This was posted 3 years 1 month 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Xiaomi Aqara Smart Temperature Humidity Sensor 2 Pack US$23.99 (~A$33.56) + Free Priority Shipping @ GeekBuying

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After a few recent requests these Aqara Temperature and Humidity sensors are back on sale in a pack of 2.

Edit: More stock added @ 2:30pm.

Like other Aqara sensors they can be setup to send you alerts or trigger actions with other smart home devices. Examples of use is that when the temperature/humidity reaches a certain level you can have your humidifier/air purifier turn on, or have it send you an alert to your phone.

It requires the use of a Zigbee hub and it's compatible with many brands including Aqara, Xiaomi, Conbee, SmartThings and more. It also supports Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa and Home Assistant.

  • Apply the coupon NNNDB2AQARA at checkout

AU$ based on current Mastercard rate, free priority shipping and stackable with cashback.

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closed Comments

  • +16

    These are OK for SmartThings if, and only if, you can ensure that they connect directly to the hub and not via any other ZigBee node. Otherwise, they will frequently disconnect, and they're a pain to get back online. I gave up on mine ages ago: far too much maintenance to be worthwhile.

    • This! 👆

    • +1

      Agree, have had the same problem too. I haven’t found a decent Zigbee/Z-wave replacement that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg

    • How far away from the hub before you need to use a repeater?

      • +1

        The problem for me wasn't so much distance, but the presence of other nodes. With Zigbee, any plugged-in device automatically becomes a repeater. I've got Zigbee smart plugs around my home (far better than using Wi-Fi), which automatically repeat the signals. For fully compliant Zigbee devices, that is a fantastic feature.

    • Would the Aqara G2H cameras be ok?

    • +1

      Yeah I've started moving away from Xiaomi unfortunately. Having too many issues with their smart home stuff the past few years. Got a bunch of sensors and hubs now sitting in a draw and switching to the Kogan Smarter home products.

    • +1

      Same with a Conbee2, can never get them to stay connected more than a few days at best

      • +1

        Same with a Conbee2, can never get them to stay connected more than a few days at best

        Wow, my experience has been the opposite. Conbee II -> HASSIO

        I don't just wholly rely on the Conbee II though. I have some Zigbee repeaters in the form of some Ikea Tradfri devices (power points).

        This is my Zigbee network, the while being my Aqara sensors. The blue being Zigbee repeater devices (Ikea Tradfri) and the blue being my Conbee II. I've never had a device drop out since adding Zigbee repeaters. I learned really quickly to get Zigbee repeaters.

    • Will it connect to the Amazon Echo Gen 4?

  • Thanks OP. Grabbed it.

  • +7

    Have a heap of these connected to Home Assistant via a Conbee 2. Work perfectly. 2 more bought!

    • +1

      Ditto to literally everything you just said. Love these.

    • Which guide did you follow to pair the devices to your Pi? I can't get any of my Xiaomi BLE sensors to show up. Do you have a link to a guide?

      • +1

        These are Zigbee, not BLE. Haven't had any experience with Xiaomi BLE sensors.

        • Whoops! I didn't read the description properly

      • +2

        I've connected my Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC and MJYD02 to Home Assistant by using an ESP32 and ESPHOME as a receiver. You may need the Telink tool to get the bind key.

        Even if you connect them directly to your Pi via BLE, you would need to follow teh command line work here

    • Have a heap of these connected to Home Assistant via a Conbee 2. Work perfectly. 2 more bought!

      Do you use deConz or ZHA?

      • +3

        ZHA on a RPi4 with SSD. 36 Zigbee devices, 90 entities. Only rarely have an issue with the Aqara Human Motion sensors not detecting motion.

        • 36 devices? it's amazing how many devices add up once you start adding a few.

    • Do you have any plugged-in Zigbee devices as well? I'm curious to know how the behaviour is with HA+Conbee.

      With SmartThings, these only work well if there are no other devices that can repeat the signal.

      • I have no issues using these with other Zigbee repeaters (Ikea Tradfri/Conbee II/HA setup). There are things that can interfere with them though, like WiFi, etc.

      • I have Zigbee lights that are powered permanently. Just checked the ZHA map and all of the weather sensors are connected to them, not the Conbee directly.

  • What is the battery life on these ?
    I'd like to use them in a bathroom to report on humidity; so if humidity rises by eg 3%, turn on fan
    Can you set the reporting interval to eg 5 mins without trashing the battery life ?

    • Generally about a year. I have 3 which the batteries died recently so need to replace the battery. My biggest issue is that they have been moved around while the battery died and I am not sure where 1 of them is due to kids moving it.

      • what battery it takes?

    • I use one of these for exactly this purpose in Home Assistant - when humidity increases 6% above the last 60 mins average the fan turns on and turns off when it goes back below 6%. I've only had mine 2 months and the battery is still 100%. The fan will turn on within a minute and I'm really happy with it. I also use the Conbee2 with zero issues. As far as I can see you can't change reporting interval - it seems to send at longer intervals if teh temp/humidity doesn't change and then sends frequently as it changes.

      • Are you able to check in HA and see how often it’s getting updated ?

        Tossing up between buying a Conbee and these or sticking with Z wave ($$$)

        • I ditched every zwave item I had once I got a bunch of Aqara stuff. They are a fraction of the size. The z-wave temp or motion sensors were ridiculously sized, as were the door sensors. So glad to be rid of them. The Aqara ones are so discreet.

  • Any deal on the window/door sensors Clear?

  • Whats the chances this would work with a Philips Hue hub?

    • They don't work with Philips Hue hubs unfortunately.

  • Would this work with an ikea hub (supposed zig bee?)
    Also I assume a hub is required for HomeKit?

    • +1

      Last time I checked the IKEA hub was quite limited and it wouldn't work without something like zigbee2mqtt.

  • Here's a great instruction video on how to get these to work on Home Assistant

    • You can also do it now with the Zigbee Home Automation integration, I found it much easier to setup than zigbee2mqtt

    • With an Aqara M2 hub, these are native in HomeKit…

  • What's the general use of this? Can someone list out some of the usages?

    • Temperature and humidity readings for any automation =). Easiest one to turn on/off exhaust fan in bathroom as soon as you turn on water in a shower.

      • So how would you turn off exhaust fan? I assume you need to replace the switch with a smart switch?

    • A simple one would be to place one outside and another inside then create a notification telling you when there's a difference in temperature so you can open/close the windows accordingly

    • +1

      Monitor your grow-room.

      • +2

        This. I had it notify me if temps got too hot and turn on fans. And if too hot, it shut the the lights off in case of a light malfunction. The 'tomatoes' were delicious.

    • Have one in my server rack to control the fan. One in the fridge to alert if the door hasn't been closed, or left open too long (the incessant beeping normal stops that).

      • How do these go in the fridge with things like condensation, etc? I figured they weren't particularly safe from moisture.

        • Haven't had a problem and it's been in there for 6 months.

  • This or the xiaomi e ink hydrometer? I have smartthings that control all my lights and 1 old xiaomi e ink that use aaa batteries I love that device, now after upgrading to 3 bed apartment we might need 2 more.

    I just wondering what the smart use application for this sensor that outweigh the benefits if instantly view temp and humidity? We have 1 philips dehumidifier however it's a dumb one as I cannot find any smart dehumidifier in Australia.

  • Rep, can we have a deal on the water sensors pls?

  • Square shape also does pressure reading. Interesting I found it eats up battery much faster than round one without pressure reading.

  • How stable are these when connected to the Aqara G2H? cameras?

  • I would like to put these in a cupboard where I store wine to check if the humidity and temp is stable.

    Can these send notifications remotely to my phone on the temp (for example when I am away from the house) ? Or is there a 'report' function that I can review which would show temp over the course of the day?

    Thanks if anyone can assist!

    • They require a hub to connect to anything else - HomeAssistant, Aqara Hub, SmartThings etc.

  • do i need a console to operate? or just like TP link wifi bulb, software plus device are enough

    • It requires a ZigBee hub. There's a few examples in the post.

  • +1

    I have so many sensors installed that when I wake up in the morning I just get constant errors and need to shut down…. so I go back to sleep. The sensors I have: temperature too high, humidity too high, mood too low, not enough sleep high, BMI too high, Bank App sensor savings account too low, Life Outlook sensor low, state of unread emails too high.

    • +1

      hahaha classic.
      "Number of sensors: Too high"

  • OOS. @Clear will more of these becoming available?

    • More stock added.

  • Do you stock any hubs?

    • Unfortunately they're out of stock.

  • Showing as AU$ 40.51 for myself, did the price go up?

    • You haven't applied the coupon code. The AU$ rate will likely be inflated on the website.

      • Silly of me, thanks!

  • Window/Door sensor 2 pack on sale for those interested.

  • Has anyone used these with HA/conbee2/deconz combination please?

    • I bought these to add to Conbee 2 /HA. I'll let you know how I go if they arrive.

      • +1

        These little devices arrived a few days ago. It took about a minute to link each device to the Conbee II in HA and they have worked fine since installation (I'm not using Deconz at this stage). I think these devices only really report when the temp changes so yesterday there was upwards of a 30 min gap between reporting at the peak of the heat during the day.

        I put one inside and one outside ( a fair way away) and they seem to be working quite well.

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