Best TV for PS4 gaming under $450

Hi guys,
Which TV from the following three below would you pick for PS4 (which says it supports up to 1080p)?
When comparing a regular PS4 on a 1080p TV compared to a 4k TV, is there a significant difference?
Also, from what I've read on many product review reviews, the Ffalcon TV's seem to fail a lot, usually just when the one year warranty period has ended.
Please let me know which TV you would pick. Thanks………


  • +5

    You won’t benefit from 4K on a 40 inch unless you sit real close. 1080p upscales to 4K fine, same ratios, but the TV would have to have a decent upscaler for there to be any benefit anyway, this usually means major brands.

    I would pick TCL as a brand over Ffalcon any day of the week.

      • Unlikely HDR would make much of a difference on budget TVs due to the low quality panels. In any case only these PS4 games are HDR.

        Note that the TCL states, "*HDR via USB and streaming only". So it wouldn't work via the PS4 via HDMI, which is weird.

          • @shxhshzhz: Is the TV for you? Could you not pick something better up of FB Marketplace or Gumtree?

  • +1

    At that budget, you aren't going to find anything that is clearly better than anything else in the price range.

    Could try to price match this locally:…

    Or could look for a Ebay seconds deal.

    Or just go second hand.

  • All three of those are 50Hz. I paid $495 for my 65" TV recently. There's no way I'd want any of the ones you listed over this set. Admittedly, that's slightly above your stated budget.

    As for HDR, any HDR on a low brightness budget set will be absolutely terrible, so don't waste your time taking HDR into consideration.

    I'd wait for a sale if you can, or consider something on eBay etc. Plenty of ~40" bargains to be had well under your budget.

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