This was posted 3 years 1 month 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

V-CHEK COVID-19 Saliva Rapid Antigen Test Kits Box of 20 Tests $279.00 Shipped @ YourDiscountChemist


Looks like its now OOS online

Not the best price, but if you need some, require a larger quantity,and dont mind paying the extra, this one is for you.

Free shipping.

If you dont mind waiting a bit, you can get them slightly cheaper here…

Easy to use with results in 10 minutes
Non-invasive lollipop saliva test
Reliable & accurate
Clinical sensitivity listed on ARTG register as 'very high sensitivity which means the clinical sensitivity is greater than 95% PPA
PPA is the proportion of individuals that produced a positive test result using a COVID-19 rapid antigen self-test, in comparison with a positive result that was obtained using a more sensitive laboratory PCR test
V-Chek has the highest rating for a saliva rapid antigen test available in Australia
Registered for self-use
Suitable for ages 2 & above
Tests are not individually wrapped
ARTG Registration No. 374065
No refunds available
How to use
View full instructions here

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Your Discount Chemist
Your Discount Chemist

closed Comments

  • -1

    Price in title please

  • +6

    Very high sensitivity according to:…

    • +1

      Incase anyone was wondering what @becku means, the higher the PPA % is. The greater the sensitivity, the greater chance it has at detecting COVID-19, the less chance of a false negative.

    • +8

      But they are necessary right now considering the outbreak.

      • +12

        That's debatable, regardless, these are still not a bargain.

        • +16

          The Victorian government Is literally reporting these now (provided you actually submit the results) and other states will be going that way too - so in that sense it may be good to have a few with you. It may not be this deal, but I know a few friends who have symptoms (and some close contacts who don't) that would prefer to order online than trying to run around finding one.

        • +5

          I'm with you man. Ruins the site to see it turn into ozRat. Never understand why these things can't just be a topic in the forum.

          • +2

            @seamonkey: yep, it was oz sanitizer, then oz mask ….. you get these for free at testing stations ……. only reason to buy is if you aren’t near a testing station or willing to go to a hospital …. drove past testing station on friday and the lines seem to be back “pre i need a test to travel interstate for christmas holidays” demand …. i’m about to go back to work after the Christmas break and i reckon if they want people back in the office business will be supplying them for free ….

    • I agree, lets have some common sense!

    • +15

      That's a bit overdramatic. There's barely a few deals for these in a day and they can be easily ignored.
      Kits are sold out almost everywhere and quite a few people need these to be allowed into work or get relief payments.

      But screw sick people that are wondering if they'll get their next paycheque, @Homerlovesbeer doesn't have this problem and needs his deal list to be squeaky clean so he doesn't miss his $2 discount on eneloop batteries.

      • need for work …..will be interesting for contractors vs employees as an employee my company supplies all PPE and other stuff i need and needs to ensure a safe work environment for workcover ……during mask shortages they supplied masks and even had at front counter for visitors ….. only item haven’t supplied what is needed for work was double vax …..but that’s because it’s free …… but they gave time off to get vaxed…..

      • -3

        As a sick person waiting for a paycheque i say screw you.

        This overpriced and sold out deal that was posted at 1am hasn't helped me at all.

        I'm with @Homerlovesbeer on this, this is OzBargain, not Oz RAT test.

        • -1

          The fact that it was sold out at all and this post got a decent amount of attention means it helped some people. The fact that you want them removed means you're not that desperate for said paycheque(assuming what you said is even true), no need to screw over people who actually are just because you want to be an oversensitive pretentious Karen.

          • @[Deactivated]: Lets be real, did toilet paper hoarders get their hands on these, or people who are unwell that really need them?

            I have, on the day of my previous post managed to get a position in test clinic and have tested positive.
            I'm unwell and annoyed and keeping it real.
            Maybe others should do the same.

            I should be able to walk into my local pharmacy and buy a small packet of test kits over the counter for immediate personal use.
            I should not have had to wait a week with no access to any possibility of testing.

            What's clearly happening here is that people are hoarding them, it's affected me first hand and damn right I'm going to be pissed about it.

  • -2

    Thx OP

  • -3

    ThX OP

    • +1

      THX bOT

  • -8

    thanks - but not keen on tests made in china

    • +33

      Yea but covid was made there so it should be fine (it's a joke before people get upset)

    • +1

      Most PCR and rapid tests are from China…

      • +1

        Oh the irony……

      • here you go - all top sensitivity, from TGA website

        Rapid SARS-COV-2 Antigen Test Card Self-test, Nasal swab
        MP Biomedicals Australasia Pty Ltd
        MP Biomedicals Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Singapore) 373711
        Very high sensitivity

        OnSite COVID-19 Ag Self Test, Nasal swab
        MD Solutions Australasia Pty Ltd
        CTK Biotech Inc (USA) 332961
        Very high sensitivity

        Panbio COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test, Nasal swab
        Abbott Rapid Diagnostics Pty Ltd
        Abbott Rapid Diagnostics Jena GmbH (Germany) 345192
        Very high sensitivity

  • +13

    Price gouging bargain

    • +2

      Has that rule been enforced yet? This looks to be about a 30-40% markup. The link to the Kogan pricing is probably more around the mark of 20% markup.

      • +3

        Yes it has. Starting from 1am 8th Jan if im not mistaken. If you think its above the 20% markup, should just report them. Let them get the 66k fine.

        • +1

          would depend what part of the supply chain the mark ups are costed at …… if the parent company from overseas jacks it up , not much local retailers can do expect limit their 20% …

          • @garage sale: Yeah, good point. I guess if people really wanted to, just report every seller. Investigations will take place. If they did the right thing, they wont get fined, if they didnt, they get the 66k.

    • I depends on how much they bought them from their suppliers (not the price when they were manufactured). If they bought them at $10 then 20% markup will be $12.

  • -5

    Can we ban Rapid Antigen Test Kits, Please

    This is getting silly as the prices are stupid even if they are called a "bargain"

    • -1

      All you snowflakes can downvote and move on.

    • +4

      Can we ban Rapid Antigen Test Kits, Please

      Mark McGowan has entered chat.

    • +3

      Cool - let's ban GPUs as well then

  • +2

    bargain price /s

  • +1

    If only they have smaller package..

    • -1

      That's what she said…

  • +1

    Family size

    Don't want to get political in a bargain forum but this really drives it home. On the bright side, someone is making serious bank so props to them.

  • +3

    i wish these price gougers get fined

    • +22

      How can a junkie be scared of needles

    • +16

      We have a marketing guy as prime minister. The whole "go out" schtick was just an election play for the holidays. He immediately did a 90 degree turn to "use common sense" after new years and will complete a full 180 in the weeks to come as hospitals get more crowded.

  • -1

    Thanks OP for sharing. This particular brand seems to have been at this price for a while before the RAT race so happy to get them now. Working directly to public I unfortunately gotta be ready to use one of these one day.

  • "No refunds available"

    Website doesn't comply with ACL it seems

    • +1

      Helpful for international flights though. Better to find out 48hrs before rather than on the day of flight

    • +2

      not sure about less deadly buy 1000 people die a year of flu and it doesn’t get much of a public reaction ….. problem for govt is stating what is an acceptable death rate for covid …. 1000, 2000, ?

      reaction for public would be every life counts. ….. well with the flu it doesn’t as 1000 deaths a year seems acceptable, only get 80% of people getting flu shots.

    • +2

      Your source is the Daily Fail? And with a question in the headline?

    • Only Acceptable sensitivity

  • The site says "Product that you are trying to add is not available." (despite also saying stock available).

  • kids are going back to school, doubt people will be able to afford, or get enough kits, or bother testing kids for omicron …if your kids feel ok they will go to school and spread the love …. or is the school going to test ….daily, weekly kids are going to say they tested negative even if they haven’t tested ….like brushing teeth before going to school, kids say they did even if they didn’t, back to school will put a new challenge to the scomo test yourself and use common sense covid model.

    people send sick kids to school all the time so they can go to work …… you hope nurse doesn’t call asking you to get your kid while at work ……

    • Had to test mine coming out of iso from close contact… 2 hours of tantrums then crying after the test… So yeh not looking forward to them going to school

    • +3

      As a parent whose child is going to high school and only working PT due to illness (sob story) money is tight - Have to buy new shoes, books, mathematics gear, school cloths and Laptop money is tight and dont have spare money laying around or have Jenny to buy or seach for stock of these kits each week - Its bad timing to fork out $$$ for tests on top of it all. And as you state parents send kids to school sick - A mate whose son was doing chemo (pre covid) in primary got sick and ended up in hospital many times when kids came in sick even though the teacher told parents to inform the school if your child is feeling unwell and they will be put in a different class for the duration of cold, fever etc..Most parents didnt even bother telling the school when their kid was sick and in the same class. Also as being a transplant recipient im highly vulnerable so (profanity) sick of being worried of my kids or me getting so ill - If i get sick who is going to look after kids and free testing is so backed up, if i catch covid i will not find out quick enough to get treatment to help me from getting seriously ill - that is if there is enough treatment or space in hospital to treat me if i get Covid - So (profanity) no, scomo we are not taking covid wickets, many are struggling and scared

  • +1

    As of 4:49am

    Says there is 88 in stock but click add to cart and comes up with not available

  • So the RRP is 5 for $49.95.

    Is this 20 boxes of 5 tests?

    Or is this 20 tests at $13.95 a test?

    It's not excessive price gouging but it's there and should be reported.

    Melbourne showgrounds gate 7, these are fee!

  • Please dont waste the money on this. Unless u have to for work. Should be free and shouldnt be sold out everywhere

  • Product that you are trying to add is not available.

  • -8

    Not a bargain.

    Also by continuing to test you are prolonging this shit world we have created.

    Omicron is our out. If we take it.

    • It sure is I went to a major shopping centre near me yesterday and it looked exactly the same as the highest level lockdowns .
      Only essential stores open and 2/3 of what is normally a full car park empty.
      They have `^ this one up .

    • Omicron is our out. If we take it.

      Until the Perrottet strain takes hold.

      • -3

        It seems the majority of Ozbargainers reflect the comment pages on the SMH.

        Pro containment. Lockdowns for life. Oblivious and ignorant to what’s really happening.

        • -1

          the comment pages on the SMH.

          Probably The Guardian as they can't afford the SMH.

          But seriously, Just because you get omricon, doesn't mean your immune from the next mutation. Just ask Jocco, he apparently got Delta AND Omricon.

          But I agree that all this testing is now pointless. If you're sick, assume you've got it. Isolate.

          • +1

            @M00Cow: Immunity from mutations is almost impossible. This is where anti vaxxees have their ammunition, but also why their narrow perspective also infuriates me.
            Vaccines and exposure to the virus only ever increase your immunity, they never really make you immune.
            These vaccinations and exposures trigger b cell memories in our lymphatic system which sends the t cells to try and kill off covid.
            Vaccine was always meant to boost b cell memory to trigger a early response to fight off covid. It was never a cure same as catching one strain of covid.
            In saying that getting omicron should still help boost some level of immunity against delta and other variants as the coronavirus strain has the same nuclei just a different protein spike (from the 27 spikes) mutating.
            Anyway if we are going to get covid it's better to get a milder variant to begin with.

    • I want some of what you're smoking!

  • +1

    How long are people expecting these online orders to take to deliver…?

  • Out of stock. Get an error when trying to add to cart.

  • +13

    Not a bargain at about $14 a pop for something that costs about $4ea

  • +3

    Excellent! $14ea, Brodan them,split them up, sell for $50. Profit! And you'll have Scotties blessing, because his govt doesn't want to get in the way of business.

    Thanks ScoMo! Thanks Dom! You've made R.A.T's the new NFT/Crypto.

    • Can do capitalism. Working as designed.

    • Your cunning plan might fail the price gouging regulations.

      • The Australian Cute & Cuddly Cat?

        But whose Afraid Of The ACCC? Nobody, especially not me!

  • -2

    I would rather see these RAT listings rather than the AliExpress/ Alibaba junk being listed.

    • Or combine both!

    • +1

      Settings > Deals > New Deals page > "Do not show deals posted by Store Representatives on New Deals listing"

  • Liberal government finally successful in privatising Medicare without people realise it… :)

    1st - let Covid spread by encouraging new year fire works and opening boarder
    2nd - Changed.problem definition to test PCR test and make people suffer on long queue to get tested for free
    3rd - home test are not free but people to save their life buy home test at cost

    This all will be step towards privatising health care…and data will be used to prove to make people pay for pathology test in future in my opinion but who cares … !

    • most people already pay for pathology tests - sometimes my specialist forgets to put "medicare" on blood form and i get a $200+ bill which i have to spend an hour on the phone each time for them to cancel the bill. If any of my kids get blood tests i have to ask the Dr to put on medicare but i know quite a few mates who do annual blood tests have to pay. The public system may die of 1000 cuts as it was pretty bad pre-covid - I mean the public health system saved my life literally many times since 7 years old and over the past 30 odd years its gotten scary how much stress its under.

      • +2

        Medicare covers the cost of most pathology tests. The problem is that doctors and specialists send patients to private clinics with artificially high prices that exceed the allowable rebate limit, and they get kickbacks for doing so. You don't NEED to go to the clinic that your medical professional has partnered with - you can show up to any of pathology business with the form, and they will do the test for you.

        The whole "forgetting to put Medicare on the form" is because they are hoping to fleece more money out of you through the kickback. It honestly sounds like you need new doctors and specialists - that's not normal.

        • Can you tell me which pathology, radiology labs, specialists etc offer kickbacks? My wife and I will switch, all we have ever gotten for referrals has been the occasional gift basket at Christmas, and even then it's absolutely not expected..

          Do you think big pharma pays medical doctors and other prescribing clinicians as well?

          • +1

            @downbythecreek: Why do you think the pathology industry has become a duopoly? The most common way it's done is through the pathology company renting a premise from the referring company at inflated prices - this is why so many medical chains will tell you "oh, don't worry - there's a pathology place next to us you can use". I'm not stating that direct financial payments are being provided - but this practice is well documented. It shouldn't come as news.

            I mean, people don't think they get branded pathology referral forms because the medical practice thinks that specific pathology place is super awesome, right? The common industry deflection tactic for that is stating something along the lines that the pathology place is "integrated" with their systems - that excuse is wearing a bit thin in 2022, even with the horrendous state of IT in the consumer medical industry.

            Do you think big pharma pays medical doctors and other prescribing clinicians as well?

            No - it's illegal to provide direct payments to prescribe specific types of medicine or brands. The pharmaceutical industry has other mechanisms that they use, and again this is well documented.

            • +1

              @Tyrx: The biggest scandal of time will come out if there was anti corruption body at federal level similar to ICAC in NSW.. about Rapid Antigen Test.

              Guess, why did government not approved RAT for more then a year since i was approved and used in UK & USA? Obviously share price of Sonic went to sky because of that particular reason…. in my opinion.

              In addition after approving RAT they don't want to provide one because they don't want big scarry number to come out in the media everyday… !

              NSW numbers are 20,000+ today around 15,000 less because the PCR is not easy to get by, the RAT is not available so how on earth you will get positive test patients? This is called "If you can't solve the problem then change the problem defination"… lol

              making everyon fool in broad day light … in my opinion.

        • Agree, doctor get gift in exchange of referral and many even get free meeting snacks and food bought by the company they refer … Obviously those gift they get aren't $10 ballpen but much more expensive…IMO.

        • +1

          I believe my specialist forgets as I have blood tests every 1-2 months. Also if I get blood tests from other pathologist the numbers apparently can be slightly different. This specialist deals in renal disease so would be writing dozens of blood forms a day - I haven't paid for a blood test in the 20 years I have been with him (besides my taxes)

      • +1

        I have never paid a cent for pathology services even though I am not on centre link health card.

        For radiology you may need to pay out of pocket if you go to private practice but if you do the same in hospital then they are free.

        I was asked to do 3d x-ray of my teeth and I went to Westmead Hospital and they did it for free but dentist receptionist (that's how doctor force you using receptionist) keep insisting to do it in private practice in Norwest …now why on earth doctor insist if they getting nothing?

        Also after doing it in hospital doctor keep telling me that they have not received results for 20 days but hospital sent out results in 5 days…. All these dodgy practice are done by dentist who has 5 star review on Google… !

  • +2

    having to buy 20 and its at $14 each is not a bargain when there have been very high sensitivity RATs on here which were 5 for 50

    • Well, these are saliva ones so not as invasive as nasal and requires only a 3-step process.

  • +3

    No bargain.
    Sell them at cost.

  • Looks like it's back in stock. 162 as I'm writing it.

    • 88 in stock as I am writing this.

  • sold out

  • So funny thing here in QLD if you got to the hospital you get rapid tests for free. line up is like 10 min wait. and you get given a 2 pack test kit. So I wasted money on a 2 test kit when I could have just got it for free down the road.

    I have serveral mates now that have got a rapid test for free they just hand them out at reception. But you can only get "ONE" they don't let you take more than one.

    • @kungfunman I have seen people saying on Reddit hospitals give out free RAT in the mornings. However they don't mention which hospital, do you know which ones are giving them out?

      • are you in Queensland? because I don't know for other states. The one my friends went to was Princess Alexandra Hospital

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