Help Me Find a Microwave


My current Samsmug microwave is rusting away. I need a new one

I need these features:
- a flatbed microwave. Hate the spinny plate
- not beepy. Or one whose beepy can be turned off like my Samsmug.
- not dark inside. Wife would like to see all the muck that wasn't cleaned properly.

I did some web shopping and found a few that ticks the first option, but very few / none have a photo of the insides. I read the manual of two and there was no mention of a shut up button.

Mebbes the Ozbargainers may advise?

Budget: less than $500. Obviously the less the better.

Thank you


  • How old is the rusting one? Contact Samsung and they might able to do something.

    • Good idea. But it's maybe seven years old. We cook rice in it so it has a hard life. So I don't think Samsmug should do anything about it


    Ratings appear to be acceptable and it is a flatbed microwave. Also appears to be on a special price at Myer ($255.20), but even cheaper ($239) on Amazon( and Appliance Central(

    Please note that I have never used this microwave and like you, I only looked at information that is available online.

    • Looks good. Makes beepy sound and can't be turned off. Sigh. Maybe I'll have to live with beepy

      • whats wrong with beepy?

        • Beepy is like toasters with a clock.
          I can normally hear the microwave stop. I either cook things there for 20min or 2min so it's pretty easy to know when it's done.

          Also toddlers. Although they'd probably get used to a beepy one if I were to get one.

          But dang cool down mode the guy below mentioned … Uuuh! That would ruin my non beepy dreams

      • I'd expect you'd want beepy with an inverter microwave as they have a cooling cycle when then finish that sounds mostly indistinguishable from it's normal running noise. Without beepy, you'll be waiting for the cooling to complete if using the "cooking sound" to identify when it's finished.

        I'll qualify this by adding that IMO you'd be crazy to get a non inverter microwave - they are significantly better at many functions.

        • Ooooh shit. Not the silly cool down! Thanks for reminding. That's another pet peeve I had forgotten existed. Sigh I remember now I learnt about that from the office where I work - but had not been there since 2020 - thanks covid.

          And thank you for reminding me of it.
          What's the whole point of the cool down anyway?

          • @FoxJump: I'm going to make some assumptions here - but an inverter microwave uses an inverter (surprise surprise) to adjust the input voltage to the magnetron (the thing that generates the microwave energy to cook the food) which adjusts the magnetrons output energy. This allows an inverter microwave to have a variable power output.

            The inverter gets hot doing this and needs cooling often past the cooking cycle.

            A standard (or non inverter) microwave does not have such ability. A non inverter microwave is always on full power, when you ask for 50% power, you get max power cycled on/off for 50% of the time, etc.

            An inverter microwave can actually attenuate its output in a continuous manner and not need to rely on pulse/burst cycling.

            This is important for reheating food, defrosting meat, softening butter (10-20% on an inverter microwave can soften butter without melting half of it), etc.

            Defrosted meat is significantly more evenly defrosted with limited or no partial cooked meat etc..

            • @iDroid: My microwave habits generally mean I don't do anything but 100% power.

              Anyway, seems like for flatbed in shit out of luck and have to get an inverter with cool down mode (but I think they shut up if I keep the door open)

              And I'll just have to race the microwave to beat the beepy.

  • +1

    The panasonic inverter is great. We had one until we got a Oven/Microwave combination in our new house. Would recommend.

  • Aldi sold Samsung micro/convection $200 only couple of weeks ago dunno if you can still buy online

  • Avoid Panasonic, lots of reports on Product Review (One of them mine) about poor quality & customer 'service'.
    Had a Sharp for +10 years, replaced it with the top of the line Panasonic… interior lining failed after 13 months.
    It took me two years, the ACT small claims court and a visit from the NSW sheriff to get my money back.
    Currently own a SMEG (4 years?) does the job very well.
    Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic, Highly advise you not to touch Panasonic.

    • +1

      Everyone has their opinions. Currently have a Panasonic inverter model. Third one, all lasted plenty long enough, probably close to 10 years. Sensor cooking on ours works great. I have no idea how long it takes to cook stuff because I just choose what type and press go. Parents have had Panasonic since microwave became a household item in the 80s

      Hate our smeg gear. Seems highly overrated. Admittedly we don’t have a microwave but the oven is overstyled underperforming.

    • Good warning. I was considering a second hand one for $100 but maybe a new one for $240ish is better - since if it's a pos then I can ACL return it.

    • +1

      The technology in the Panasonic Microwaves are IMO, great. The design of the mechanical aspects leave room for improvement. I've had to repair mine due to failed micro-switch plastic lever (to sense door closed events). This lever was made from ABS plastic and took physical bending for every door operation. IMO this thing was designed to fail - there is no way anyone could have not seen this as a failure point, it's a bending piece of plastic every time the door is opened or closed FFS!!!!

      But the operational useful of them somehow make up for the terrible design of the plastic mechanics.

      I digress..

  • Bought a second-hand barely used nn-cf770m
    Seems good so far. Paid $250 and it even has transferable extended warranty

    Will be a pain in the arse to clean the ceiling and back wall.


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