Our platform - KeepActive.com.au allows people to connect with locals by creating or joining physical activity groups such as walking, hiking, running, dancing or sports.
We aim to get sponsors that can help keep this platform free and accessible for everyone.
Open to feedback, suggestions, connections etc..
You can comment here or DM me. Thanks.
PS: For anyone wondering, how we compare to Meetup.com, try https://keepactive.com.au/compare-us
My 2 cents:
1) The lack of mobile apps is a deal breaker. You won't gain any traction without them.
2) Strava is THE activity tracking app - they also offer 'clubs' which are groups that focus on a particular sport. They can be local or not. You can create, join etc. It offers the ability to create and join events. It also promises to always offer a free version. And… It has way more features.
Your competition is not meetup - it's activity/sport tracking apps, such as Strava. You've missed the mark on your comparison table / competitors segment.
With these points in mind, why would I use KeepActive?