This was posted 3 years 1 month 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Terraforming Mars Strategy Game $69 + Free Delivery @ Kmart


In the 2400s, mankind begins to terraform the planet Mars. Giant corporations, sponsored by the World Government on Earth, initiate huge projects to raise the temperature, the oxygen level, and the ocean coverage until the environment is habitable.

In Terraforming Mars, you play one of those corporations and work together in the terraforming process, but compete for getting victory points that are awarded not only for your contribution to the terraforming, but also for advancing human infrastructure throughout the solar system, and doing other commendable things.

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closed Comments

  • Is this for PC?

    • +4

      It’s a highly popular board game. Never played it myself though.

      • +1

        It also takes ages to setup and play but is apparently very good.

  • +5

    excellent game. By my understanding this price is quite nice. With a quick Ozbargain search there's a history of it dipping below $70 from Amazon a couple of times over the last years. Currently $94 at Amazon.

    If you want to get an idea of the game and have a good time, watch this Shut Up and Sit Down review:

  • +2

    Spewing I missed out on the $49 wingspan. Seems to be sold out everywhere.

    • -5

      Have you played it? Don't be too upset you missed out…

      • +14

        Disagree - it’s a fantastic game, especially with the expansions.

        • +3

          It's 4 player Solitaire

          • @Loracks: Great take mate.

          • @Loracks: I've only played it 3 times, but it does seem like your really only playing solo x 4. Looking at 'opponents' board and looking at what Food the might need or Birds they might want is very very light competition. Unless I'm missing something?

            In saying that, it's a very nice time collecting birds and every time so far I've wanted to start a new game immediately. Thinking the Oceania Expansion might be the go with more recognisable birds.

            • @Nalar: Yes, the OE pack increases the competitiveness a bit more but it’s still friendly competition rather than super mean competition. You do need to look at the other players and work out what their plans are to win I think

            • @Nalar: Anyone find a way to consistently beat a person who fortunately picks a raven in their opening hand?

              More often than not, some bird being much stronger than others eg Ravens, killdeer, I find luck plays spoilsport

              • @Shalom: I haven't tried to Min/Max this game since my partner hates adversarial games so I take it easy for games we buy 'for her'. Of course this doesn't means she doesn't shoot to kill in games like Villainous.

                I had a Killdeer in a game and ended up with like 14 cards in my hand by the end. Never seemed to have enough food, which Raven would deal with.

                Oh Jeeze you made me think about this too much:…

                • @Nalar: It's a beautiful game and the card stock is high quality, but it's really only good for a gateway or family game. As an engine builder it never really gets going.

                • @Nalar: Thanks for that link;
                  Strategy 2 use the Oceania board (assuming you already have it?)

                  Most of the other strategies involve using other birds- IF you are lucky enough to draw one of those birds

                  If you are LUCKY- if not you can play the entire game hoping to pull one of those birds out of a deck of 170-180;

              • @Shalom: Oceana expansion suggests to remove both ravens from the game…problem solved :-)

                • @katejessica: That is useful if you have the Oceania expansion

                  Don't have that option when playing digital

                  Will just have to wait on a good deal on the Oceania 😊

                  • @Shalom: $37-ish from Amazon pretty regularly. But support your local store if you can.

                    • @Nalar: I just picked it up for $37 during the Advent Games boxing day sales, service was awesome, highly recommend

                      • @katejessica: Shipping $15 out of NSW, bringing the total to 52 if ordering just one game

                        • @Shalom: Time to order a few games.

                          Micro Macro City 2 is out now.

    • I was surprised to see it on the shelf at Castle Hill Kmart about a week ago at the $49 price, might still be there?

  • +12

    Kmart's starting to sell some great board games these days, what's going on?

    • My guess - Importers over estimated board game demand after the initial lockdowns and have excess stock to flog.

    • +8

      My Guess - Kmart buyer responding to market trend of BG's being more popular recently.

      • Exactly this - board games have visibly blown up over the last decade or so, I’ve seen good games in aus post, coles, Kmart, target - it used to be specialist stores only

    • +3

      Kmart, BigW, Harvey Norman and JB HiFi are all carrying these types of boardgames now. It's a new era here!

  • +10

    my hot take on this one: way too long for the experience it offers.

    discovering the massive deck is pretty fun, but once you're familiar with them the card evaluation - which is nine tenths of the game - becomes way too straightforward considering it easily takes 2 hours to play, if not more. Lot of time spent pushing cubes around on your little Mars Co. spreadsheet.

    something like Race for the Galaxy is way better bang for buck and infinitely replayable, but sadly much harder to get to the table than this one with it's heavy iconography and generic sci-fi theme. Everdell is a good shout too, and Underwater Cities and the recent Ark Nova are worth looking at instead as well.

    • +2

      As much as I loooooooooooove Terraforming Mars,I'd agree with this - it rarely gets on the table cos the rest of my group find it too long. The digital adaptation is pretty good and I've played a ridic amount of it, just hoping there will be more expansions added!

      Wingspan has a similar feel and our group enjoy it so far, games feel shorter so that's a plus.

    • +1

      I've taken a liking to games where you all take your turn simultaneously.

      Sushi go/party.
      Quacks of Quedlinburg.
      7 Wonders.
      Roll for the Galaxy.

      Terraforming Mars is a good game, but it is a fairly heavy/long game for newer players.

      Edit: Terraforming Mars: Prelude is a great expansion to speed up the game a bit.

    • +1

      Hotter take: You can use an app on your phone called "TM Assistant", it will eliminate all the cube pushing.

      Also you can play this on steam although the overall user set up for multiplayer games is very buggy atm.

    • Absolutely adore race for the galaxy. Agreed that it's very hard to get to the table. I don't think I've ever seen a game which stomps new players quite as hard. Heavy engine builder that has a multitude of strategies and is also able to be finished in under 30 minutes.

  • Wouldn't mind picking this up, but Kmart website lets me add to cart, than says out of stock online when clicked through. Based on my experience trying to get Wingspan recently Kmart's website and stock tracking is a mess.

  • +4

    An excellent game. Takes about 2-3 hours to play. Quite replayable with the base pack. Haven't tried the expansions yet.

    In reply to the other poster above, Wingspan also a great replayable game, even moreso with the expansions.

    • For me, the first time I played wingspan it was with the oceanic expansion without realising. I found wingspan to be a bit of a grind without that expansion, thoroughly enjoy it with the expansion.

      • Oceana expansion definitely improves the game IMHO
        I like base also, but unless you get a good first draw of birds, the first few turns do seem quite grindy…

        • +1

          You're forgetting the best part of the Oceania expansion, bin chickens and swoopy bois.

  • +2

    $69 Nice

  • Frustratingly, this is available for delivery to NSW but out of stock for the ACT. Odd.

  • Awesome, been waiting for this to go on sale. Just ordered.

  • +1

    Out of stock online. Seems

  • 2400?

    Elon will start it this century!

  • What is the maximum players for this game?

  • PC video game version 24.95 on steam via fanatical

  • I ordered this a few hours ago and it was cancelled 2 hours later (QLD).

    • reckon they're actually out but the online inventory hasn't caught up

  • out of stock

  • It let me order it for delivery in Sydney just now - they may cancel, but didn’t get any message that it was OOS, so may be back in stock?

    • Got my order confirmation

  • Order cancelled…. sigh

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