Some awesome prices, 150 titles, I haven't looked at them all, standouts straight away to me:
La Noire - $5 (DLC an extra $11.99 lol, still cheaper than complete pack)
Darkness 2 - $12.50
Dragon Age Pack - DA Ultimate AND DA2 for $10
Crysis 2 - $7.49
Serious Sam 3 - $12.50
Plus more.
Need a US Billing address, and they are all digital downloads. Some redeem on steam (Like Space Marine), others won't.
Also I know from memory that Mafia 2 is locked to the US (but it's a poor price anyway there $19.99) not sure about other games, I have bought successfully from there before and had no problems.
EDIT: I've looked through the list now, and I listed most of the good stuff already lol, there's a lot of casual and bad looking games, but a few gems in there ;-)
Not bothering with La Noire as it wont activate on Steam/Origin. Hell yeah for Crysis 2 and The Darkness 2. Really good prices for those. Thanks!