Code: 59th39 —> Get 59,000 blood points
Code: REVEALED —> 100,000 blood points ( Credit to henrikoez )
(Go to Store -> Redeem Code).
Code: 59th39 —> Get 59,000 blood points
Code: REVEALED —> 100,000 blood points ( Credit to henrikoez )
(Go to Store -> Redeem Code).
doesn't seem valid
REVEALED is the correct 2nd code
Just came here to say the same thing. It's REVEALED not REVEAL.
There's a "Seething Ice" outfit giveaway via Amazon Prime Gaming as well
Thank you!!!
This game is terrible I got over grinding after 40 hours and gave up I got into VHS beta recently and enjoy
It much more
Should probably say steam code in the title. I got excited it was something valid for Xbox.
Its a code you use in the game (not a code for the game - you need to have the game already) .. pretty sure it will be universal (never seen these mentioned as platform specific)?
Ahh ok. Saw it was a steam store link so assumed it would be platform specific. I'll have a look on the weekend and try it out
Codes are working in the EPIC store version
must have game to redeem code ?
Pretty useless without the game.
After you've claimed your code, follow these steps.
Launch Dead by Daylight.
Select the STORE menu, navigate to the FEATURE tab.
On the top right, select REDEEM CODE.
Enter your vended code.
Lol I was playing this for the first time since owning the game more than 2 years ago and nobody was there lol. I was waiting for a good 5 minutes for a Survivor session but gave up. Ended up playing tutorial.
I have always found the server matching to be long and painful at any time, even when they have free weekends its like they don't have enough servers rather then a small player base from what I can tell. What used to make me really mad was when you finally got a game and the killer disconnects… back to the lobby you go.
I guess the game is on the way down down…. if there aren't enough server supporting the game.
Funnily, if I play as a killer, the waiting times dropped to less than 1 minute. What's going on???
No one wants to be a killer. Most of the time players are waiting for one.
@Elijha: It was soo funny last night. I was new and obviously a level 1 killer player got matched up with 4 obviously high level survivors (loads of customization and their very extremely daring playstyle) and plus not familiar with the random map. I also didnt have any perk loaded up coz I was still learning.
I thought they have MMR rules to prevent this!
Anyway second playthrough, managed to beat 3 of them and 1 escaped barely while crawling.
Learned a lot! Especially survivors daring playstyle.
@burningrage: Yes when you play as different killers you do learn a heap on how to play against them.
also REVEAL for 100,000 bloodpoints