20 units in stock.
Vendor code - GV-R66XTGAMING-OC-PRO-8GD
Next day shipping from our NSW warehouse
20 units in stock.
Vendor code - GV-R66XTGAMING-OC-PRO-8GD
Next day shipping from our NSW warehouse
rip off
Price dropped to $899.
Thanks for the pick up.
We are ok to get these out at cost.
If $899 is your cost, you paid too much. Standard list price at Synnex is 795ex and you wouldn't be paying that when buying 20x
How can you just nonchalantly drop the price by $50 after a few negative comments? lol
Maybe if this post continues to get negged, it might actually drop to a reasonable price? 🙂
Yeah sorry mate, not a bargain.
maybe if it gets to $700, that sounds more like a deal
yfw if it was $800, none of ya'll would have any chance in hell of snapping one up for yourselves
Different card, but in stock for $799 + delivery at PCCG: https://www.pccasegear.com/products/55025/powercolor-radeon-…
What's the difference between these? I get so confused with different branded same model GPUs.
699 or nothing
Make it $666 ea and I'll take all 20 units.
$908 at Skycomp and in stock