he exceptional Luzhou Laojiao Tequ is a traditional Chinese Baijiu, and also a Gold medal winner at the Panama Pacific International Exposition. It is one of the most famous brand in China, with a strong aromatic style and characteristics that define quality Chinese baijiu.
Luzhou Laojiao Tequ Classic Chinese Baijiu 500ml $87.99 Delivered @ Costco (Membership Required)

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closed Comments
It's horrible anyway, you don't want it.
Then you probably need to burn your house.
and whatever device he used to post this comment
I see you are a member since 2011 and have contribute nothing to the website…
I'm afraid if you stand with the Aussie farmers, best way is to work with them, not irritate them again and again.
banned all our wines
Did they ban all our wines ? Links please.
Firstly, you have very conveniently selected a few words that misrepresents what I said:
"basically banned all our wines…with enormous tariffs."
Secondly, you are asking for a link about a story that's been in the headlines for over a year. From under what rock did you just crawl out of?
China's tariffs are squeezing the life out of the Australian wine industry's most lucrative market - ABC News…
So they didn't ban our products ?
Comments on ozbargin are not PHD papers requiring a bibliography.
True bargainer never got brainwashed. Bargain always comes first. Aussie farmers are the sacrifice for silly political war, pity.
You are a wise man.
We banned Huawei, their 5G and Cotton from Xinjiang in the first place. it's just the fair game.
I tried it to see what all fuzz is about, It's awful, not my cup of tea.
Not sure if you mean this particular baidiu (rice wine) or baidiu in general which is not for everyone and is an acquired taste like Whiskey.
Whisky goes down smooth, this stuff is wicked (good way).
Smoothness is subjective. Alcohol content in baijiu is a lot higher than Whiskey, it can cause a burning sensation for people not used to it.
Great price, running to Costco tomorrow, thanks for sharing!
Typical Aussie comments to follow: something something Asian, something something communist, something something state controlled, something something wong
Not Aussies, just bigots.
Industrial alcohol straight up yummmmm.
Just hope whoever drinking this their ambulance nearby is not stretch by the Wuhan Pneumonia. You will need that ambulance very quickly 🤣🤣
the "Panama Pacific International Exposition" was held in 1915 and it was very much awards for participation
that said, is 'strong aroma' style and I'll happily drink, even if it isn't wuliangye or yanghe
More toilet cleaner
will it kill covid virus
Yep. This is close to isopropyl alcohol in strength
no. you need 70%v/v
52% ABV.
This stuff is terrible in my opinion, definitely an "acquired taste". Each to their own.
total rubbish
Rubbish rather support locals or another country when they banned Australian
$108 down to $88 seems like a decent price. Comparing similar beverages across cultures I'd probably prefer shochu > this > lambonag > arak > ruou de > pastis.
Two above perhaps migrate to a Reddit sub instead?
They've basically banned all our wines and other luxury food and drinks with enormous tariffs. I'm going to return the favour and stand with the Aussie farmers.