Amazing price for this size drive. Make individual orders to avoid import tax.
$3 from the cheapest ever according to the Three Camels
Amazing price for this size drive. Make individual orders to avoid import tax.
$3 from the cheapest ever according to the Three Camels
White label is closer to a red than a red pro and even then the reds have their advantages -…
Given the conditions of packages I’ve had shipped from Amazon US, and the likelihood that they’ll throw the bare drive right in a non/barely padded satchel, I’d never order a bare drive from them. But the shuckable one at least includes padding in the box and usually rubber spacers in the enclosure, and if < $500 you can order two at a time and hopefully get an enclosing box instead of it being shipped bare.
They come in individual boxes prepared by WD directly with the impact plastic on each end.
@BargainDoubter: Hmm, better than they do with seagate.…
Or sometimes for WD as recently as three months ago:…
Agree on the Amazon packaging… Had to return in the past two month two products. One AMD CPU shipped from Australia where the box was partially torn open but the seal not broken yet. Still unacceptable for near MSRP I paid.
Then a Noctua CPU cooler shipped from the US which came with a massive impact damage on the box and inside the cooler fins bent.
Returned both items and bought locally at UMART for the same price.
This is close to WD Gold prices. WD Gold is a good step up from this.
Any issues with shucking? I thought they did some tricky firmware shenanigans?
Shucked 2x 14tb WD elements the other week and they worked in my Synology without any mods or issues.
Not firmware, a newer HDD standard where pin 3 on the power connector can enable/disable the drive with power going to it.
You may need to cover that one pin with electrical tape in order to get the drive to be seen my bios/OS.
Google "shucking drives pin 3" for more info, but very easily bypassed.
Individual orders may not work… They can aggregate your orders (unlikely though?)
wouldnt GST/import duties be paid through amazon anyway? nothing added at checkout
In theory you’re dodging taxes you’re liable for, in practice no one is likely checking.
Duty is additional to GST. Amazon collects GST but not duty.
They collect both for international purchases over $1000 but only GST for purchases under. Really blows the budget if you don't check your cart properly.
No longer interested since Mia Khalifa retired.
Had to Google who she was. Then wished I hadn't.
I bing who she was and I have to say, I'm a fan.
don't give up the whole forest for one tree, there are still a lot more to explore
Wait, I thought we only use these to store Linux ISOs???
This works out to be $35/TB. Shucked WD are around $25/TB.
Shucked WD are also not Red Pro drives and are not warrantied - they're not the same product.
Would warranty have to go through US Amazon or WD?
Amazon Australia from my personal experience with dealing with a warranty claim through something order from Amazon US via Amazon Australia
@justtoreply: Definitely not in my case. Return label to Sunshine VIC returns warehouse, full refund issued and reordered the same item from Amazon US VIA Australia
Edit: return label issued by calling Amazon Australia, not initiating return myself via app. That's probably why.
@Lucille Bluth: Must be, all the returns I’ve had have had to be sent to the US. Fortunately they have a pick up point near me because the postage charges to the US are typically more than they will refund.
WD has global warranty. Ordered one drive from UK and one from US. Both PSUs were replaced by WD without issues.
Does anyone have any idea whether these will work in a Synology DS918+
The 14TB WD Red Pro is on their compatibility list but can't see this 18TB on there.
I believe if it isn’t on their recommended list you are out of luck with having support for SMART monitoring etc, also I have read somewhere they may be locking vendors soon.
It’s just not officially tested, so Synology support would be best efforts if you had an issue.
SMART support will work fine, none of the 12TB drives in my synology NAS are officially listed but all work fine
Good to hear as I have read conflicting reports over on the Synology Reddit section.
If there is no support then you are better off ordering the-
Seagate Exos X18 18TB Enterprise HDD - CMR 3.5 Inch Hyperscale SATA 6Gb/s, 7200 RPM, 512e and 4Kn FastFormat, Low Latency with Enhanced Caching (ST18000NM000J)
For $549 AUD landed with no warranty from Amazon US direct.
Wouldn't this have warranty from seagate? or am I getting their policies wrong?
Check the numerous NewEgg threads and also above in this thread in the comments. If it is coming from the US and not bought locally you are out of luck for local warranty and have to send back the drive yourself at your own cost to and from the US I believe.
Would you pick the X18 over the WD Red for a NAS though?
This Ultrastar deal is MUCH better than a Red Pro .
That Ultrastar is cheaper AND a significantly better drive.
My wallet hates you. I got 2
Hopefully they last for years :) so cost/year will be cheap :)
Nuts, missed out on a $600 18TB Ultrastar drive :'(
Isn't it cheaper to buy an 18TB external drive and shuck it?