Switch between Computers - a Recommended Dock/Hub?

First time on the forums here :) Hoping someone has tackled this before and can advise.

I usually have 2 monitors, a wireless keyboard+mouse and a few other usb devices (charging cables) at my workstation.

It's a pain to move between one computer to another (which I have to do often for work). Can anyone please recommend a good solution that will let me switch without unplugging/replugging everything?

Basic requirements are: 2 x input (two computers) and 2 x output (2 external monitors).

A lot of the hubs/docks online (e.g. Amazon) don't fit the bill. The TESmart ones seem to have the right specs but reviews aren't good https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08259QL5J/ref=emc_b_5_t

And this looks great but not available in AU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwfAAn9e1jE


  • You can use an app called Synergy to let you use the same mouse/kb between the two computers (assuming you have one computer on each screen).

    I have 5 screens, 3 on one machine and 2 on the other, and just one mouse/keyboard to go between them both.

    Here's a link: https://symless.com/synergy

    • thanks but I need to be able to switch the monitors too. Both monitors are to be used in whichever PC I switch back and forth to. interesting solution though, didn't know that existed!

      • Do your monitors have two HDMI ports or DP and HDMI? If so, then run a HDMI/DP cable to each monitor. That's what I do.

        • I think so. They aren't labelled but there's a few ports in the newer monitor that could be a DP. Thanks!! Will look into that

          • @bigbadaboom: If you have both computers on you just need to switch between the inputs using the monitor buttons. Otherwise just turn the PC off before switching to the other one and the monitor should auto detect.

  • +2

    I have the same issue, but usually need to just switch to do some quick thing. So it is tedious to wait the 5-10seconds to switch with a hub.
    I ended up just using VNC/RDP to have a window open on my main machine to tab across to.

  • No devices necessary if you can remote desktop into your second computer.

    • Not an option unfortunately. One's a work computer. Other one isn't.

      • If Remote desktop is blocked on your work computer then do it the other way around, RDP into your personal computer from your work computer

  • I use this docking station at work: https://www.centrecom.com.au/dell-d6000s-universal-usb-c-doc…

    when I get to work, I connect my laptop to this dock that is connected to mouse, keyboard, network and 2 monitors

    • it's not really a switch between computers. but worth checking out, thanks!

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