This was posted 12 years 10 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% off Servers Australia (VPS, Dedicated and Web Hosting) Friday 13th


Starts at 12pm this Friday and ends at 6pm.

From their Facebook page (

"We are having THE BIGGEST(and freakiest) sale we’ve done to date!

We’re offering 50% off all dedicated servers, virtual servers and web hosting for the life of the service! But its only between 12pm and 6pm this Friday the 13th. Check out our website this Friday 13th for more details and terms & conditions."

First post, be gentle xD

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Servers Australia
Servers Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    Does that include reseller accounts as well?

    • Hi Kearnsy,

      Yes, it does include reseller accounts =)

  • +1

    Something to keep in mind regarding VDS/VPS plans:
    "We've packed all of our servers with up to a massive 196GB of the latest DDR3 ECC Memory."
    "Quad Intel Xeon Quad Cores 2.66GHZ"
    So, 190+ others sharing each server with you. That works out to about 200Mhz of CPU each (16*2.66/195), and a pretty small amount of IO. Could be as little as 50Mhz each if people are on the smaller plans.

    Don't count on running anything remotely intensive…

    • +1

      Hi Plantain,

      You make a very valid point, however that part of our website is actually out of date =( We'll have it fixed soon.

      Our nodes currently run UP TO 256GB RAM with 64 Cores, over 4 CPU's. All nodes are monitored as well to ensure that there is always available resources on each server and we never oversell as we provide Virtual Dedicated Servers, not VPS which can be oversold.


      Servers Australia

    • That's the entire point of VPS — to maximise the utility of CPU and IO, because not every VPS is going to use the resource at the same time. In theory yes, there is a possibility that you get (CPU MHz x number of cores) / (number of VPS) for the minimum amount of CPU slices, but in reality you do get a lot more.

      Besides CPU is rarely the bottleneck for most VPS hosting companies. ServersAustralia is using "Powerful redundant SAN in RAID 10 backed by Fibre Channel" according to their page. Still not very specific but hopefully a lot better than those $5/month VPS you buy from overseas that run on RAID1 SATA drives.

  • Here's some more info about the starter ones (I asked on chat):

    me: What is the speed of each of the cores? and is each of the cores exclusive for the use of the VDS?

    craig: All starter series VDS's go onto a server with 2.66GHz processors
    craig: these nodes are not the big high memory ones
    craig: we limit them to around 20 to 30 Virtual machines on each
    craig: but the node has 8 cores and the maximum we sell on that node is the 2 core VDS's
    craig: so we never have issues with processor loads or frequencies

    me: oh right. And do you have any idea exactly what model cpu is in these nodes?
    me: and if the storage on them is in raid at all?

    craig: sorry i am in sales, no idea on the actual CPU model numbers
    craig: All storage is in RAID, 15K SAS drives
    craig: no SATA

  • The way I see it is, you can get really cheap VPS and VDS services overseas but if you're wanting business grade quality I personally feel like you need a company with good customer service and a good reputation like these guys.

    I've never personally bought anything from them so I can't say what the servers are like (although I hear good things), but when I inquired about VDS servers for a non-profit organisation wanting to do some online radio streaming, Servers Australia were prompt with NFP rates and helpful with answering any questions we had.
    It was a shame that the client decided to not go ahead though.

    • I smell an "associate" here, by your level of justification… lol

      • Rofl, nah just know a good business when I see one.

  • +1

    Looking forward to Friday the 13th this year =P

  • +1

    Well I asked sales if they could run a compatibility checker for me to see If their servers would be able run my script.
    Now they've forwarded it to support to be run. Pretty decent support since they're going out of their way to do something for a possible customer.

  • Hi All,

    This special is well under way now! Our sales team are available via phone / email and live chat until 6PM today if anyone has any questions.


    Servers Australia

  • Pretty happy with quality of the service so far, apart from when I wanted more RAM and the only option was to upgrade the entire plan to the next size rather than just the resource I needed :(

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