This was posted 3 years 1 month 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Coles Deli Fresh Australian Cooked Black Tiger Prawns 2kg $29 @ Coles Armidale NSW (Possibly Also in Other Stores)


I spotted this deal today (7.00pm) at Coles Armidale but may also be other stores. Expiry dates ranged from the 9th to the 10th of Jan. Can be found at either the deli or in the meat section (pictured). The deli girl stated they had 8 more out the back so there is 10+ in stock just in the Armidale store.

These are Currently $60 on Coles website.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Freshly caught from the Armidale Coles Loading Dock :)

  • +3

    Had these last night, decent flavour.

    • Aldi is the same when they have them in fresh prepacked. I was shocked how good they were, as I had pretty low expectations (never having pre-packaged fresh prawns before)

      • was last year, but the coles attendant said the window prawns are same as packed

        the large frozen ones we got were packaged in a black box

        from your pic they are thawed i suppose

  • Xmas left overs?

    • -3

      Nope. This apparently is how fresh Prawn will come in most stores from now on. Kinda sucks if you just want 500g for yourself as they only come in 2kg, otherwise the lose prawn are frozen Viet crap. When Aldi have them in stock, it's similar, but they have 500g/1kg and I've never had an issue. They only have a few days shelf life, but if stored right, they are really tasty with a firm texture

      • +2

        You sure? The seafood deli still has prawns that you can choose your desire weight.

        • Not in my area for fresh prawn. Only thawed can be purchased lose and yes, I am 100% sure. Possible city store may keep lose fresh as well, but country stores have stopped (Woolworth still has fresh as lose)

          • -1

            @Froot Loops: Yes I live in the city

            • +1

              @Homr: I don't know what the city stores are doing, as above, I can only comment on the rural stores I use. I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes the case, just like they have done with the butcher's service a few months back

              • +1

                @Froot Loops: Woolworths has already axed delis at some of their Metro stores. In all fairness, Woolworths Metros tend to be inner-city or inner-suburban stores with limited floor space, and from what I remember about visiting some Metro stores pre-COVID, they had maybe two or three small cabinets as the deli section (which was admittedly a bit of a joke, as they had a very limited range of deli products available). Considering the focus of those stores is more on convenience and allowing you to grab items on the go (rather than allowing you to do your weekly shop), I’m not sure whether it’s an indication of what is about to happen at mainline supermarkets.

                I see Coles trialled (or is trialling) the removal of the deli at one NSW store, and from what I can tell, that store is definitely not a city store!

                From what I remember, Coles Armidale has a small deli when compared with other Coles I have visited, so I’m also not too surprised they do not have loose prawns available at the deli. It didn’t seem like a small store overall, so my guess is that it logistically makes little sense for Coles to truck in loose perishable goods that may not be as popular as other deli goods.

                • +2

                  @WookieMonster: I'm rural (town less than 20k) and the ones i bought yesterday were loose and weighed to measure, and then they were put in to a ziplock bag like the bbq chook bags.

                  The next towns Coles (a town of 5,000) lost their Deli about 6 months ago. Their stuff is pre-packaged, though i have not been in there to check these black prawns.

  • This is a normal price at my local store at least for the last 12 mths, I usually stock them when they came down to $24 per kg! Oops! I was thinking about the raw one!

    • -1

      "stock them". These are fresh prawns with only a few days shelf life. Also these work out to be $14.50 per kg (2kg in a pack)

  • Merry Christmas from G.J. Coles and Coy.

    • As Above, Coles explained (when I enquired) that this is how their fresh prawns will now come to regional stores (thawed will still come as lose prawns, but who really wants them). They hare a shelf-life of a few days (like Aldi pre-packaged fresh prawn range). I'm not sure if this is a trial for Coles or what, but they have closed their on-site butchers of recent and maybe this could be another measure to reduce labour. I have also noticed many deli items are starting to come pre-packaged also (and they cut a lot of items from the deli, like Char Siu 😢.

      To be fair these prepacked prawns have the nicest texture and taste (Almost as good as the fish market). I'm gathering (speculation) as they also smell and taste fresh, they may be using an inert gas (Nobel gas) to displace the oxygen in the packaging that would rapidly reduce the speed of decomposition (it's harmless to humans). I've also noticed many items that use to be baked fresh are now prepackaged (Cheese scrolls, Ham and pineapple pizza log thing, Donuts, Cupcakes). I feel bad for people that have worked their ass off for these supermarkets, only to be likely given the boot as the butchers.

      • +1

        My local Coles (Ascot QLD) was rebadged as 'Coles Local'. The butcher and deli both got the boot, so now we also get these same prawns. All ham, cold mealts and other deli items are now all pre-packaged in plastic. Then they throw in some token 'local' options (bread/cakes etc from a local supplier) to try and 'engage' with the locals. A complete failure and disgrace on the part of Coles.

        • -1

          That sucks. I had a feeling this was the progression towards staff replacements. Seems they are trying to take some lessons from Aldi, due to high labour costs and to be fair it's the shareholders vote that matters to the executives at the end of the day. We also got the hours of operation cut back, so maybe that might be coming your way (From Mid to 10pm).

          The thing that peev'd me off (mainly because my grandpa can't use self-service, so there are people out there), but on many days I have visited days after around 8pm you need to make a request for them to open a register to serve you (They will just put through your order at the cigg counter). They will even go as far as to make you use self-service whiles they talk you through it. There is no guard at my local anymore and they normally have I person, who monitors self-service, sells ciggs, assists people to use self-service and has to put through orders if you refuse self-service. It worried me that Westfarmers still wants in the pharmacy / healthcare game, even though Woolworths withdrew their Priceline bid. If you look overseas, you'll end up with the supermarkets buying the regulatory body (Chemist warehouse does this), putting pharmacies in supermarkets, removing the staff that normally assist and having 1 pharmacist with a 15 year old handing out the drugs. They worked out in the UK how many people would die for this setup and it was found to still be worth it for the government. I will quit before I end up trading my 5 year degree and professionalism to work for a supermarket that would likely contract us so we wouldn't be paid to counsel patients. It's already like this at Chemist warehouse, but the chains in the UK are shocking compared to even our worst.

          Maybe time to shop at Woolies for me. I can't afford it, but I want fresh food and to give young people an opportunity to have their first job and gain work ethics over that being replaced by a computer

  • Anyone seen these in Armadale?

    • +1

      I don't think coles price their products based on similar sounding suburbs if that's what you're thinking.

      • -1

        "Price match, Prahran store!" :)

    • +1

      They are in the Deli (Normal place), then also out the back behind the deli and the photo I have taken above was where meat (Chicken) would normally go, but there is really not much meat there at all. People have commented above they are getting the same prepackage prawns at their local Coles, but they are $60 on the Coles website. Might be a case of the $5 or $2 chickens. Just a little luck. I'm gathering if this is the new norm for fresh prawns, it will likely take stores awhile to get their stock level adjusted (since 2kg is the min), so possible bargains to be had until they get this right.

      The easiest way if you want to know if your local has them, just call them. Ask them what the 2kg prepacked prawns are going for.

  • -1

    I'm allergic to shellfish

    • +1

      not sure is prawn shellfish or not

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