Boxing Day Sale: Get $25 voucher on orders over $75 + save up to 55% with value bundles + Free Shipping on all bundles
Up to 55% off Koh Bundles & Free Shipping + $25 Voucher on Orders over $75 @ Koh

AssociatedLozbargainer911 on 29/12/2021 - 17:58 (436 clicks)
Last edited 29/12/2021 - 18:15 by 1 other user
Last edited 29/12/2021 - 18:15 by 1 other user
Referral Links
Referral: random (17)
$25 off 1st order for referee. $25 off next order for referrer.
This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2021
Surprisingly a product I can vouch for! I've got sensitive skin and this is the only product that I can touch when wet and my skin doesn't react negatively to. Pricier than others, but well worth it in my case.