I've joined a new Company( 3 Months ago) that works solely from home. The company has provided a work laptop( Windows 7, Core i5, HP Elitebook , that has a VPN to enter their system).
i purchased a laptop docking station and currently run 3 external monitors( E223) from the docking station. Every now and then I seem to having problems connecting to work VPN or movement between the screens can be slow at times and other minor issues from time to time.
I'm thinking about whether to ask their IT team to allow me to connect my personal computer(Dell XPS 8940 Tower) to the work from the company VPN. I'm hoping that it improve productivity and efficiency for myself. This would also allow more space on desk as well. This is a logistics based role so I would classify task as general office roles. Using Excel, teams, Office programs and the companies numerous internal programs.
Just wanted to see if anyone has done the same in my position? and if so the pros and cons of doing so.
Thanks in advanced.
Don't think they will allow due to security reasons. Personal laptops cannot be monitored remotely or have required software pack. You can request by however