Now you can save up to 20c per litre on fuel when you shop in our stores. Offer ends 8th April 2012.
20c off Is Back on Again at Woolworths When You Spend $150 or More. This Expires Easter Sunday!

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Just looks like sat!! dohhhh!!Good Friday 06/04/12 CLOSED
Easter Saturday 07/4/12 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Easter Sunday 08/4/12 CLOSED
Easter Monday 09/04/2012 CLOSEDUse the store locator to check:…Different at different stores
Good Friday 06/04/12 CLOSED
Easter Saturday 07/4/12 8:00AM - 9:00PM
Easter Sunday 08/4/12 8:00AM - 9:00PM
Easter Monday 09/04/2012 8:00AM - 9:00PMSYDNEY METCENTRE CLOSED
Brissie (all)
Good Friday 06/04/12 CLOSED
Easter Saturday 07/4/12 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Easter Sunday 08/4/12 CLOSED
Easter Monday 09/04/2012 9:00AM - 6:00PMMelbourne - QV
Good Friday 06/04/12 CLOSED
Easter Saturday 07/4/12 7:00AM - MIDNIGHT
Easter Sunday 08/4/12 7:00AM - MIDNIGHT
Easter Monday 09/04/2012 7:00AM - MIDNIGHTSilly rule about having to close on Good Friday. Easter I can understand, but Good Friday?! C'mon. Was in USA a while back, everything is open Good Friday (but not Easter).
Like almost everywhere, there are local customs or laws controlling the operation of shops & commerce. And these are changing over time.
Not everywhere in the USA follows the opening times you state. (The United States does not have national holidays in the sense of days on which all employees in the U.S. receive mandatory a day free from work and all business is halted by law. … There are also U.S. state holidays particular to individual U.S. states, such as Good Friday observed by 12 states.… ) In China, there are apparenly no regulations, so stores never need shut, but do so purely on economic grounds. Markets in Muslem countries close for prayers several times a day, so I have had to time shopping accordingly.
Supermarkets here close only on a couple of days a year. That is a big change over years ago. Surely that is not a great imposition? You can't buy groceries to tide you over a day or two??
Of course in a primarily secular society the question why we celebrate a Judeo-Christian Holy period is up for debate. Maybe there should be no holiday, no paid days off. Is that what you are asking for?
60 minutes ago you seemed not to even know Woolies in your area is open over much of the Easter break??? Now you're complaining they aren't open today?
The OP suggested they were open on Easter, and I was surprised. Australians seem to have this idea that Easter refers to the entire long weekend. Easter is just ONE day, and that is Sunday. That is the only day that stores should close. And it's not just a "couple" of days a year that supermarkets in Aus close. They close Good Friday, Easter, Christmas, and New Years Day. Thats 4.
Seems you are not a local, so not used to the custom of shortening terms? 'Easter' in common use refers to the Easter Holiday period - the holidays. As in "Where are you going for Easter" does not mean just the Sunday! Even the Australian Government refers to Easter as "Easter in Australia is enjoyed as a four-day holiday weekend starting on Good Friday and ending on Easter Monday."…
Unless one is a church-going Christian, most do not know the name of the various days, and all the other religious days. Easter may be celebrated on Sunday, with the large consumption of expensive sugary treats, but these are usually consumed anytime around this Easter period these days. And we're not so keen on the rabbit, with some preferring a Bilby.
Historically, Good Friday is one of the most 'sacred' days - at least in Australian working life, attracting the highest overtime loading in the old days. Thats the reason for the closure. Its all a matter of our history.
But, as your profile shows you are in Melbourne, at least some if not all Woolies are open on Easter (Day). Closed days are decreasing over time.
But my guess is you just like to be annoyingly pedantic.
Thanks for the history lesson Bruce. You're not telling me anything that I don't already know. I was born here and lived here almost my whole life. That doesn't mean I have to agree with the customs. In my original post I was simply stating my opinion. If I was running my own shop, we sure wouldn't be shutting down on Good Friday.
By the way Bruce, please name one other country in the world that takes a 4 day weekend over Easter, and any other country where the government forces businesses above a certain size to close on Good Friday. Australia's laws and customs are backwards, archaic and totally irrelevant in 21st century life. It's the sort of thing you might expect 400-500 years ago when the church ruled over everyone and their lives.
No argument here about the need to reexamine our anacranistic customs. Just the wrong forum for your gripes! (In a post about petrol discounts???)
The OP suggested they were open on Easter, and I was surprised. Australians seem to have this idea that Easter refers to the entire long weekend. Easter is just ONE day, and that is Sunday.
As I posted, the Australian Government considers Easter to be 4 days!
Can't see why you are complaining that the post 'suggested' Woolies being open on Easter (day). Woolies is open in your city on Easter day, only closing for Good Friday, but not open in mine.Some other non-Christian cultures have long holiday periods. I visit Japan most years, and you need to have plans for Golden Week - 5 days of national holidays in a row, often plus the weekend.
So I was ringht
But my guess is you just like to be annoyingly pedantic
Well, with all due respect, you're pretty pedantic yourself. I read your replies and then 5 minutes later they've been comprehensively updated and read very differently.
Its called research! Updated as found new info - sorry. Academic training is not a good basis for the first draft writing style of posts - stll getting used to it. (Have had my own businesses & employees though.) But was an interesting topic for me - so thanks.
Can't understand why the Good Friday holiday is seen as the most important of the year in a secular society - very anacranistic.
Psst, there are only two a's in anachronistic. Just being pedantic. :)
i think coles r doing the same thing
My eyes hurt reading that.
Thanks, just enjoyed the 20c discount :-)
Anyone tried doing the return loophole?
Buy $150 worth of goods, use the bottom of docket and return goods back.
So does buying smoking/tobacco products in WA or NT count towards the $150? I don't smoke but am now curious to know.
ahhh used 138 and didnt know about this deal until after i payed..
hm, why spend $150 just to save $10 on petrol?(assuming you are going to buy 50L worth of petrol)
My local grocery store is offering a 22c fuel rebate when you spend more than $150. Plus you also receive a discount voucher for the next time you shop with them. And there no restriction on which petrol station you can use. and it ends in a few days. Nice going i saw u on today tonite, aca trying to promo yourself disguising it as a news worthy story. How much did u pay them bj's?
dude i don't work for bj! and learn how to spell "tonight".
I just like how fuel prices are hiked up at Woolies/Coles just in time for this special 20c discount.
Very nice of them…..- If you have to buy petrol when it's expensive, you may as well take the discount offered.
- The vouchers last for 28 days by which time petrol prices will probably have fallen again.
All the vouchers we've received this week say 28c per litre off (our car takes over 100 litres to fill, so the $28.00 is nice).
do you mean 20c off?
No, the vouchers clearly say 28c.
Didn't know Woolies/Coles were that powerful - they now control world oil prices!!
I thought it was just Milk prices etc.
Wait, Woolworths are open on Easter?!