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Next Level GTxtreme V2 Racing Simulator Cockpit $550.00 Delivered (Whirlpool Members Only)


Next Level GTxtreme V2 Racing Simulator Cockpit $550.00 Delivered (Whirlpool Members Only)

Guys been speaking to Pagnianimports in regards to this racing cockpit -


It sells for $649.00 delivered but they are going to do a special for Whirlpool members.

The special is $550 Delivered! Nice saving!!!

Customers can purchase through the website, in the delivery notes put "whirlpool customer & your whirlpool user name" and then only deposit $550 instead of $649.

Orders dispatched within 1 business day.

Edited - Special is on till 12th of May 2012

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Very niche bargain…. but damn, if I had a spare $550 I'd probably be burning it on this baby.

  • Nicely timed to catch those who managed to score the G27 bargain from last week! Having said that, its still pricey compared to the Playseat @ $449 (http://www.i-tech.com.au/products/93191_Playseat_Alcantara_R…) Anyone compared those two?

    • Playseat requires you to buy a separate gear shifter holder for another $61. Also, the delivery cost is $35 for Sydney. (I expect more for other states) So already, it's just as expensive as this Next Level cockpit. I also hate having a bar in-between my legs which Playseat does. So this deal is da bomb.

  • Looks awesome, well made, big kid's dream :)

  • Im going the Next Level GTxtreme V2 Racing Simulator Cockpit as its nice and solid for use with the G27 etc.

  • I spent about $80 making a wooden frame with adjustable steering reach for my G27. Would love to have that seat rather than my modified office chair though. : )

  • These are at WOW Sight and Sound for $445 at the moment, I didn't realise it was such a good deal.

    Edit: WOW Sight and Sound one also comes with the monitor stand.

    • What model is this one tho, there is 2 different ones as you can see below from my links. What WOW stores have them?

      • I'm talking Townsville WOW here - and it's the GTxtreme V2. They may even be cheaper, I haven't been in for a week and WOW is closing down.

        • Being on the Gold Coast, my closest WOW is Underwood. Just rang them and they dont have any.

  • kinda cool

  • Same price as your ebay listing accept free delivery


    Match Wow price and I will purchase one $445.00

    • Different model mate

    • I've been looking at the two models for the last 10 mins but haven't a clue what is the difference except for the seat design!

    • My bad whats the difference betweeb the two…the seat?
      looks like the more expensive unit has a less comfortable seat?

      • The difference is the seat. The Gtxtreme is a higher end bucket seat. It wraps you more into the seat as well as providing great lumbar support (used by customers with bad backs that now race for hours at a time). If you look at the side on photos of the simulators you can see the difference in the seats.

  • Its Xtreme dude! It's Xtremely expensive you Pro!

  • So what are ppl's opinion of this: http://www.wheelstandpro.com.au/G27_G25.html

    I know jakiman doesn't like a bar b/w his legs…. will take the high road on that comment

    • I have been doing a lot of research and it seems the Pagnian one is the best as its Solid. The G27 etc give nice feedback so you dont want it rattling everything

    • +1

      I have the Wheelstandpro and I loved it. Heavy as hell which also explains the good stability it provides. Can be folded and tucked away to keep the SO happy. Two things you should note if you are considering this instead of a full seat+stand combo:

      1) make sure you have a comfy sofa/chair to use the stand with. I had a deep seating sofa which makes reaching the pedals a pain. Tried fixing that by putting a cushion behind my back but it "runs away" when the action heats up!

      2) setting up and putting it away becomes a pain if you are racing frequently cuz of the weight of the stand + G25 combined! If you are leaving it out the whole time, then why bother with a foldable stand in the first place?

  • from the link ……. "Fully synthetic leather seat"

    I assume that means fully pretend leather and not part leather, part synthetic?

  • +2

    If I put this in the living room, I'd have to factor in the cost of a divorce lawyer. I hate being old sometimes.

    • It's ok.. if it can be fixed by money. It's not a problem.

      • hahahah

        I need a seat to seat on and game with all games, I think this will be the one :)

  • I don't have any experience with this unit, but I purchased an Obutto Ozone cockpit for $550 delivered back when GT5 came out from www.simparts.co.nz. It is solid, does not rattle, has adjustable wheel mount, shifter mount and comes with swivel keyboard tray and VESA monitor mount. Better value than this unit, and there are plenty of positive reviews around the web for the Obutto.


  • I sat in one in Harvey Norman and it was really uncomfortable for me (6'3") as teh steering plate was too low to fit my legs/knees under. Might be OK for shorter people.

    • which store was that?

      • City West in WA but that was Christmas time year before last but when I went back recently it was gone.

    • Very good to know. I'm the same size

      • +1

        That would have been the V1 simulators that had the steering wheel plate about 20cm lower. The V2 simulators now have the pedal plate much higher and we have very positive reviews from customers as tall as 6ft 6 that have purchased the simulators.

        • does this mean that it is now no longer suitable for the short people? hm… perhaps v3 should have an adjustable steering wheel plate or height adjustable seat?

  • +3

    I saw one of these when I was in China, my wife tried it. Its very realistic because she spent the whole race driving into a wall and didn't know why, it's as real as it gets.

  • Just put my order in for one of these, can't wait to get it, wish I could afford 2 of them.

    Anyone know how big the box it comes in and how heavy it is?

    • Id say big

  • Ended up getting 3 of these for $199 each at WOW sight and sound!

    • 3 of them for $199??? Are they the same ones just that when I phoned WOW @ Underwood they only had this one for $199 http://www.pagnianimports.com.au/racing-simulator-cockpit/wh…

      • Yeah GTxtreme V2 - set them all up at home :D So much fun!

        • Damn you did well to get them at that price. I ordered mine yesterday from Pagnian and received it today, so very happy with the quick delivery. My local Wow at Oxley QLD used to only stock the wheel stand that Twisty posted.

        • Any chance you can post a receipt?

        • Hey Twisty, here you go:


  • Nice work. Im still saving up for the $550 got until the 12th of may

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