This was posted 3 years 1 month 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[SA] Free - 2x Rapid Antigen Tests for Close Contacts of COVID-19 Positive Case @ SA Health


From today, if you are a close contact of COVID positive case, SA Health is giving 2 free Rapid antigen testing (RAT) for COVID-19 to test it at home.

You must register before collecting your kits from the Adelaide - Josie Agius Park/Wikaparntu Wirra RAT Collection Point. The Collection Point is open 7.00am to 9.00pm, 7 days.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    More a forum post, but username checks out

    • +21

      Considering the price gouging and scarcity of RAT kits, this should definitely be considered a deal.

    • +2

      How is this only a forum post when preorders for price gouged RATs are considered deals?

      SA Health seemingly has stock so this is definitely worth a deal post, if not just for visibility.

  • +3

    Whoop, time to move to sa

  • +2

    Any mouse kits?

    • +3

      I'd rather a capybara kit

      • there's no such thing

        • Not with that attitude

      • For the descerning nose

      • when r u back from holidays? expecting a call this yrr

      • Hey, leave me out of it.

  • -8

    Lose a limb and get a free blood transfusion too.
    Not really a deal…

    • +4

      Can you explain this for people who are not from South Australia?

      • 🤨

  • -1

    What if I live in NSW?

    • +13

      Scomo says no

      • +4

        In that case, better move to SA to get 2 free RAT kits.

        • +7

          Scomo IS the prime minister for NSW, doesn't care about other states.

          • -7


            Scomo IS the prime minister for NSW, doesn't care about other states.

            You and 3 other people don't seem to understand the difference between State and Federal government. Most likely you never finished high school and vote Labor or Greens lol…

            • @1st-Amendment:

              You and 3 other people don't seem to understand the difference between State and Federal government

              If you have worked, you would also understand an official title doesn't necessarily dictate your full responsibilities and reach of your position.

              You want to see my University credentials?
              Or you want to see my high school ones?

              I'll post mine if you post yours to prove superiority in education if that is your metric.
              Be careful what you wish for

              I'm willing to accept your challenge, are you?

              Or are you going to move the goalposts because you're unable to meet the KPI that you've accidentally put up?
              That or you lack confidence in your own metric?

              Most likely you never finished high school and vote Labor or Greens lol…

              So the options are either Coalition, Labor, Greens or Independent

              Are you suggesting only people who have finished high school vote for Liberal/Coalition/Independents, therefore, those who have lower education completion rates align with values of Labor and Greens?

              I'd also like you to name some significant achievements of non-Labor/Greens party that have benefited Australians in a positive manner, including citations from unbiased sources referenced in Harvard referencing format - UNSW
              USYD reference link, for your convenience

              Looks like we have someone who thinks the NBN is all Labor's fault
              Botched-NBN is in its current form and shape because of Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull.
              My premise was supposed to get FTTP, then suddenly, it was delayed by 3 years because someone decided it was better to re-design the network and "save cost" by using inferior technology that was EOSL oh look, NBN is "upgrading" to Fibre
              We are lucky that the half-arsed NBN is even here. The initiation of the NBN more than a decade ago allowed us to Work From Home during the pandemic, effectively saving the service economy and also lives (due to the ability to work remotely, thus allowing social distancing, before vaccines became available)

              • -4


                If you have worked, you would also understand an official title doesn't necessarily dictate your full responsibilities and reach of your position.

                Oh dear, wherever you got your education, I'd ask for a refund.

                Division of powers is laid out in the Constitution and enforceable by law, you don't just get to decide what you want to do today lol…

                So it looks like I was right. You don't understand the different levels of government AND you vote Labor.

                Fish in a barrel pew pew lol…

                • @1st-Amendment:

                  Oh dear, wherever you got your education, I'd ask for a refund.

                  Alright Mr Northern Beaches, driving an Audi with kids.
                  Seems like someone doesn't have real world experience or a University degree of their own.
                  No amount of education can impart experience gained from working

                  Looks like you don't have any, otherwise you'd be responding appropriately, rather than attacking people instead of facts

                  Fact: Scott Morrison did not buy enough vaccines before the COVID Delta outbreak happened, and when NSW was at a "national emergency" of 181 cases, the taxpayer credit card suddenly whipped out. There's a reason why ScoMo has been nicknamed Prime Minster of Sydney.

                  So it looks like I was right. You don't understand the different levels of government AND you vote Labor.

                  I am university educated, hold multiple degrees and went to a top 10 public school in NSW (by HSC ranking not ranked by public/private)

                  By not answering the challenge, it sounds like you have just moved the goalpost (just like "don't look at the case numbers" KPI)… no wonder you are so anti-Labor.
                  I don't blame you though, it takes a certain level of intelligence these days to comprehend and type up a proper response
                  Such a shame really.

                  • -5


                    I am university educated, hold multiple degrees and went to a top 10 public school

                    And yet you can't answer a simple question…

                    Get a refund, you're were ripped off lol

            • @1st-Amendment: Are you purposely not understanding what's meant by Scomo being PM for NSW?

            • @1st-Amendment: I'm curious as well now, what is your education level? You don't read like someone who is uni educated. I wouldn't be surprised if you told us you went to the school of hard knocks.

        • +1

          I thought Dominic was the premier of Australia! seemed to be the one controling our borders opening which is a federal responsibility.

          And yes I will be voting Labor and greens… I mean i voted for Libs in the last election because they seemed more competent but that has cealry changed.

          • -1


            And yes I will be voting Labor and greens… I mean i voted for Libs in the last election because they seemed more competent but that has cealry changed.

            I can understand a shift between the major parties especially in light of recent events, but the Greens? You'd have to be severely retarded to think they would be anything other than a disaster.

            • @1st-Amendment: I dont agree with alot of the green policies but none of the other major parties price in envoremental damage. None of the majors are addressing global warming in a meaningful way for example.

              Im all for Liberal free markets but you need some way to price in externalities and I think this is the greatest failure of our goverments.

              • -1


                none of the other major parties price in envoremental damage. None of the majors are addressing global warming in a meaningful way for example.

                Define 'meaningful'?

                • +1

                  @1st-Amendment: Ill scratch that the labor party did introduce a carbon tax so they did try.

                  Our current liberal goverment only just joined net zero by 2050 and the plan relies far too much on unproven technologies such as carbon capture and soil carbon.

                  I think there is an inherent love of coal and gas in parts of the coalition as evidenced by paying $600m to build a gas power plant in the hunter valley. Gas is already an expensive energy source its uneconomical compared to solar and taxpayers shouldnt subsidize it.

                  • -2


                    I think there is an inherent love of coal and gas in parts of the coalition

                    It's either that, or maybe there is some economic reality that economically illiterate people can't grasp? Do you think that is a possibility?

                    Gas is already an expensive energy source its uneconomical compared to solar

                    No it isn't. That's a common lie spouted by Green idiots that don't understand the basic realities or solar or wind power. Here's a hint, solar only generates energy when the sun is shining. How much is a kwh of solar energy at night time, or the 20 hours a day it doesn't generate energy during winter?

                    When you figure that out, you'll understand why we are building new gas plants.

                    • @1st-Amendment: Storage is a huge issue with renewables as is reliability at high preportions of renewables though in the middle of the night people are asleep so thats not an issue. it tends to be the mornings, afternoons and evenings as evidenced by the "duck curve". this is not an unsolvable problem. eg we can angle solar towards the west use pumped hydro storage.

                      WE as taxpayers are building a gas plant becuase the free market wont. The economics just dont make sence and WE will have to pay higher tax to make up the shortfall.

                      • -2


                        this is not an unsolvable problem

                        True for the future. But as of right now we need more reliable energy today, and the only solution on the table is gas. Cheap Coal and Nuclear are out due to the stupid hippies, Hydro and Geothermal isn't practical in Australia, so what else is there?

                        The economics just dont make sence

                        Show your working. You accept that wind and solar simply do not stack up on their own. You need something more reliable in the mix to support on demand energy 24/7/365, so what else is there right now today that is economical that is more viable than gas?

                        WE will have to pay higher tax to make up the shortfall.

                        Gas is the cheapest option. Every other option (that the stupid hjppies let us use) costs more.

                        So you see it's not that the Coalition love coal and gas, they're the only party that seem understand the economic reality of the situation. If it were up to the Greens they would shut all the coal and gas down, Australia would lose most of its power and people would starve to death. Don't laugh, this sort of thing has happened in other countries.

                        • @1st-Amendment: Nuclear is fantastic, its as zero carbon as solar and wind. Its reasonabley expensive but if your going to aim for net zero its likley got to be in the mix. I think all the fear around nuclear is unfounded, coal plants release more radiation then nuclear.

                          "Show your working. You accept that wind and solar simply do not stack up on their own. You need something more reliable in the mix to support on demand energy 24/7/365, so what else is there right now today that is economical that is more viable than gas?"

                          Im saying the economics dont make sence because if it did someone would go out there and build it. The Australian Energy Market Operator said it wasnt needed as it had already been covered by other comitments.

                          Solar is 47$USD/MWh wind 60$USD/MWh, Gas 80$USD/MWh , gas Peaker 228$USD/MWh. discounting capital costs coal is currently 40$USD/MWh but goes up to 70-80$USD/MWh for new builds.

                          • -3


                            Solar is 47$USD/MWh wind 60$USD/MWh, Gas 80$USD/MWh

                            Why have you put the dollar sign after the number? That is a red flag that says you don't even understand the basics of currency if you don't know where the $ sign is supposed to go.
                            But let's put that aside, and assume the numbers above are correct (which they aren't but let's use your own numbers to prove the point).

                            1MWh of nameplate capacity for solar only generates 1MWh for 4-6 hours average a day (say 250KWh), but fluctuates day to day
                            1MWh of nameplate capacity for wind only generates 1MWh for 8 hours average a day (say 333KWh), but fluctuates day to day
                            1MWh of nameplate capacity for gas generates 1MWh 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (1MWh - it's actually a little bit less due to maintenance etc so let's go with 800Kwh )

                            So let's plug your numbers back in:

                            $47 for 1MWh of solar which produces 250KWh ie $188/MWh of usable energy
                            $60 for 1MWh of wind which produces 333KWh ie $180/MWh of usable energy
                            $80 for 1MWh of gas which produces 800MWh ie $120/MWh of usable energy

                            So, gas is cheaper AND it is available at all of the times you want it. Solar and Wind does neither. You can can add it to the mix to reduce emissions, but it will never be the primary supply due to its intermittency issues.

                            This is why people who understand the realities of energy production have chosen to include gas in the mix. Not because they are hairy goblins who live under bridges and eat coal for breakfast like the Guardian told you, but because that is the only solution that works right now today.

                            Nuclear is fantastic

                            It sure is. And it's Labor and the Greens preventing us from using it and putting this whole clean energy thing to bed forever. Another reason not to support them. The whole clean energy issue is entirely of the fault of the Green Left. Had we adopted nuclear back in the 70's the last 20 years of arguing about it would never had happened. The Greens ruin everything, never forget that.

                            • +1

                              @1st-Amendment: What I proivided you was levelized cost of energy for each of those sourses. It is in MWh not MW so takes into account the "Capacity factor" ie the amount of time solar isnt generating. So those were the correct numbers.

                            • @1st-Amendment: explain to me why if it made economic sence to build gas it would happen?

                              • @gengi: I doubt you’ll get it from 1st-Amendment. You’re asking for an explanation from a guy who argued that the internet isn’t a public good, in defiance of Wikipedia - all while our own constitution mentions telecommunications and the ability to make laws surrounding that lmao

                                • -1


                                  from a guy who argued that the internet isn’t a public good,

                                  Looks like I have a fanboi lol…

                              • -1


                                What I proivided you was levelized cost of energy for each of those sourses.

                                Only if you are you using extremely dodgy maths. What is the cost to generate 1MWh of solar at night time? You cannot price an energy source for a time when it is impossible to generate it. Divide by zero is infinity.
                                More proof that Greens don't understand basic economics…

                                It is in MWh not MW so takes into account the "Capacity factor" ie the amount of time solar isnt generating. So those were the correct numbers.

                                That can't possibly be so. Just take a breath and think about it, how do you price an energy source that doesn't create energy for at least 2/3rds to 3/4ths of the day? Even if solar was free, it still can't generate electricity for 18 hours of the day. Some days they produce next to zero, how do you plan to run a country on those days? For those times (ie most of the time) you need something else, and currently the only option left for that something else is gas.

                                explain to me why if it made economic sence to build gas it would happen?

                                It is happening. You just said so above…
                                It makes economic sense because Australia's economy is worth $1.3Trillion dollars a year, and it needs available electricity 24/7/365.
                                So given all the possible options, gas works out the cheapest most economical way to provide the base load reliability that is required when intermittent sources like solar and wind only contribute some of the time.

                                If you disagree, just show me how you would generate 265TWH of electricity that Australia uses for the year using only solar and wind.
                                Or to make it even simpler, show me how you would generate the 20KWh/day the average Australia house needs at the times that they need it using only solar and wind.
                                This space left here for you to show me how that can be acheived:

                            • +1

                              @1st-Amendment: don't think you understand the difference between MW and MWh

                              • -1


                                don't think you understand…

                                Thanks for sharing what you think. What you think is important, your mum said so….

                            • @1st-Amendment: The measure is $usd/mwh hence it makes sense to compare numbers this way. 47 vs 60 vs 80.
                              Pretty petty argument point tbh, I didn't read past it, you seem to be full of yourself.

                              • -1


                                I didn't read past it

                                Didn't read but commented anyway. True genius…

                                • +1

                                  @1st-Amendment: Was that realy needed? Did insulting people fill that emptyness inside you?
                                  Your an old inadequate joke of a man.

                                  PS because you have been such a prick I just donated $500 to the greens so wish them luck in the next election.

                                  • @gengi:

                                    because you have been such a prick I just donated $500 to the greens

                                    Haha it's your money you throw as much of it in the toilet as you wish. I'd love to hear how you wasting your money is supposed to hurt me? Green logic yet again…

                                    This of course is just a distraction from the original discussion, I see you avoided the tough questions on how you can supply all of Australia's energy requirement today with just solar and wind. I'm guessing this is where you disappear, like they always do…

                                    • @1st-Amendment:

                                      This of course is just a distraction from the original discussion, I see you avoided the tough questions on how you can supply all of Australia's energy requirement today with just solar and wind. I'm guessing this is where you disappear, like they always do… - 1st-Amendment

                                      Deal Title:
                                      [SA] Free - 2x Rapid Antigen Tests for Close Contacts of COVID-19 Positive Case @ SA Health

                                      That or no one can be bothered anymore with your pointless ramblings.

                                      • @cwongtech:

                                        That or no one can be bothered anymore with your pointless ramblings.

                                        Yet here you are, the gift that keeps on giving lol

                                        For someone who claims to be so educated you sure are a few sandwiches short of a picnic…

                                        • @1st-Amendment:

                                          Yet here you are, the gift that keeps on giving lol

                                          I'm going to disengage from wasting my life replying to you, please continue to enjoy the Murdoch media empire brainwashing.

                                          For someone who claims to be so educated you sure are a few sandwiches short of a picnic…

                                          I don't need to claim, I can show and prove, but can you?
                                          When I'm ready to show, you tell me to go get a refund.
                                          That speaks volumes about you.

                                          I went to a public school for high school, it's ranked 2nd for HSC 2021, though it's been a while since I attended.
                                          Unfortunately the school fees for a public school are not refundable because they were non-existent.

                                          • @cwongtech:

                                            I'm going to disengage from wasting my life replying to you

                                            You keep saying that, then you keep engaging. So smart…

                                    • @1st-Amendment: You misunderstand. I you inspired me. If your going to be a radical I’m going to help those nutters on the left to balance you out.

                                      I asked you why if gas is so cheap and amazing why didn’t a business build it? couldnt answer that simple question??

                                      You can’t supply all of Australia on wind and solar. You need backup and storage. If you don’t know the difference between MW and MWh I don’t think you have the capacity to understand the finer points of energy policy. You don’t need a large amount of power in the middle of the night because most people are asleep.

                                      • @gengi: Ok you've got it now:

                                        Gas is already an expensive energy source its uneconomical compared to solar and taxpayers shouldnt subsidize it.

                                        So the reason we are building gas is because:

                                        You can’t supply all of Australia on wind and solar.

                                        2+2=4. I knew you could do it!

    • +4

      Then you need to take personal responsibility and take your chances with the private market

    • -4

      No need for a test.. you probably already got covid and got natural immunity.

  • -4

    Great work to government keeping is safe god bless

  • +1

    Isn’t this the same with Victoria? My kid was sick and we took him to the testing site. We waited for an hr and they just gave us 2 RAT kits and send us home to do it ourselves.

    • They have separate sites for RAT kit dispensary. It's not combined with PCR testing; more like drive through and quicker than maccas

      • They were combined when I got some in December. That was for being a workplace contact.

        Didn't National Cabinet announce something about this today?

      • Which one did you go to? They were combined for me and was a long wait.

  • +1

    For those on Vic, most of the gov testing stations are giving them out as well. I got 2 for myself today.

    • can confirm, got one for free (roche, 5x) this morning in Melbourne

  • +22

    Ridiculous. Won’t anybody think of Gerry Harvey's lost profits?

    • +17

      Would you like to buy an extended warranty with your RAT test?

      • Yes, what if they turn negative?

      • +3

        Do you have the gold plated Monster RATs?

  • -4

    Targetted? You need to live in SA to get this deal?

    • Does SA Health operate outside of SA?

    • You'd assume it's only for SA, because to access these free tests, you need to register details on the website and they direct you to a location that is set up to supply the free tests. The location would be in Adelaide. All of this is new information and apparently there will be more locations set up eventually within SA.

  • +3

    Not much help for people in regional SA, only option i could find is pick up in Adelaide.

    • To collect the free tests you just need to drive down the road that we’ve subsidised for you.

    • Pretty sure SA finishes at Gepps Cross (in the governments eyes)…except for tax collection.

      • Well it is all desert any further norf

        • Hmmm…the Yorke and Eyre Peninsula have the best beaches and landscapes in the state. But your perception is basically the norm from most down souf ;)

          Statistically (according to the paper this morning) 1 in 6 have covid in the Adelaide CBD does make sense to offer the 11 RAT tests the government actually has to the CBD.

  • -1

    Useless for people in the country area. Who drives 4 hours to pick it up from Adelaide?

    • +11

      Sounds like you’re already self isolating.

    • They should offer local pickup or free delivery for certain postcodes that are too far away.

      • +1

        It's a pilot/test site

      • They will in the coming weeks - it's just the first, in a central enough location.

  • -3

    PCR testing was free. Was that also a deal?

    • +4

      PCR testing queues can be long wait and the results could take a few days to be available.

      For convenience and price (free), I wish we get something like this in Victoria soon.

    • PCR testing in SA was/is a hot mess. I once had a PCR at the RAH and it took me at least 30 minutes even though I had only 2 people in front of me.

      Was not a smooth process at all

      • "Covid handling" in SA is a hot mess. Total dysfunction on all levels.

        But makes the numbers sound better. The test sites closed early due to the heat - which is fair (poor buggers in 41C in PPE). Then Captain Muppet (Snake Marshall) announces case numbers are decreasing and we are getting on top of it…such a dick!

        50k cases here easily. Annoucing 4 or 5k cases is just treating us like idiots.

        • Why is he called a snake Marshall?

          Where are you getting 50k cases from?

          • @MuddyClear: Snake because he literally talks, acts, and conducts himself like a snake. He undermines everything with his own agendas. He announces data and provides the wrong analysis of it. He also keeps claiming vaccination is the magic bullet, with not a word about the processes we must continue to do even if vaccinated. I could go on all night…

            I'm basing my cases on:

            1. Test sites are so long (and with the heat) 90% of people wouldnt go.

            2. Test sites closed early due to the heat.

            3. Some people are getting messages saying there sample is non viable (cooked). Please come again.

            4. Half of those who line up have kids who crack the shits and they give up and go home.

            5. Degrees of separation. The number I know who are now positive is in no way a proportional representation of what is being presented.

            6. RAT tests aren't reported.

            7. R naught - With SA health reporting 32 000 active cases…yet only 4k new cases.. this doesn't match the R0 of Omicron.

            So it's fair to say we have 50k active cases minimum.

    • +1

      No, when were PCRs being price gouged?

    • If you previously had to pay for PCR and testing and then someone made it free, yes that would be a deal

  • -4

    Should be a forum post.

  • Anything for VIC?

    • +1

      If you declare your reason for testing is just symptoms, testing site hands out free RAT pack and sends you home (tested this morning in Melbourne)

  • Nice, but don't expect much honesty from a rat.

  • -3

    How does this belong here?

  • Just remember that there is a hectic fine if not reported when positive

    • +6

      Good luck on them enforcing it.

      • If they are no longer contact tracing it would impossible to trace.

    • It's impossible to enforce, so it's just scare tactics.

    • The South Australian government couldn't fine their ass in a paper bag.

  • How good is the accuracy of RAT test using nasal swabs vs throat swabs/spit? SA health appear to be nasal swabs.

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