bought a toshiba i7 laptop a few months ago thinking it would be good to edit hd video. but Its painfully slow when rendering and preview is allway juttery so obviously need more than just a good processor. But what exactly?
Best Computer for Video Editing?

i believe the older cores does a better job.. not even the core 2 duo.. i heard pentium 4 with hyper threading is quite quick =)
i dont do any video editing myself thoughpentium 4? what in the world…
Obviously for editing
Its going to take lots of hyperthreading you are going to need lots of ram, preferably at 2133mhz, i7 2600 or 2700 is what i'd be aiming for. Nice graphics card like a radeon 6970. The comment above by cheapskateasian has no clue. I think you'd be interested in this buildIf you're planning on using premiere pro, and want to exploit the CPU acceleration you'll need to go with Nvidia is cpu based whereas modelling is graphics based. If rendering is slow, its probably cause you have one of the older i7 slower models
Sorry I should have said GPU acceleration.
use an iMac. aerona has no clue and is simply quoting fast new hardware components. I hold a diploma in filmmaking and have used both macs, pcs, macbooks and notebooks in editing studios, at film school, and at home. I use FCP though. Both Avid and Premiere are great programs too. And don't believe the hype from computer geeks thinking they know their gear over ppl who actually use editing programs and work in the industry.
Hundreds and thousands of people have been editing videos over the many years on a professional level with the systems they had.. and they weren't i7. So don't kid yourself into believing one must have a specific build with the latest and greatest cpu in order to speed up rendering. You can simply upgrade your memory.
I Think he is asking about hardware, not software, so your comment 'iMac' isn't very constructive.
So in your opinion, why is an imac superior?
So what performs better? An iMac with C2D and 2GB of ram or new MacBook with 16gb of ram?
Hint: Don't feed the troll.
Actually that's partly that's right. But as the OP stated his laptop was rendering quite slow due to the outdated i7.
He wants to know what hardware is hindering his rendering speeds.Another note is you're paying about twice or thrice the equivalent to the specifications to its counterpart "desktop PC."…
Ouch… I'm not sure if this is even retail cost but you could build PC with the exact same specifications for about $1200 with a nice $300 dollar monitor or maybe even 2.. That graphics is only about $169.
- The above comment I need to correct.. A 7970 AMD Radeon which only cost about $600 or so and can be overclocked. So its quite affordable and not "simply quoting fast hardware from the computer geek" as you say. It's also clear that hardware is hindering the speed of rendering for the OP. I hope you are aware Imacs DO use AMD graphics cards hardware as well.
Its not too pretty high end gear. I think there are many people styling the apple products and it is quite HIP. [Not an apple hater]
But to say don't get a PC is very closed minded as you know both companies do have the same intel supplier.
When it comes to upgrading, Imac's are very limited in the upgrades that can be made.
So in conclusion PC > Imac
1) You are very biased against PC's
2) The strong points why PC is recommended is easily upgraded, Don't have to throw the whole system out every 2 years + A "shizz ton" cheaper.3) Gobs2012 Imacs ain't got nothing on PC's, Put your Overpriced Mac with my custom built PC for 50% of the cost and see who renders quicker.
But yes to OP your laptop is most probably CPU bound or RAM bound for rendering.. 16gb of ram is a good start. The old i7 by are clocked quite low.
Your points make some sense if the OP is into building his own system and wants to go through overclocking etc, but if they dont then a stock system, is a different proposition.
As for the hardware only solution the OP didnt say that he said
so obviously need more than just a good processor. But what exactly?
Which could also include software
Point taken, I think OP needs to clear all the misunderstandings or share more information.
I still find coding videos on the Vic20 the best. :)
how about a top end MAC PRO which is AUD5999? :D
that would be ideal, because macs are best for video editing
iMac. The older core 2 duo is perfectly fine. Don't use a macbook or PC.