe.

      Do companies -pay- to advertise (er, offer their deals) here?

      • No, companies do not pay to post their deals and no one gets any preferential treatment. Deals can be posted by anyone, rep or not.

        It's up to you if you want merchants to know your details which can be matched to a publicly facing username. Are you thinking i-tech will be looking at an individuals postings on OzBargain and email users using the info submitted when registered an account with i-tech? Sort of like a manual Google Ads?

        • Either that or in a different scenario for example users post opinions about products wants/needs. The party with access to these individuals contact details would spam these individuals with same or similar products or sell the information to someone who would.

          Not saying i-tech would do so or are in that kind of business. But in general to avoid such unauthorised collection of market intelligence one would think the exchange process would be less transparent.

          Its like filling out a survey without being told that your personal contact details may be compromised or given an option to opt out.

    • Yeah, concerned here too :/
      Time to create a throwaway ozb account just for this.

  • So, how do we get the $10 credit if we -have- bought from you before?

  • +2

    You have misused the work "Bonus" in 2 or 3 of your HP N40L catalog listings..,.

    You -can't- say "Bonus" -and- charge extra for DVD-drive and/or Remote unit.

    ("Bonus" implies -free- with purchase)

    PS Send me an extra $10 for the "English + Marketing" lesson… 'Not Bonuses ;-)

  • +1

    Get $10 free store credit > complain about $14 shipping cost

    Makes sense. /sarcasm

    I will keep an eye on those TV tuners/receivers. Will make working night shift a lot more enjoyable.

  • +1

    Bought my 4x4GB Corsair Vengeance RAMs from them, I (if it's worth anything) can vouch for their authenticity.

    • I can't really see a lot of good deals at all.

      Even with the freebie $10 you're still going to pay more for items even before shipping.

  • This seems like a good buy. Has anyone used it?
    Cheapest on ebay is AU $70.50.

  • voted and sent PM

    Does this credit apply to pick up? so we can avoid the killer shipping cost?

  • Sorry, being busy applying credits. To answer a few questions above. You can certainly choose pick up to avoid freight charges. I have already brought the freight charges up to our management and they're still deciding. There're definitely lovers and haters for this deal. I guess there's no harm in applying for the credit and use it when you see fits. In regards to the HP N40L listings, I've checked and there are 3 different distributors for them, hence the different listings at different prices. Please choose the ones "in stock" to avoid delays. We stand behind what we sell 100% and they're 100% genuine.

    • +4

      The management team are still deciding whether they want to actually give people an honest deal or rort them of $14 shipping? Are you serious? Great insight into the companies mentality from the top. Memory cards with $14 is not acceptable under any circumstance, it just shows dishonesty and greed. Better off you guys advertising this deal for Sydney and Pick up only rather than let others be turned off by this "deal" after realising the shipping costs outweigh the benefits of your offer.

      • +1

        You seem to mean well but am so tempted to neg this deal after this comment about your management. Profit should be built into the price, not creamed through exorbitant postage.

    • Being in stock didn't stop the N40L I ordered before Easter sitting gathering dust for a week before it was despatched? For which I paid $24.

  • Thanks! Just applied the credit to a nice new Lian-Li T60 :D

  • +1

    I don't understand why these only have 1 yr warranty when they are supposed to have 3 yr manufacturer warranty:

    • +1

      aAre you sure?

      Recent drive have all come down to 1 yr only and they are just green.

      Might want to check your facts ot link it.. Based on this ( http://www.wdc.com/wdproducts/library/SpecSheet/ENG/2879-701… ) they might only come with 2

      • @brent3000: You are right. It's 2 year manufacturer warranty. I stand corrected. Just saw some other store (I think it was mwave) offer 3.

        But my question still stands. If the manufacturer is offering 2yr, why are you only getting 1yr ?

    • a common misconception is the difference between store vs manufacturers warranty

  • http://www.i-tech.com.au/products/30356_G_Skill_4GB__2GB_x_2…
    definitely get at this fine ram, it's on clearance

    • +3

      oh what, $14 shipping!

    • Very nice set of ram, IIRC they are PSC ram, cant really get new anymore, Uncle Fester has a similar set he has been pushing to 2600+mhz with a 3770k

      Also have PM'ed and voted up!

    • Dont you love it…

      • Warranty Lifetime
        [few lines down]

      Warranty 1 Year Manufacturer's return to base

  • +2

    Just checked a few items - small usb charger, SD cards etc.

    Shipping is a minimum of $14 for even the smallest item.
    So, a nice gesture but pretty well useless.

  • +1

    shop is way over priced for pc parts i wll stick wth pccasegear…

    • Lol. Not much difference in the shipping costs there. $12 shipping on a sd card for pccasegear.

      • +1

        it is not the shipping costs its their prices…most of the cpu are around $25 extra than pccasegear

  • I have no affiliation with i-tech.com.au (just wanted to make that clear). I have purchased from i-tech when Windows Home Server was first released (years ago) and I had no problem with the company wether it be newsletters or not recieving goods. However, postage was slower then what I expected.

  • -2

    how come people are liking this $10 giveaway like its some HUGE savings … seriously … thats just shipping cost or not even that … whats wrong with the community? have all those who jump in pools of water to collect 5cent coins just joined ozbargain?

    • +4

      I didn't neg you because I disagree with your point, I negged you because for someone who uses the word "community" you're certainly not going a great way to improving it.

  • +3

    sorry, but giving neg vote
    everything is overpriced by around 15%, and some stuff even more
    not going to spend $60 more to "save" ($10 - $14) lol

  • The N40L was not overpriced - even though there is now a cheaper deal.

    I got mine last week and very happy with free pickup.

    I'll buy here again.

  • PM sent, thanks -)

  • Thanks for the deal. I've bought parts from itech every now and then, it's true prices are as competitive like MSY but you do get a bargain from time to time. Also stock level is quite transparent and they do answer their emails and pick up the phones promptly.

  • sent pm awaiting the credit to apply :)

  • Sorry, the shipping to Wollongong is way too high for me to take advatage of the $10 free credit.

  • Id do a google search for this company before ordering. I have bought from them and got mucked around endlessly. I googled around afterward and realised it was a mistake buying from them.

    Some links (old and new)

    This was a while ago however, maybe they have improved

    Caveat emptor

  • PM Rep already , no reply, no credit in a/c either. Want to put a pickup order, but time is wasting now

  • +2

    How did this get 96 upvotes? I thought people weren't keen on the $14 shipping?

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