• long running

[Oculus] Free - Squadron One (Was US$6.99); Somewhere (Expired) @ Oculus Store


#Somewhere Expired

Like Geoguessr, but in VR. Put your cultural knowledge to the test!

This game drops you Somewhere in the world, and your job is to correctly identify where you are. The closer your guess = more points! Explore thousands of locations.

Ratings & Reviews

✰✰✰✰✰ - 20%
✰✰✰✰ - 60%
✰✰✰ - 20%

Squadron One

Is the multiplayer arcade dogfighting space combat experience built for Quest.

Meet up at the round table and launch into space. Fly through power up gates to upgrade your guns, missiles, shields and health. Defeat everyone else to take the crown and win the round.

Ratings & Reviews

✰✰✰✰✰ - 72%
✰✰✰✰ - 14%
✰ - 14%

Both deals found at mydealz.

Referral Links

Referral: random (461)

Buy a new Meta Quest headset from any retailer and both referee and referrer will get A$47 in Meta Quest Store credit once the headset is activated.

Related Stores

Meta Store
Meta Store


  • Bought! as I am still struggling with Keyboard typing in virtual office !! So this will help in doing something else on Quest.

    • Been tested my quest 2 for a few days, still learning and getting used to it, found a few websites to watch VR videos, linked and played my PC games like Dota and AoE2 both blurry, played the workout app a bit not bad.

      So far so good the overalls. Not too sure but the texts are not very clear to read. Maybe can be fixed with setting. I think reading unclear texts are not good for eyes? In case can't fix.

      My next gonna be virtual office.

  • +1

    Squadron one link needs amending

    Struggling to do it on my mobile else I'd have put it in this comment

    • I got it to work by opening the Squadron One link in web browser, not oculus store

    • I did it earlier on my phone through website not app

    • I got squadron one OK, but I couldn't get somewhere as there's no purchase button on the page?

  • No idea what it is, but still bought.

  • My Oculus is in transit. Can I buy this before I gain access to it?

    • yes you can. as long you have account created, you can buy paid games / claim free games
      but dont forget to creat account using referral~~ :)

  • Zucc ftw

  • Click …. login … "Purchased" ….

    Next link….

    Click … "Purchased" ….

    Apps are like Amazon books, you get em via Oz Bargain all the time but never use them. 😉

  • +5

    There's no purchase button for Somewhere via web browser, and when using the app on my phone, it says 'unavailable'.

    Squadron worked though so thanks!

    • Yes it says unavailable

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