Side Hustle/Extra Income Ideas

Hi OZB community

I am after some ideas to earn some extra income each week. I am only thinking $100 per week and would ideally like something that is flexible as I have 2 children under 3.

I have thought about doing some bar work on weekends but I would prefer something more flexible that I could do throughout the week.

I look forward to hearing your suggestions




    • have you applied loans while doing churning credit cards? any impacts?

  • Home loan churning for cashback and lower rates/better deals.
    Utilities churning for better rates.
    If possible with your skills, work as a freelancer on the side.

  • you can learn matched betting - should make anywhere from 10-30k tax free in about a year. its all maths but you wont need to learn much about it, just understand how to do it will take you about a few tries. once you make the money you can learn EV / middles / arbitrage which still uses maths and fast speed. should make 5-20k extra. But everyones got different learning speeds and commitment levels. message me if you need help :)

    • Intetested but cant DM you it seems

      • all good should be fixed.

    • Bookies will ban you fast, what is your work around for this?

      • +1

        depends on certain books, betting amount, promo ratios, frequency.. etc little tactics here and there but always comes down to good rules. Eventually you will get ban you cant avoid that. take your winnings and use/save/invest it wisely

        • True, also noting that some smaller bookies will make life difficult and prevent you from withdrawing your winnings.

          • +2

            @Weasel: i use to work for one so ive seen it all xP

      • +2

        I did it for 2 years. Made probably 10k but that was pre covid. Got banned from most major bookies and everytime it got more annoying to withdraw, some required proof of account or you no longer can book majority of events. Now it’s even less rewarding with government crack down on bonus offers and everyone cutting back on promos.

        • +1

          So not worth it anymore?

    • +1

      Thanks for the suggestion, I gave it a shot and profited $250 in the first week. Was a piece of piss and no-risk (well, hardly any risk). I can 100% see how they'll ban you, it's literally the easiest money I've ever made. I'm going to stop doing it now and perhaps come back to it in a few months.

      • Which guide did you use to start?

    • Interested in this, how can I learn more??

  • Bonus Bank

  • OnlyFans

  • -1

    Part-Time Infantry Soldier (No Experience Required) at ADF Careers
    $25 – $30 per hour

    "Experience an exciting part-time combat role. Flexible role that fits around your lifestyle. Get paid to give back to community."

    "If you’re looking for new challenges and adventure outside the everyday, then the Army Reserve has an exciting opportunity for you.

    As a part-time Infantry Soldier, you’ll be in the thick of the action. You’ll get paid to train with weapons, learn combat tactics and keep fit, all while working as part of a close-knit team.

    In this flexible role you’ll master a variety of skills including the handling of advanced weaponry such as rifles, machine guns, grenades and anti-armour weapons. You’ll also learn vital survival tactics regardless of the season, weather or terrain.

    This is a great chance to enjoy adventure, make close friendships and receive tax-free pay, all without giving up your current lifestyle. Just give as little as one night a week, one weekend a month or a few weeks a year – and you’ll get a world of new experiences back."

    • The pay is not tax free unless you get deployed overseas.

    • What's the training like? Do you need to camp out in the bushes and stuff?

      Can you reject being deployed if called upon?

      • no idea. just posting what i saw on Seek

  • I reckon creating a blog and using Google Adsense to generate revenue. It is a long term commitment but if you continure eventually you will have some return. For example has about 20M+ monthly traffic. The average CPM for Google Display Ads is $3.12 which means that could possibly make $62,400 per month just from Google Adsense.

    • +2

      I created several websites a few years ago and now they have monthly traffic about 32k users. Now I get $500 to $900 per month from Google Adsense. I am pretty happy with the extra income.

      • how often do you update content

        • Around once per month on average, less than an hour per month.

      • What type of content if you don't mind me asking?

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