Scanned at 3.75
Haven't tried it yet but cheap enough to have some spare
Update Jan 28: Priced increased from $3.75 to $3.79
Scanned at 3.75
Haven't tried it yet but cheap enough to have some spare
Update Jan 28: Priced increased from $3.75 to $3.79
1% off is better than 0% off.
This guy thinks 4c is nothing. Get him boys
Not worth the effort
poSTing jUNk IS moRE eFForT
i've tried a cheap officeworks mouse before, the j burrows brand. mouse feels okay but far out, the action of the scroll wheel was like nails down a blackboard. it made screechy noises like it was caught on something inside. dug out my ever reliable logitech m185 and never looked back.
Yep, for these things I'd just get the cheapest logitech and get it over and done with
i know we ozbargainers all love to find the cheapest product possible, but sometimes it gets to a stage where something is too cheap to be properly usable, ends up in the bin, and more money is spent anyway getting a less-annoying product that lasts far longer.
With my Burrows one the USB adapter housing broke.
Good as a gift for that special friend!
Is this bugger than the small logitec wireless mouse work gave me?
How long is a piece of string?
Yes it is
U must be a mice next time
cheap enough to have some spare
Who keeps spare mice? Just get a proper quality mouse and move on with your life.
Also 1% off RRP?
i do. my spares are logitech m720s and m185s (in various colours). i buy them when they're really cheap. i hope logitech keeps making them, but you never know and if i like something a lot i'll buy a spare or two. also, the spares can be good to lend to someone who has a tendency to keep buying cheap, crappy mice that die regularly e.g. my mother, who's an accountant and should know better but is stingy AF.
I bought one of these a couple of months ago for my spare notebook. I was half expecting it to be worse than using the notebook touch pad, but at this price I thought I'd take a gamble.
Maybe I'm easily pleased, but I thought it was great. It seems just as responsive as other mice I've used for around ten times the price.
Thanks for sharing. A faulty mouse sucks heaps so can understand the sentiment of just going with a cheap Logitech mouse. Wouldn't be a bad one go have kicking around for my raspberry pi or to give to those family members that have their mouse die as a temp solution or longer if it works well
I bought two of these for my kids and they are surprisingly decent. Just be aware they are small
Any decent Bluetooth mice <$10?
This is what I'm after…
Keyboards too…
My kids laptops are getting less and less usb ports and I want to do away with hubs and dongles at least a little bit!
there are on ebay, I'm using one right now. from memory it cost about $7.50
This mouse is suitable for both left- and right-handed users.
Learn something everyday… Didn't know people used them in their left hand!!
There's even a setting in Windows (from memory) that lets you flip the left click and right click buttons around. Many people seem to learn to use it in their right hand or even just the buttons in reverse just due to exposure in school computer labs and workplace computers that are all setup for right handed people
Perfect for having as a backup for rpi gui access. This, or even better is the Uber cheap keyboard combo. For devices that will get used once or twice a year, $4 or less is great!!!
For devices that will get used once or twice a year…
Better off with wired devices for that scenario. No hunting for batteries, no need to worry about batteries corroding.
Das tru.
Off topic, I know. but apart from ease of carriage, the pros and cons of wired/wireless mice/mouses ?
I've just swapped my $4.99 J.Burrows wireless mouse for the $3.79 Keji. The former seemed to get a bit bored and sent its cursor on random trips around the screen, which I could only cure with a sharp wack.
So far, the Keji is working well, although it's a bit small for my bunch of banana sized hands.
The Burrows model seems to be discontinued, but Officeworks were happy to do the swap and refund the $1.20 difference.
So it’s reduced by 4 cents?