Enjoy having Ball's in your mouth. Mrs Ball's chutneys are available in following flavours…
Chilli, Original, Peach or Hot.
Product of South Africa
Enjoy having Ball's in your mouth. Mrs Ball's chutneys are available in following flavours…
Chilli, Original, Peach or Hot.
Product of South Africa
Not as good as chocolate salty balls.
(Great sauce though!)
I remember Aldi did a Zulu brand of sauce a couple of years back and loved that too
Mevrou Ballas se blatjang. Lekker! Here's your upvote
wot u say
geez…. i hope there isnt a Mr Ball's Chutney
Or Mayonnaise
I swear this is so much sweeter than it used to be and has less peach / apricot flavour but I'm probably just getting old
/shakes fist at cloud
Goes well with nut butter
grabbed a jar last year still havent ate
I prefer Dee’s Nuts brand