This was posted 12 years 11 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Amazon Spring Sale - PC Game Downloads-LA Noire $5, Dragon Age Pack $9.99, Crysis 2 $7.49 + More!

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Some awesome prices, 150 titles, I haven't looked at them all, standouts straight away to me:

La Noire - $5 (DLC an extra $11.99 lol, still cheaper than complete pack)
Darkness 2 - $12.50
Dragon Age Pack - DA Ultimate AND DA2 for $10
Crysis 2 - $7.49
Serious Sam 3 - $12.50

Plus more.

Need a US Billing address, and they are all digital downloads. Some redeem on steam (Like Space Marine), others won't.

Also I know from memory that Mafia 2 is locked to the US (but it's a poor price anyway there $19.99) not sure about other games, I have bought successfully from there before and had no problems.

EDIT: I've looked through the list now, and I listed most of the good stuff already lol, there's a lot of casual and bad looking games, but a few gems in there ;-)

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closed Comments

  • Not bothering with La Noire as it wont activate on Steam/Origin. Hell yeah for Crysis 2 and The Darkness 2. Really good prices for those. Thanks!

    • So what if LA Noire won't activate on Steam?

      • +5

        because he wants it displayed beautifully on his steam profile.

  • Care to share some us address with us?

    • +3

      123 fake street

    • +2

      Use a hotel's address with the added bonus that it provides a good "alibi" just in case Amazon start to wonder if you were really in the US when you purchased the game.

    • I use my real address, but I change the state and zipcode.


      1337 PeteShag Road
      PeteShag, CA 90212
      United States
      Phone: +61(real phone number)
      • You didn't go for the Beverly Hills zipcode?

    • I just use the address that Global E Shop (Borderlinx) generated for me, it also means that if I want to buy anything that amazon wont ship to Australia I can choose that address from the list and they will forward the package on to me (but they are expensive for postage).

  • Cheers, got Saints Row The Third for $25 to keep me occupied over the Easter break.

  • I have Cities in Motion on Steam. Can I buy the "Cities in Motion: U.S. Cities" DLC and register it it on Steam or a need the Amazon version of the game?

    Edit: Bought it and no Steam code, just bought a useless DLC.

  • Just bought GTA IV for $4.99

    Downloading is incredibly slow however - are there any other locations that I can download from and just use the product key?

    • I activated my keys on steam. Bought Supreme Commander and Darksiders at 5$ each

      • Some work on Steam, some - like LA Noire - don't. I'm guessing the Amazon servers are being hammered at the moment.

      • My GTA IV key didn't activate on steam.

  • Awesome, thanks OP! I regret buying Dragon Age Origins DDE a little while back now, but hey with the $10 coupon it cost $5 for this pack so yay!

  • thank you

  • +3

    If anyone was wondering how to buy in Australia, i used this link. Its for books but it works all the same.…

  • -4

    From Tom's Hardware (…):

    Amazon's sale consists of 21 titles ranging from the original Dead Space to Crysis 2. Prices range from $5.00 USD to $34.99 USD. The cheapest games you'll find here are Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Dead Space and Duke Nukem Forever for Mac. Here's the complete list:

    Alice: Madness Returns ($7.49)
    ANNO 2070 ($34.99)
    Battlefield Bad Company 2 ($7.99)
    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam - Expansion [Online Game Code] ($7.99)
    Bulletstorm ($7.99)
    Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box ($5.00)
    Civilization IV and V - Pack ($17.98)
    Crysis Maximum Edition ($8.99)
    Crysis 2 ($9.99)
    Dead Space ($5.00)
    Dead Space 2 ($7.99)
    Darkspore ($7.99)
    Dragon Age Pack ($11.99)
    Dragon Age Pack [Mac] ($11.99)
    Duke Nukem Forever [Mac] ($5.00)
    Medal of Honor ($7.99)
    Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit ($7.99)
    Sid Meiers Civilization IV: The Complete Edition ($8.99)
    Sid Meier's Civilization V ($8.99)
    Spore ($7.99)
    Spore [Mac] ($7.99)

    • +2

      Uh…that's not the complete list, it doesn't include LA Noire for one.

      EDIT: look at the date of that list dude, wrong sale.
      EDIT2: I'm not a bloody rep, stupid page.

  • Is anyone else able to add multiple items to their cart? I'm only able to buy things one at a time and have to re-enter my CC number each time.

    • Hrm. I was able to buy Crysis 2 fine but now any additional purchases aren't working. That sucks.

      • +1

        I was using gift cards to buy everything. If I tried to buy a gift card larger then $5, I had to wait up to 2 days for amazon to get approval from my bank. To solve this, I kept buying 5$ gift cards over and over and used them all at checkout.

        Maybe try and buy gift cards and complete the purchase with them instead of a CC

      • Just to confirm, Crysis 2 activates on Origin?

        • Yep and The Darkness 2 activates on Steam.

        • Sweet as.

        • Just bought and activated, downloading now. Woop!

  • Any1 want to buy my copy of LAnoire ? Thought i could activate it on steam but i cant lol. Any steam game offer or payapl $2-3?

  • +1

    Anyone else having trouble with the GTA IV install? I launch the Autorun.exe and click accept, then the window minimizes and after that nothing happens.

    • I think you need to have Games for Windows Live installed as well - I can't remember specifically but you often need to have the most up to date version of GFWL installed before a game that uses it will even work.
      Which is why GFWL is a fail system all round.

      • I installed GFWL and Rockstar social club and still get the same behaviour, last thing I can think of is re-downloading it (13 gigabytes FFS)

    • +1

      Having the same problem aswell. I tried GfWL and installed that & made an account for it but still experiencing the same problem. It took me 3 days to download this and really dont want to have to go through it again.

  • can someone help out? it won't let me purchase a game as we're outside the us. how do i buy from them? i already have an account with amazon if that makes a difference.

    • You need a postal address from the USA to buy/download their games

      • +1

        say add a US address and set that as primary? would that work? i'd still be using my credit card for payments, is that ok?

        • All you need to do is add a U.S billing address, you can still use your Aus credit/debit card.

  • some games in the sale which look good:

    LA Noire: 4.99
    Mount and Blade Warband: 4.00 (does not activate on steam)
    Mount and Blade: 3.00
    Modern Warfare 1 for Mac: 7.99
    Dragon Age 1 and 2: 9.99
    Darksiders: 4.99
    Magesty Gold: 1.00 (old game but really really fun)
    Metro 2033: 4.99
    GTA5: 4.99

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