Hey peeps, g'day
I can't log into my Instagram account, it says "Your account has been disabled for violating our terms. Learn how you may be able to restore your account. https://help.instagram.com/521372114683554" which takes me to a page saying it's disabled for "not following our terms" and a link to appeal if it's a mistakehave gone through the list of don'ts and I'm no wiser. I went through the appeal and got an email from FB asking me to take a photo of myself with full name/user and a code supplied.
Have had the account for 2-3yrs not really sure, I've never ever posted anything, only use it to follow ~100 people for photography/tattoo/architecture/design, besides browsing and +fav photos the only other times I trigger the app is when I get the occasional link about random shits and giggles stuff.
I thought the appeal process will allow me to ask what on earth they've identified me doing… Not really comfortable sending a photo to a rando at Insta… I have 100s of +fav photos that I have no means of identifying again the artist and that's all I care about. Has this happened to anyone before and I'll make the assumption that there's no other way besides sending a mugshot of myself across? What happens after that? If it's going to be some automated a no is a no and we're not going to explain ourselves then that seems like a moot exercise.
Many thanks!
Yep, it’s Instagrams standard process that requires you to send a photo of yourself.