This was posted 3 years 2 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

RightSign Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) 5 Pack $49.99 + Free Shipping @ Chemist Warehouse / My Chemist


Not a Deal. Just try to help people who are looking for one.

OOS of at CW

Available at MyChemist

2 pack available

Thanks to Dowey: Free shipping with coupon "FS7824"

Mod 4/2/22 - Evidence of performance against Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta variants.

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Chemist Warehouse
Chemist Warehouse
My Chemist
My Chemist

closed Comments

  • +4


  • +13

    Everything is a deal - just a good deal or a bad one.

      • +7

        Deal (noun): an agreement entered into by two or more parties for their mutual benefit, especially in a business or political context.

        • +2

          No saving, no bargain.

          • +3

            @jv: Cool! A bike that peddles in reverse

          • +1

            @jv: Ah, but you said deal

      • No wonder I constantly see so many upvotes when ebay has 20% off selected sellers even they have jacked up the price and higher than most other sellers even after discount. Now I know because they sell them NOT at normal price, therefore should call it a deal.

      • you are confusing discount and deal JV

        • Nope

          • @jv: Just admit you mis-spoke and meant to say ‘bargain’ instead of ‘deal’.

            It’s called being a grown up.

    • +1

      Thanks OP!

  • -5

    Why would you post a deal under Chemist Wearhouse while the stock is in My Chemist?

    • +1

      When I posted the intial one, There was stock then it went OOS.

  • +2

    I got 1 through checkout .
    That the limit they put on me I wanted xx .

  • Just got one from MyChemist. Thanks OP!

  • Got one from MyChemist. Thanks.

  • Thanks OP. Grabbed a pack.

  • Just got one from MyChemist. Thanks OP!

  • Thanks OP!

  • -1

    Or see if anything shows here -

    • +1

      Might want to phone ahead with places posted on that site. People are posting fakes.

    • +2

      Unreliable information.

    • All the Hungry Jacks in Melbourne have lots it seems.

  • +3

    Do people report to the government that they are positive?

    Some probably dont even bother…

    • +7

      Would help if the government actually made a streamlined way of doing it. Some countries have QR codes attached to the Rat test so u can record the result

      • +20

        You give too much for Australian Gov to do this kind of stuff..

        They spent millions on a covid safe app that is not even used now.

        • Yet people think they're capable of enacting all these conspiracies related to COVID lol

      • +1

        If you were looking for where to report RAT positive results

    • -1

      Some probably dont even bother…

      Then they are no better than anti vaxxers.

      • +2

        But Novavax Djokovic is a loved person!

        • +8

          By his dad

          • @jv: LMAO! I reckon we should ban the dad next year (for putting Australia in disrepute) and let the joker come along.

        • +1

          Good news for Joker fans is he is about a 90% chance to play according to betting markets .
          The court case will be play out well after the event and he will be given an exception to play .

          • +1

            @popsiee: Why is there a push that he has to be vaccinated?
            Risk to hospital setting if he gets it? Or
            Risk he will spread it or
            Fairness that everyone who was incentivise to get it (No job, not able to go out).

        • +3

          NoVax JokeCovid?

      • +1

        Then they are no better than anti vaxxers.

        How so? Case numbers is honestly the most mis-interpreted metric by govt, media and the public. I'm saying this as a data professional (not a doctor, epidemiologist, etc)

        • How so?

          Same behaviours and characteristics.

          • -1

            @jv: Dunno if I agree. I'm vaxxed. Not sure though if I would report a positive test to the government (ultimately I probably would but I don't really see the point).

            Regardless if I reported it or not, If I was positive I'd just self isolate, keep the house ventilated, minimise contact with others in the household etc. Not sure what else the government can do for me, except potentially use the case numbers to justify another lockdown.

            • @IdBuyThat4aDollar:

              Not sure though if I would report a positive test to the government

              So you are behaving like the anti vaxxers and putting the community at risk.

              • -1

                @jv: how so if I self isolate?

                • @IdBuyThat4aDollar:

                  how so if I self isolate

                  So how will authorities know to check if you are or not?

                  • +2

                    @jv: check on me that I'm self isolating?

                    lol that doesn't really answer my question. How am I putting the community at risk if I voluntarily put myself in self isolation after a positive rapid test whether i report it or not?

                    • @IdBuyThat4aDollar: Reporting is very important so that aggregate data can be used by public health for projections, planning etc.

                      You are putting community at risk by withholding crutial data that will be used to make big decisions affecting everyone's lives.

                      These days people tend to forget that we live in a big community. Our actions do matter, no matter how small.

                      Otherwise you are all good.

        • Yeah, “data professional” of unknown profession, but clearly not an epidemiologist.

          Numbers help determine more than just lockdowns, they also help target care, resources, medication and vaccines to target areas, as well as flag areas of concern for genetic sequencing to monitor for emerging variants.

          But sure, underreporting benefits you somehow… right.

        • Person or persons A claim that X is true.
          Person or persons A are experts in the field concerning X.
          Therefore, X should be believed

    • +3

      with the rate we are going, u should just tell the government if it's negative

    • Vic just introduced this system today:

      • If you test positive on a rapid antigen test, you are a case.

        I find this sentence hilarious, for some reason

        • a case of corona

      • -7

        So glad I left that dumpster fire of a state run by a maniac.

        So if you take a RAT you open yourself up to legal liability because its mandated you must report it, lock yourself up and tell everyone around you.

        • +4

          If I tested positive I would be doing that anyway even if it wasn't mandated, so that I don't deliberately put others in harm's way..

  • +2

    High sensitivity according to TGA. Thanks!

  • Thank you

  • Upvoting for MyChemist comment… Which is at least at an acceptable price point.

  • Thanks OP! Got one from MyChemist

  • +3

    FYI for those wondering, these are on the TGA list labelled as "high sensitivity" (across the spectrum of acceptable, high and very high)…

  • Thanks OP, bought one!

  • Got one. Thanks.

  • Thanks! Finally got some!

  • Thanks OP got one

  • Low stock notification now. It’s saying to go in store

  • +3

    Who needs family and friends advice when you can rely on Oz bargainers to hook you up with what you need

  • Nice one OP. Grabbed some.

  • Thanks OP got one

  • Got one, thanks OP :)

  • Thanks OP! Grabbed one.

  • Thanks; got one !!

  • Thanks OP, grabbed one

  • May as well, I'll likely need one at some point

    Edit: seems I may have grabbed one of the last. Now showing OOS.

  • Thanks OP got one from My Chemist.

    I didn’t even check when they’re being posted as I just quickly clicked through all the details and paid.

  • -6

    That’s the normal price, got some the other week.

    • Of course, but with free shipping, it's far more convenient that traipsing around multiple chemists and supermarkets trying to find some.

      • +1

        Of course, but with free shipping

        CW already had free shipping

  • +4

    In Vic, you can go to 4 testing sites (Cranbourne, Coolaroo, Deakin University Burwood and Melbourne Showgrounds) and get a free kit for your family if you show your Medicare. It is only a pilot program however so limited quantities.

    • How many in the kit ?

      • +1

        Depending on your medicare I believe, individual medicare (1 name) gets 2 and family ones 5-6. Obviously, we shouldn't abuse it.

    • Medicare or Healthcare?
      I'm going to get booster at Cranbourne.

      • +1


  • Finally got one.

  • Thanks heaps OP! Got one.

  • +1

    If you're willing to wait 15-20 business days:…

    20 pack - works out to $8.45 per test. Very high sensitivity.

  • Got one from Mychemist as well

  • Got one from mychemist

  • Thanks, got one from MyChemist

  • Thanks OP - this saves me trekking out into Covid-Land search for RATs.

  • -1

    The new toilet paper.

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