Hi everyone,
I am planning to buy for my dad birthday but not sure where is the cheapest to buy Ipad 2? Since lot of complaints abt The new ipad,I am in middle of decision to buy Ipad.2 or samsung tablet!
Can all member please me some suggestion?
Thank so much for your time
iPad 2 or Samsung Tablet?!

Last edited 08/04/2012 - 15:31
oh just for internet searching and browsing.I am not sure the quality of Samsung tablet. I am also on the way searching at whirlpool forums.Till now no luck
For just reading and browsing inet, Samsung tablet (Android OS) is doing just fine and you could have quite a few models to choose from, not to mention whether it's 7.7 or 10.1 inches.
how abt the quality? both samsung and ipad?
whats the price now?
Thank you
i would take on samsung anytime anyday. what about motorola xoom 2? depends honestly. is he a tech expert? android is more of an open platform and you can do pretty much everything you can imagine of on it. ipad on the other hand is pretty much limited.
consider this. IPAD does not support FLASH. SAMSUNG DOES.
In Terms of reading, ipad comes with the ebook reader but samsung you have to download it from the google play store. I am using a motorola Xoom and I dont regret getting it at all.
Android tablets can play most of the video format and just drag and drop it. Ipad is limited when it comes to video playing and you need itunes on the FIXED pc.
the samsung tablet has a pretty good build and is rather slim and sleek. its performance is pretty powerful as well and the colours are nice. I would say nicer than ipad 2 but not sure about ipad 3.
best i suggest is bring him to a store say jb hifi or harvey norman and let him try out both. see which does he prefer.
samsung has 7.7, 8.9 ,10.1 models and he can choose the size he wants. 10.1 is better if he doesnt mind being too big.
i will update the price later.
thank you so so much for your suggestion. My father just want to read the news as simple.
Much appreciated for your helpif its NEWS in particular then you would want samsung. supports flash. i read bbc news and i download the app. you will find it rather user friendly. cnn as well. you can just scroll through the important news and dont have to open it to read it. if it interests you, then you click on the news and it shows u the full content.
i can post a screenshot of mine if you want to have a look.
Agreed, I use the app News360 on my tablet, I'd imagine it would be a pain not to be able to watch the embedded videos in the article.
I would say samsung too for the reason that it can basically load any webpage since it supports flash. Also I think Android is more futuristic and function packed OS because it supports widgets. iOS is a tad bit too simplistic with everything displayed in tiles.
It really a personal thing; I choose iPad only because of 4:3 resolution; which I think is ideal for browsing and reading, for some reason all android tablets tend to be widescreen.
Why is 4:3 ideal for web browsing? Apple claims that it is but I never understood why.
I think other tablets are wide screen because 1. they dont want to get sued by apple and 2. it is an entertainment portable computer….so it's logical to make it widescreen
why is 4:3 ideal for browsing? i put my xoom at 90 degrees and i can see the whole page easily. the other way can i can watch movie in widescreen. widescreen is good for movie and flip it, its easier to read ebooks sir?
but yea its more about the brand.
Having 'enjoyed' an iPad for 3 weeks, I can say that compared to Android or a PC it sucks….I can't seem to do or watch any of the things I would like to without having to work really hard to bypass the default Apple setup of everything through iTunes….Oh and I miss just the simple act of plug in and dumping of files via usb or SD card…..Oh I do admit the screen is pretty and the battery time is great but all the rest is a royal pain.
(BTW: In the recent Apple V Samsung Federal court case one of the reasons why Apple stated that it was upset with Samsung was that if people got used to the open system of android/samsung then they would not want to use Apple products -oh so very true).
+1 for Samsung = +1 for freedom.
apple is like a hype. you look at it feel so nice and good. but after a while you get bored. move on. lol. i dont know about samsung 10.1 but my xoom can last for 2 days without charging on normal usage. whole day on heavy usage. about the same as ipad. if you like nice screen, have a look at 7.7 its super amoled plus and you will see the difference and apple has no match on it at all.
apple v samsung is just a publicity stunt man.
in fact. if you google ifixit. the founder flew in from US of A just to be the first to buy the ipad 3 and open it on the spot. found out that……..the retina display was made by SAMSUNG. LOL. despite saying they will not purchase from samsung?whats model of your xoom ? is that Acer brand?
Xoom is Motorola brand.
xoom is from motorola. acer is iconia
It really depends on your dad's experience with these gadgets. If he's a technical guy who loves tweaking stuff, then obviously go for the Android. However if majority of his use would be browsing news and prefers not to play around with settings too much, then I'd personally suggest the iPad.
I tend to use the iPad more for general browsing compared to my Transformer (TF101), mainly due to the 'smoothness' it has. I find that on the Transformer, loading pages with rich content can sometimes be a bit laggy, and not to mention the few times the browser has crashed when multiple tabs were opened. This also happened on a close friend's Galaxy Tab. And I find that page scrolling and zooming are generally smoother. But that's just my experience and opinion of course.
Why not you take him into JB-Hifi, tell him you want his opinion on something, and let him test both slates and see which he prefers?
good idea. I will bring him today. Hopefully we can choose before my baby born ^^
for a fair conparason of the browsers, you might want to disable flash as it takes time for flash content to load on android tablets n
And ipads don't run them at all.
With all the issues reported on the new ipad, I'd get the samsung tablet.
most of the Samsung tablets have an inflated price for some reason. Haven't seen a Samsung tablet bargain for a while now. You should go for the Asus tf101 at Officeworks for $377. (the similar samsung tablets are an extra $100 minimum for the same technology)
For the iPad users, I got Buzz Player so that I could drop and play avis without converting them but just adding my 2 cents - I love my iPad but think next time I will be getting an Android tablet - the cost of repair is so much cheaper and I dont like that I have to pay extra for phone support….
edit: nvm
Some posts here are quite misleading in some parts, especially posts made by alphonso89.
While i have nothing against Samsung and I'm thinking about getting one myself, one of your main points about flash is quite irrelevant actually. More and more websites are using HTML 5.0 rather than flash and it is just a matter of time before flash is just history. Hell, even MS has abandoned flash and said they will stop supporting it.
Another important point especially in this case is that Samsung is almost limitless, however it can be quite complicated especially for elderly people.
Apple products on the other hand are limited to some extent, but very simple to use and it is suitable for just about everyone regardless of their technological expertise. Also, there is just about nothing that you can't do on iPad, its just done differently compared to the way it is done on non-iOS devices, e.g. on a PC or Android devices.
Personally, if i was buying it for someone who is not vary tech savvy and need it for simple use such as just internet browsing, i would probably go with iPad. If i was buying it for someone who is keen on playing around, experimenting and is tech savvy, then Samsung might be a better way to go.
That is not the case here by the sounds of it and in this case it looks like the less complex the device is, the better and if that is the case, then you can't go with anything but an iPad IMO.Any suggest for the price & store right now for Samsung 10.1' and Motorola Xoom (includes wifi and 3G)?
ShoppingSquare and/or Kogan are probably your best bet.
One thing worthwhile mentioning is that warranty on Samsungs (and Xoom as far as i know) is covered by the the stores while iPad warranty is worlwide and therefore is always covered by Apple. All you have to do is take it to one of Apple stores if something goes wrong with it.
I have an Xoom, its an excellent tablet, Unfortunately I don't actually need one (I'm under 18) I use it for games but I realise, I could have used the money for other things. Don't get me wrong, the xoom is by far the best tablet in my eyes, great for business, games, watching movies, music & more ! But i don't have the money for it. And i need to sell it !
Birthday present must be brand new.You can post under Selling/ Swapping
How much do you want to sell it for and whats the configuration again?
I might be willing to buy to buy if its reasonably priced
Depends on what he's going to use it for