I saw this program shared by a friend that might be of interest to some when you want to impress your date with a high kick or side splits in 2022. A 4 week stretching program (full website https://hyperbolic-stretching.com/). Usually a paid program but there might be free access for some time. I have not done the program myself or watched the videos so cannot comment on how it is.
Program for Men - https://hyperbolicstretching.com/dwnldmen/
Program for Women - https://hyperbolicstretching.com/dwnldwmn/
Note - From a quick check it looks like the course for men and women have the exact same videos but only with different thumbnails for a few videos.
What is Hyperbolic Stretching™?
Have you imagined one day you can do full splits, high jumps, or even your yoga pose perfectly in a quick stretching?
Hyperbolic Stretching can help you improve your flexibility and movement in ways that dynamic and static stretching simply cannot.
The Hyperbolic Stretching
Bonus 1: Full Side Split Video Series
Bonus 2: Full Front Split Video Series
Bonus 3: Dynamic Flexibility And Stretching
Bonus 4: Complete Upper Body Stretching
Bonus 5: Pike Mastery
Bonus 6: Easy Bridge
Is this another course by Alex you're stretching my wallet Larsson?