Need an Amazon account to claim,
AmazonClassics Edition.
Click on Buy for $0.00 to claim and keep it on your account, this is not contingent on having Prime.
On Amazon US
Need an Amazon account to claim,
AmazonClassics Edition.
Click on Buy for $0.00 to claim and keep it on your account, this is not contingent on having Prime.
On Amazon US
Shows as unavailable for me
Can't see it ???
Don't use that link, that one is not free.
I'm echoing @Russ.
The US amazon listing isn't free.
Is this book about Scomo ?
No, that would be "The Visible Turd".
or The Derisible Scum by Ne'er-do-Wells
Oh, already purchased May 2021 😳
Guess I didn't notice it there 🤷
I'm more excited to claim these than read them, I'm usually disappointed when I already own one because I don't get the dopamine.
Unless I’m missing something but it shows unavailable
Ah, I rather enjoy going back to this one.
Better dust off the ol' kindle.
Ah, so that's where ScoMo is these days
No longer available
These aren’t showing free. US store shows 2.99 and aus store shows unavailable
Must be you. Working fine for me.
not free on US site
good thing we are in Australia
my account is on the US site
i spoke with Jeff Bezos, and he said you can also open up an Australian amazon account for free. now that's an oz bargain
@Hugh G Rection: it complicates things if both of your accounts are linked to the same email.
And you'd have a separate library on both accounts. Your device can be connected to one account at a time only.
You're not even funny so please stop.
@lostn: lol, who's being funny?
You are under the assumption that i didn't talk to Jeff, I guess you don't know who i am. That's ok, i stay humble.
@Hugh G Rection: I don't care if you spoke to him or not. You aren't understanding how Kindle devices are managed. You can't add multiple kindle accounts to your device and access everyone's books. That would just open the door to mass piracy. If I make a AU account, then I have to sign out of my US account which is where all my books are.
@lostn: no worries, he told me you can buy another kindle and make that your amazon au kindle so you can take advantage of these free deals. your saving will add up and the kindle turns out to be free. glad i can help, have a great weekend.
Anything by Jules Verne?