Am I Crazy for Wanting to Travel to London Now?

After missing out on a chance to study abroad and not travel internationally these past 2 years, the itch to go overseas has never been stronger. I've recently graduated from university and have a job lined up in mid-February. Until then, I've got time off and I'm contemplating heading to London / UK for about 3 weeks.

I understand the COVID situation is not ideal, but London from what I can gather seems to be functioning and lockdowns don't seem to be on the cards anymore. I'm double vaccinated and recently tested positive and recovered from Omicron so I guess that puts me at a good level of immunity. My biggest concern is testing positive again (is this likely?) and having to isolate. That is why I would aim to fly back a week early before work commences to give me some leeway in case things go wrong.

This will be my only chance to travel before I go into full-time work. I have major FOMO from those who have travelled overseas and explored and I feel that I've missed out on this huge portion of my youth. I don't imagine I'll get a chance again until I get my paltry couple of weeks off towards the end of this year hence the urgency to go now.

Am I crazy, or should I say screw it and head out? Any advice would be appreciated as I constantly find myself oscillating between going and staying.

Edit: Thanks everyone for your thoughtful comments and responses - very helpful.


  • -1

    They might revoke your visa because you're Australian. Due to the recent AO comtraversy.

    • +3

      They are going to London, not Belgrade

  • Am I Crazy for Wanting to Travel to London Now?


  • Just watch out for captain Trips though

  • +1

    My friend was supposed to fly out overseas today. Unfortunately they tested positive for COVID yesterday, so their whole trip just got cancelled. Probably just as well they tested positive while in Australia. Can't imagine what would've happened if they tested positive while on their trip overseas.

    • Definitely one of the biggest risks, your entire trip being cancelled if you get covid. Like you said, could be worse if you're over there.

  • Who knows when COVID pisses off. It could be years. Get some travel insurance and YOLO

  • +11

    Okay so - this is coming first hand.
    I am in London right now and have been since Dec 14th in the UK/EU region.
    I've visited London, Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, Marseille, Paris & Amsterdam since then.

    What I can say is - it's Business as Usual in most of these cities (except Amsterdam).
    All you have to do is wear your mask, get an EU COVID Certificate and you are good to go..

    Having been to Paris three times in the past - this is the best visit I ever had.
    It was absolutely quiet, the streets were clean and it was actually enjoyable.

    • Exactly as I expected. Good feedback!

    • Getting groceries in Australia is not so good atm. ☹️☹️☹️

    • so happy to hear recent experiences like this

  • +1

    I'd go, you have my support! Not sure about London but definitely as mentioned above, a Europe trip may be nice this time of the year, especially if you like the snow. I'd go to the Alps somewhere.

  • Go, live life. This could all still be around in 10 years!

  • +2

    no, you are not crazy for wanting it. doing it, on the other hand, may not be wise.

    you are not alone in your cabin fever tho

  • Where's the poll?
    I can't think of a reason not to travel but do make sure to stay a good while though given the trouble you'll go to getting there.

  • +1

    When given a choice you can act out of fear or love. Choose love.

  • Just do your best. I had to pull out but my friends going to USA late Jan with a great itinerary planned. Where there's a will there's a way.

  • +5

    "This will be my only chance to travel before I go into full-time work"

    LOL you're joking right? It's called annual leave

    • +2

      Travelling with zero work commitments at the back of your mind just hits different, I understand where OP is coming from

      • +5

        But surely OP has a work commitment; to be available to commence employment on the agreed date.

        • +1

          Exactly, the fact that OP has to come back to start a job says it all really.

          Quitting your job and going travelling for a while is another thing.

  • +3

    What's the rush? Will you be so busy once you start this job that you'll never have free time again?
    IMO youth get less out of travel than anyone else. I think travel is great for children, for they might just see some benefit in their education afterwards, and great for people mature enough to take in new cultures and not just focus on partying.
    The travel experience doesn't deteriorate with age.

  • -5

    Are you sure you are University educated… you do know we are in a pandemic… 24H on a plane with mask on… for what…
    and I reiterate… are you sure you are tertiary educated?

    • Going to uni doesn't make someone logical, have common sense, rational, smart, educated etc….

      I went to Uni, have 2 degrees, averaged D in both but I still considered myself learning and growing every day. I even failed the HSC and got under 30 as a mystery mark.

    • What does a uni education have to do with anything?

  • +1

    You mention you've had Omicron & recovered.
    Out of interest, how long does it take the PCR test to be negative again after you get it?
    (thinking of overseas travel - if you get it while overseas how long would it be before you are negative & can come back?)

  • how important is the job, could you find another job easily if you could not start on time and lose the position? Easy to apply for annual leave even if you can't accrued enough - ie. you could do your travel after working for 6 months, saving up some money and when your job is secure. also ride out the omicron wave

  • maybe go to a destination closer like Singapore? have a safe time - test everyday and know you will be coming back to start new job on time and then you have a goal to get to London - your first trip with your well earned leave from your job ;) Either way - hope that you make the most of what you end up doing :)

    • Singapore for 3 weeks? No thanks, they are semi locked down atm

      • … a risk with many other locations too I suspect.

  • Absolutely

  • You're crazy, not even from a covid POV but it'll be (profanity) miserable cold and wet and also it doesn't start getting bright till 8:30 and then the sun will be going down in the later afternooon. Best time to travel to the UK/London is their summer. Nice weather, loooooooooong evenings and plenty to see and do.

  • Put it this way. If I'm in your current situation, first thing I'm gonna do afrer I typed this is to pack my bags and head straight to the airport.

    Best time to travel now if you could. Cheap flights with full service airlines, cheap accommodations and every where you go it won't be as packed as it normally would be.

  • +1

    I'm sorting in the Heathrow Qantas club lounge reading this! Just flew in. Enroute to Finland.

    Just do it, but make sure that wherever you go you are covered for medical expenses including covid.


  • -1

    Haven't seen any flight deals here, so I'd say its still a rippoff..

  • +8

    Thanks to everyone who commented, a lot of interesting and important points were raised. After much back and forth I've decided to take the leap. I'll be departing from Brisbane Airport next week :)

  • +2

    This is not medical advice but I would probably wait until omicron wipes out delta before I consider travelling to a hotspot. Unless you're old and/or fat. Then you are basically screwed.

  • +1

    Geez, it will bring more mutant virus.

    Worry about your job.

    Travel when COVID is completely over. What's the rush?

    • It will never be over :)

      • -1

        exactly right…

        who made covid? Definitely not China. My guess is USA because they don't want China to become super economic power

  • +1

    Currently in Eastern Europe flew out of Aus on 24/12, absolutely no issues so far. Got my pfizer booster at the 4 1/2 month mark before leaving Aus, from talking to friends & family in Aus seems like I'm more likely to catch it there at the moment.

    As others have said do your best in finding an adequate travel insurance policy & check which countries offer reciprocal healthcare, check the safest/surest travel routes eg. I flew via Hong Kong & they put a hold on Aussies a week or so later. Be flexible with your travel plans outside of the UK, have a $ buffer for sickness/iso etc.

    Plenty to do in Europe during winter also, I'm enjoying the snow here & it's refreshing not to be hearing the constant negative covid media which is so prevalent in Aus, people view it differently here & get on with life. Also being more COVID safe in summer isn't always the case as we're seeing in Aus at the moment - sure it can be more of a risk in a colder environment but wear a mask & distance when possible.

    There will always be extra risks to mitigate in the covid world probably for the next few years at least, plan ahead & good luck!

  • What's good in London compared to Melbourne?

    • +1

      The wheel?

  • +1

    If you said 3 months I'd say go for it, but 3 weeks you could do any time after saving a bit of leave up. No problem working a 12-18 months, saving up and heading off on a good 4-6 month trip to appease the FOMO - easy to do when you're younger. Or get some experience and take on a working holiday!

  • Just do it. Get covid here, get covid there, same shit. Now that you're vaccinated against delta, and omicron is considered less deadly, it might be the only window you have. Who knows what future variants are like.

    Being able to travel when you're young without any obligations holding you back is something you should treasure. You might even have a better time competing with fewer tourists at once popular/overcrowded tourist spots.

  • -5

    I don’t think it’s crazy to travel overseas, just incredibly entitled. These places aren’t going anywhere, and travelling has the potential to further spread the virus and put you and other people at risk. You are also potentially burdening the health systems in other countries, and the people who live there.

  • Just get insurance and do it. I am in Italy atm, mostly due because I haven't seen my parents for 3 years and they are getting older. We are not doing much, just visiting things locally but it's also because I am by myself with 2 teenagers. If my husband was with me I would be doing more stuff. I am finding that a lot of places aren't crowded, which is a good thing.
    Everyone is wearing a mask also outdoor and k95 masks are compulsory on the train/theatres etc. In a way they are controlling covid better here in Italy atm compared to Australia (especially nsw), as in the region I am atm the numbers are lower than NSW. I am scared to catch covid here, but if I do I have insurance for that. I hope I don't and if I need to catch it I would prefer it is not while I am on holiday obviously.

  • You’re 100% crazy. Not for wanting to travel, but for wanting to jump straight into full time work before you take at least a year to travel!

    Do it! Have an amazing time and don’t forget to give your prospective employer a few weeks notice that you won’t be coming home in mid Feb. Jobs will always be there.

  • I feel crazy for wanting to leave my bed in the morning.

  • Stay here, work on your patience. FOMO just makes you do stuff you really shouldn't be doing.

    Best time to get a job experience and save up for when things do fine up to travel. Once you have job experience you can get a job anywhere. If your job experience allows you get a WHV then get sponsorship in UK or Europe. Better making local money and spending it there.

  • -1

    No way… Either sit and watch the world go by from your home. or In 10 years when we're in the same boat and still waiting for the world to go back to normal, Wondering wtf didn't you just do it? I'm not going to let that happen. Haven't travelled for the last 2 years and I'm not waiting any longer. ​
    I'm going to the USA in August to see my baseball team and Disneyland again. Then October my wife and I are going to UK Germany and the Czech Republic

    I have covid as I'm typing this. and it's just the flu… Whatever happens, so be it?

  • Everyone has their opinions but I would say go for it. Travelling now would be a 'once in a lifetime' experience. Yes, Covid times but flights, hotels, attractions would be relatively cheaper and crowd much less than any other times.
    Hope OP managed to redeem reward points for business class seats. Enjoy the experience and safe travels!
    Might be a nice story to tell your kids in the future.

  • +2

    So, did you end up going to UK?

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