The stock at TM Lewin Collins Street (356 Collins Street) is running low so we've cut prices even further. Now is the time to come in and grab a bargain.
All prices at least 80-90% original pricing.
Prices now live as of 4pm Tuesday 21 December.
- Jackets now $40
- Trousers now $10
- Shirts now $15
Pocket square $10- sold outTies $7- sold out- Waistcoats $2
Even better value when you buy multiple items
- 5 shirts now $50
5 pocket squares for $20- sold outTies 5 for $30- sold out- Jackets 3 now $100
Stock wont last. Store closes Christmas Eve or when all stock is all gone. Come in store NOW.
How much stock is left? Size 40 here, cheers