• out of stock

3x RightSign COVID 19 Antigen Test (Nasal Swab) Self Test 2 Pack $60 Delivered @ Chemist Warehouse


Max 3 per person, when you add 3 to the cart, dicsount will automatically applied and the price becomes $60 with free shipping

Posting for people who don't have time lining up for the test..

General Information

RightSign COVID 19 Antigen Tests Nasal Swab Self Tests may be used to detect SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). For in-vitro screening only.

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Chemist Warehouse
Chemist Warehouse

closed Comments

          • @serpserpserp: but first two tests were negative, what if they only relied on the original test?

            • +1

              @SpeedRunnerLink: Who knows? Maybe they had two viruses at once? Maybe they didn't have a huge viral load. Hard to tell.

  • So 10 bucks per test?

    • +3

      Yeh, it's not a deal at all. Same price at Woolies.

      • +1

        in stock ?

  • do these sort of tests have an expiray date?

    • Yep

  • +1

    They are good for confirming positive cases. But bad at ruling out negatives.

    If you return a positive on a RAT it has a 99.9% specificity which means it is a true positive for covid.

    But as others have pointed out, a 60% to 80% sensitivity, thus missing a lot of positives.

    • +3

      It misses a lot of positives if you're asymptomatic.

    • 60% to 80% sensitivity, thus missing a lot of positives.

      Also picking up a lot of positives opposed to doing nothing.

  • -2

    What's the point of these tests? If their not 100% 😂😂😂

    Line up for 9 hours for real testing, then some people wait 5 days for a result here in SA. It could just be a cold? It's ridiculous

    • ridiculous

      Blame Steven Marshall for that.

  • great present for NYE

  • As of this afternoon it was available in my local cole ( Marrickville)

  • +1

    Wait, are these going to be free soon?

    • I thought the gov was going to start charging 100 a pop soon ?

    • +3

      No.. ScoMo said they aren't going to give it to everyone… Just anyone who is a close contact (new definition for this)..youd need to go to a testing centre and theyll give u one instead of a pcr.. (I believe in situations when you are possibly asymptomatic). Anyway… Just watch scomos speech… I have a feeling it'll confuse the crap out of most people

  • +1

    I've seen reports that swabbing both throat and nose can improve sensitivity, even for nasal swabs.

    • Are there any tests that use fecal matter?

  • OOS

  • -6

    I saw some of these RATs were made in China, ironic that is where it was supposed to have originated!

    • Supply and demand 😜

  • Already gone

  • +8

    There is a lot to be said about this RAT but I congratulate Muwu for daring to speak something I already know but very controversial.

    My personal opinion is this will only add to the wealth of pharmaceuticals or whoever produced this test without attestation of guaranteed accuracy.

    That is, if you use this test and come back negative, then using the grandma analogy above, visited the grandma who later ended up getting infected, then not only you have spent the $$$, the guilt would double imho.

    • -2

      Well the govt policy is now to “let it rip” now they have reached their vax target. No way they will get 95% come out for boosters, so in the end we’re going to end up like what’s happened overseas, Aus only delayed covid from exploding.

      • And stole about a year of victorians lives…

        All for lockdowns and isolations but Moronison and nsw screwed if for all of Australia.

        All that works for nothing.

        All that money on vaccines - but hardly any for treatment how stupid.

        We had 2 years to build more health facilities… where are they?

    • +1

      Yes I also agree @burningrage, feels like the makers of these tests are having a big pay day with countries all over the world ordering millions of RAT tests…

      This is while the pathology labs are making a killing right now from all the PCR tests…and it's no wonder the RAT tests want a slice of this pie:


      • -2

        Don’t forget the billions made from vaccines with questionable efficacy.

        All leads to CONvid-19 the Global Plandemic. Manufactured by the CCP on spec from the WHO.

  • Ordered 6. Now running low it seems

  • Temporarily Low Stock Online -
    Please Select Click & Collect Store

    • +4

      Even trump got his booster. Shows your level of intelligence

      • +1

        Haha damn that's a low blow 😅

    • +3

      The latest outbreak started just as NSW was over 95% and before unvaxed were allowed out of lockdown 😉

  • Note that Chemist Warehouse have delays in shipping at the moment. I made an order on Sunday 26th Dec, and I got an email this afternoon:

    "We are currently experiencing a high volume of online orders due to Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.
    We have your order. There is no need to contact us.

    Our team is working as quickly as possible to prepare your order.
    Right now there is a delay of approximately 10 business days in shipping your order."

    They must be getting an influx of emails/calls.

    • how about the door dash 24 hrs delivery

      • Not sure, but that may be a way to get around the delay. I had normal free shipping.

  • +6

    This is the new toilet paper. If you don’t actually need this now why bother giving more price gouging profit margins to Big Pharma and the CCP sponsored manufacturers.

    Just wait till supply catches up and these will be at a realistic price point.

    • Besides genuine toilet paper is probably more comfy ;)

    • New hand sanitiser imho. Which everybody seems to have forgotten to use.

  • I brought the hough one at Cole's earlier this evening. Got a 5 pack for $50, which gives free click and collect. Will know tomorrow if it was available or just a stock error.

    Cole's Chadstone, Victoria still reporting availability at 10:20pm

    • Showing as temporarily unavailable now

  • Didn't they already say this thing is not 100% reliable?

  • I agree with Muwu’s findings. I’m a pharmacist and I personally will not use RAT if I’m asymptomactic because I know it’s a waste of money and a negative result will not reassure me that I will not kill the people I love.
    I may consider using RAT if I’m symptomatic while I wait for my PCR results.
    The high rate of false negative with RAT gives a false sense of assurance, so please be very mindful and stay safe.

    • Nobody is saying to kiss people after RAT. Even if it has a 5% chance of picking up asymptomatic it’s still worth it.

  • +1

    Prices for these thing should be no more than $15 for a pack of 5! So officials in the business say… so gauge on CW

  • +1

    Sadly I need to use one every freaking day I show up to my workplace. And my workplace isn't giving us any. Thanks Steve Marshall

  • +4

    I was exposed on the 25th and 26th. Started showing symptoms on the 27th, worse on 28th, worst on 29th, a little bit better today. I tested negative via RAT on the 28th and 29th, positive this morning.

    I got my booster (3rd Pfizer) early November.

    I know 3 other people who have experienced 3 days of symptoms, and test negative (RAT and PCR) before finally testing positive on the 4th or 5th day.

    Anyone else have this?

    Edit: Myself and whole family have been isolating since 26th (notified)

    • +1

      Anecdotal but similar stories from my group chat at work (eg yes and no with rats then boom positive with pcr). Your body is not binary like computer so these tests have a lot of Gray in them.

      • There's no PCR available around me: most testing centres are closed, those open have 6+ hour waits from 5am, with strong chance of being turned away.

        Went from negative one morning, to the strongest positive result I've ever seen on a RAT this morning. The line came up so quick and dark it was insane.

        Just wanted to leave a comment, as the information out there at the moment seems to suggest that if you have symptomatic COVID, you will return a positive result, and it's just not true any more, for RAT or PCR.

  • FYI I bought a 20 pack at Costco Docklands for $139.99 this morning. I had been to two pharmacies the evening before and they were OOS. Not sure if still in stock.

  • -3

    This is clear price gouging. Should be $10-$20 per test

    • +4

      This is $10 per test? 3 x 2 pack = 6 tests for $60.

      • He wants to pay $20 for gold edition

  • Surely you need someone else to administer any covid test. Your bodies reflexes wont allow you to stick it far enough down your own respiratory paths where ole mate covid is active.

    In this sense a RAT test may work well at detecting covid, but less than 10% would do it properly and only those with obvious symptoms (ie coughing) will regester a positive.

    So a personal RAT test seems pretty wasteful to me for the majority of the population unless conducted by a trained tester.

    • The tests I've seen don't instruct you to swab very far in your nose, and they must've been tested on that basis.

      There are also saliva tests out there.

      • But SARS covid cant survive in anything but your respiratory track cells (hence SARS). Unless your asymptomatic and sneezing/ coughing it would be a useless test. I guess thats it. If you arent coughing/ sneezing, dont bother.

  • I've only been able to get my hands on the acceptable sensitivity one's, paying 15 bucks a pop too. Are these sufficient ?

  • Huh, these are free in most Pharmacies in the UK and there are 7 in a pack. Might have to stock up a bit before flying back to Aus.

    • +2

      Scott Morrison has explicitly said he doesn't want to hurt private business by having the government interfere (in supply or price). So you end up with barely any supply and super high prices. It's insane how really backwards countries like the US have laws against price gouging in times of emergency and somehow, in Australia, it's the government giving a thumbs up to it.

      • +3

        Has Scomo actually done anything useful since he disappeared during the 2019 bushfire season?
        Every time he opens his mouth it’s a disaster.
        Just do the opposite of what he says and you should be fine

      • Worse, it wasn't seen as a priority since we were managing by informally targeting covid-zero with PCR tests because numbers were manageable. But once we opened up, PCR testing is overwhelmed, but they haven't put in place sufficient approvals to enable demand to be met. Only one Australian made test is approved here, despite more providers here, who have had to sell offshore because there was no government appetite for this previously.

        Worse again, even up to today WA still has not approved a single RAT test - cause again, they want to keep living like hermits, and not looking to how the future will operate (and also already having an overloaded health system). It's not just ScoMo, bad government is over most of Australia.

      • It's insane how really backwards countries like the US have laws against price gouging in times of emergency and somehow, in Australia, it's the government giving a thumbs up to it.

        Our price regulation act was in place from World War II until 2019, guess who removed it, the Berejiklian government :)

  • Will be free soon. Buy only if you urgently need it and keep the receipt.

  • -7

    Have to take a test that isn't 100% accurate to tell you if you're sick haha? If this virus is so deadly you'd know if your sick. So many stupid people EVERYWHERE!!!!!

    Ps, I've had "covid" & its nothing lol

  • -2

    I argue with Covidiots on a daily basis, but we have to get to the point where we live with this virus. Get your jabs, and your boosters, practice social distancing, use sanitisers and even wear masks if we must (if they are effective), but let's get back to some kind of normality. Surely?

  • A negative result from these is good enough to work a shift in ED. Go figure

    • +1

      Got any better options?

      Arrive at work, do PCR test, wait for result before starting active work, shift ends, go home. Get PCR result. Repeat next day. Didn't seem viable.

  • Can I confirm. Is this $60 for 6 tests ..2 packs of 3

    • Yeah seemed to be as per OP title. However it is OOS

  • will a hospital accept these test results as valid if you have a procedure and they require a test?

  • 5 pack for $50 is better (chemist warehouse)
    Most are out of stock everywhere anyway at the moment, but would be handy to have some at home.

  • Ordered 3 * 2 pack's and paid $60 on 30/12. Courier got them on 8/1 and they were delivered this morning at about 10am.

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