• expired

22% off Pick Up Order (Max Discount $22) @ Uber Eats


To celebrate the New Year, Uber Eats are offering 22% off Pick Up Orders. Apply coupon code "NEWYEAR22", max discount $22. Limit 1 per account.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1437)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

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Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +27

    Don’t understand how this is a bargain. Ubereats so more than 22% more expensive than direct from restaurant

    • +1

      reducing the markup is a bargain, I suppose

    • +6

      Depends on your area. I can find plenty of places around me which would be cheaper with this discount than ordering directly.

      • While, I don't think this is the best deal, it's sad to see people complaining about a discount.

        • +6

          *It’s sad to see people not thinking for themselves, and paying Uber’s lazy tax instead of directly supporting their local restaurants.

          • +1


            and paying Uber’s lazy tax instead of directly supporting their local restaurants.

            A lot of my locals force you to go through a delivery platform if you want home delivered. I don't have a choice.

          • @eggboi: First, if you pay less by ordering directly, than that's the better option, but I never mentioned that it wasn't, so don't twist my words.

            Further, you have limited the idea that when you use uber you're paying more and aren't supporting local restaurants, but as people have already pointed out, this isn't always true.

        • +2

          Not complaining about the discount or the ozbargainer for posting it. More the extortionate prices local restaurants have to charge to give economic rent seekers Uber their share

    • +4

      I agree. They seem to mark up each dish by at least $2 so I just order direct.

    • Depends on the restaurant. This is a good saving for restaurants who don't mark up at all or much on uber eats.

  • +2


    Ok no I got the offer now too.. might still be targeted or timed rollout

  • +1

    Do they still stooge you with a service fee on pickup orders?

    • I don't think so

    • +1

      No, but the store still pays a commission of the sale price to Uber.

    • +1

      Most restaurants charge 20-30% more in the uber app to offset the hefty commission they have to pay.

  • +8

    Unless it is 30%-40% off, it's cheaper to buy directly from restaurant.

    • Not all restaurants mark up by 30% despite Ubereats charging 30%+ commission. A lot of restaurants also have new years public holiday surcharge.

  • +4

    Phone in your order and save even more than 22% :D

  • (1) valid only for today ?
    (2) can you Pre book Uber eats pick up for another day? Like how you can with Menulog?

    • +1

      (1) yes (expires 11:55pm AEDT Jan 1, 2022)
      (2) yes

  • thanks for deal, was cheaper by a few dollars then ordering directly from the restaurant as they had another 15% public hol surcharge

    • Can restaurants charge public hol surcharge even for takeaway orders?

  • Did anyone activate Shopback before placing the order with Uber Eats, and has the cashback tracked for you?

  • Thanks OP! Just ordered.

  • How far is 2100??

  • Yeah, no thanks. Same price just to do it without the app for most places, and I would rather not support evil uber who are ruining things for our restaurant owners by holding them hostage to middle man fees that are over the top.

  • Can I use this for multiple orders?

    • nope

  • Only in:
    Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin

    Title should say 'Selected cities'

  • Used it for Crust pizzas. Brought them from 25 to 19.5 each. Still expensive but ok for ny day. They do have good quality ingredients but would usually not choose them because they're overpriced.

  • Last night I placed a pre-order for today using the promo code. I remember seeing on my screen the discount being applied to my order.
    However, when I got billed today Uber Eats charged me the full amount instead of the discounted amount. Anyone else experienced this issue?

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