I’ve had great dentist for 30 years.
No pain, no oral health issues, no big expenses.
Now retired.
Today was first “check up” with new dentist at same clinic.
New dentist obviously checked my file, cos correctly referenced “X Ray photos, next time”.
The new dentist listened, I assume, to the glowing handover I heard the hygienist recount. Well done me.
The new dentist was nice, personable and did the jaw bite movement thing and prodded my 4 rear teeth.
That was all.
I seem to recall my previous dentist in the sixty odd previous visits, diligently probed every tooth in my mouth, every time.
Not only the 4 rear ones.
Is this normal for an initial primary examination? Is it sufficient to read a 6 month old assessment to say all my remaining are ok without a probe with that metal hook tool?
Even if my previous dentist was “looking for work” I was hardly a gold mine.
I have a filling once every 4 or 5 years.
My dentist does a full probe, after the hygienist has also done the same as part of the cleaning