A$26.36 Per TB. Seems like a sudden drop in price according to Camelcamelcamel:
Not sure what drives are inside, anyone know?
A$26.36 Per TB. Seems like a sudden drop in price according to Camelcamelcamel:
Not sure what drives are inside, anyone know?
Seems a good price for AU stock
Sorry, is that a good think or bad thing?
It's good.
I have the equivalent of 5 of these running in a NAS - they are white label drives. Lowest price recently for around $330, shipped from USA during black Friday.
Any good? More a back up dump but presume if it's in your NAS Is a good buy?
Yup they're good. I have 3 x 12 TB and 2 x 14TB, all running in an Unraid NAS.
Noob question. Unraid Nas? So it not mirroring or any of the raid functions? Why use NAS? Again, apologies in advance if newb question
@IamaCam: Unraid is specifically an operating system, it still uses a parity drive(s) for data redundancy
From the page:
Write speed 2900 Megabytes Per Second
That thing has M.2 equivalent performance!
Probably an extra zero typo
most likely mega-BIT, so about 360 MB/s transfer
Nah, they're 160MB/s write on average.
That's the same as the average speed of my WD white 8TB.
Local stock should hopefully be less risky than the other Amazon WD listings where they slap a barcode on the underside for 8 TB-less capacity.
Got the 18tb elements from Amazon UK a month a go.. What they sent me was a 6tb MyBook… Was not happy..
Have to be aware that even though it's listed as shipped/sold by Amazon UK or US, it could potentially be from marketplace sellers listed on Amazon UK or US
That's not how it works.
More than likely they sent you a return, and someone changed it.
How did amazon handle it ?
Amazon being Amazon, they created a return shipping label for me and promise to refund when they get the item..
The item has been stuck in transit in Alexandria nsw for the last 2.5weeks. So no refund yet.
Can't say what Amazon will do when they see that a 6tb box was returned when it's supposed to be an 18tb drive.. The had an Amazon barcode/label on it that was for an 18tb drive
Edit: I had taken photos as evidence
@skysky: Weird how the refund worked for you. Contrary to the instructions on the Amazon website, I got my refund instantly for two motherboards that I returned at the same time at the local parcel point drop-off. I went to the parcel point and by the time I drive back home the refund was in my account!! The instruction was that I'll get my refund after the marketplace shop has received and inspected by returned item. Felt pretty lucky tbh, even more so now after reading about your experience!!
I ordered an 18TB elements from Amazon UK, it was DOA.
I had to return it they wouldn't replace it, only refund, the Auspost label they sent me wouldn't scan after re-generating it 5 times over 3 days. I ended up paying for shipping at my own expense and messaging Amazon.
I still haven't seen my refund yet.
Yup. Same with me. The first shipping label I got, post office said the label was invalid and hadn't been paid for..
Got a second shipping label/rma via Amazon live chat.. That worked.. But now the package is stuck in transit in nsw
@skysky: I made sure to message Amazon live chat with a copy of the receipt and tracking number, but still nothing… thats $450 from black friday I'm still waiting on and i'm pissed it was an 18TB I missed.
My NAS has < 200-300gb left on it xD
I find Amazon UK seem to sent people the wrong item, I order an electronic item, they sent me a clothing item.
Amazon UK is completly useless. I have had 5+ items completey wrong now. Amazon sent me a warning email that I return too many things from Amazon UK…. Even though its all their fault they send me the wrong item, not mine. So I completly avoid Amazon UK now at all costs.
"I bought the same SKU a few months ago, the drives inside were WD140EDGZ which are white labelled Red Plus drives. 7200RPM CMR's and easily shuckable. No tape over the 3.3v required in my UNRAID box.
Just picked up 2 more - thanks OP."
sellilicious on 26/11/2021 - 21:06
Thanks for the confirmation, just bought one.
Anyone use these to backup their NAS?
I'm going to use the one I bought from this listing to back my NAS up, what are you wondering?
Why wasn’t this posted before 1pm :(
Missed the 12% off
It did.
I picked up one of these from Amazon back in May for $345.23 and it was in a sh!tty state. Ran a sector read over it with DriveDX before transferring data and it was likely a previous customers return - bad sectors and sitting at around ~90% overall health. No issues organising or sending back the return though. I opted for the Seagate instead, which has been perfect since day 1.
Sure it's the same? This didn't hit $345 according to: https://au.camelcamelcamel.com/product/B084SYCJFP
I had zero issues with 3x8TB, 3x12TB & 3x14TB all purchased via Amazon US (at various times). I ran a badblocks Write & Read pass on each drive before shucking and they all passed the test. They also came packed with bubble wrap in Amazon boxes + they had their own original box. I wouldn't risk buying from UK.
Delivery from UK is actually quite fast and packaging is alright, they go Amazon warehouse in NSW first and then shipped around Australia from there.
Thanks OP. Got one earlier. Looks like it's back to 435 now.
Heck yeah! Got one too (earlier). Thanks for posting!! This will be good for my video editing I’m planning to start doing :)
missed this :( fingers crossed there are more HDD deals coming soon.
FFS, I was literally looking at these this morning then deal time when i'm out.
If I don't get a hdd deal soon i'm gonna have to delete things or pay full price. I don't know what makes my skin crawl more!
What’s a good program to run to check these drives are ok? I just got some from a recent Amazon deal, planning to put in a 4-5 drive synology nas
HD Tune Pro trial, do surface scan. Should take about 23-25 hours.
Back in stock now
i'm happier with the seagate for shucking purposes as WD usually have a weird power connector issue when sucked. does this also have the extra rail/connector problem when shucked? thx.
Some do, most dont.
Just went to buy these and it said it was not in my cart, refreshed and price now back to $450 :(
Price back up to $450
So feedback from me is it was a white labelled hard drive after shucking it out. Cloned my current 4TB internal hard drive and swapped this 14TB in and it worked no fuss. No 3V issue at all.
12TB for $335
Comes in a bit more expensive per unit storage at $27.92/TB