I recently won an unfair dismissal case by taking a former toxic employer to Fair Work Australia.
However before going there to FWA myself (not with a lawyer as I was able to explain and bring my case myself to save $$$) I did talk to an employment lawyer on the phone who also said that I was being underpaid/wage underpayment etc for the salary that I was on and they were going to add that as part of the claim. I did not get much information on the who/what/where/why of how this was wage underpayment at the time and just was intrigued that they said this. They said that it was below some award or a minimum etc.
I decided against using the lawyer to save $ and also then did not add this part about the potential wage underpayment because the main thing to me at the time was the unfair dismissal.
Now, I want to take this further and look at the wage underpayment.
How do I find out if it was wage underpayment/wage theft etc?
Is there a way? A organisation to help? I just don't know how to find out.
Trying to do this myself to save time and $
Thank you
Go back and ask the damn lawyer about it!!