Cat Foods for Persian Ragdoll Cat?

What is the best cat food for a Persian Ragdoll cat?

I have been feeding KidCat brand (Made is Singapore). I also tried Royel Cannen/Ziwi but my cat doesn't like them much.

Any suggestions please if you have Persian cross Ragdoll cat.

Many thanks :)


  • +6

    Is there any evidence to feed a breed-specific diet? I know many brands offer it but I think it might just be a marketing thing, like what Panadol does.

  • +5

    Whatever the cat likes to eat that is a complete cat food, that matches your budget. My vet is of the opinion that any brand is OK except for Whiskas

    • Is that because it has barely any quality meat content with majority being fillers?

      Applaws was popular in the UK for being nearly pure meat. However, our cat might be the only one in history that doesn't like any type of fish. Not big on red meat either. Just chicken in all it's guises and flavours.

    • Did the vet specified why Whiskas is not ok?

      • +1

        She just said that all cats she had seen that were fed Whiskas never did very well. Could just be that owners that cheap out on food might cheap out on preventative or timely vet care, but it was enough for me to not feed mine Whiskas again.

  • +4

    Me: who's dumb enough to believe that there are breed-specific tastes

    Also me: I should start marketing a line of cat food that has specific breed names on the labels and charge twice as much

    • I don't know about cat specific good. However Royal Canin offer breed specific dry food. They offer specific ingredients to prevent health conditions common in that breed. I think they include taste preferences. If you look at the packets, they are different. The cost is about the same as other good brands too. Our dogs have always preferred their breed food then the general one on offer.

  • Raw chicken, gradually replace the shitty dry/wet factory food with real nutritious food.

    • +1

      That is a bad diet, it won't contain all the nutrition a cat needs (it would if you included stomachs with stomach contents, other organs, and bones).

      If feeding a raw diet you have to include an additive to make it a complete diet.

      • +1

        Yes, they need to eat other organs than just meat.

        Wild cats seem to live fine on raw food. What additives is needed?

        If feeding them a highly processed food diet, be prepared to pay for organ failures over time. It's like feeding a human cereal all the time!

        • Wild cats live on raw food just fine because they eat the whole animal, not just the muscle meat. This is an example of the additive.

          Processed food is good for cats, because it contains all the nutrition it needs. It is nothing like humans eating cereal, that would actually be closer to feeding cats meat only (enjoyable but not containing all the required nutrition).

          Oh and another thing. Absolutely DO NOT feed a cat human grade raw chicken!!! It contains salmonella and other bugs that would be destroyed by cooking. Chicken intended for humans doesn't have a very high cleanliness standard as it is expected we will cook it thoroughly before eating. Raw chicken intended for cats ( like pet food mince you can buy in the supermarket and pet shops) is safer and cleaner as it is expected to be eaten raw. My cat got incredibly sick when I fed her too much raw chicken (the trimmings off some chicken breasts I was chopping up for dinner). Vomiting, lethargic, wouldn't eat. It was food poisoning from the chicken. Vet told me to never feed her raw chicken intended for human consumption ever again.

        • +2

          @ orangetrain add dental problems if you are feeding kibbles

          If you truly want to know more about your cats and their nutritional needs, these websites are very educational and informative and

          I feed my cats human grade (of course), raw organic chicken and add heaps of supplements suggested by these links. If you believe pre-minced meat for pets sold at butchers are treated any differently, you are mistaken.

          • -2

            @User210686: Don't feed cats raw chicken meat intended for human consumption. It may contain bugs that will make your cat sick. There is meat intended for pets that will be cleaner.

            • +1

              @Quantumcat: I've been feeding my cats human grade raw chicken meat for years and never had any problems. Mind you, I only buy fresh meat from a butcher, grind it myself and don't buy pre minced meat. What makes you think that meat intended for pets are "cleaner"? Is it because your vet who also said Whiskas was bad told you so? I bet your vet also tells you to feed your cat dry food for dental health and administer booster shot every year. Call butchers in your area and ask if they treat their pet food any differently.

              Like in my previous comment, get educated on facts and myths on these links.
              I also recommend these books;
              Your Cat…
              Raising Cats Naturally…

              Also on pet grade vs human grade meat
              "However, if you do decide to feed your dog any raw meat or raw bones, it is recommended that you choose only human-grade raw meat and bones. You should avoid raw meat products marketed as pet food (pet meat/pet mince/pet rolls and bone products), sausages, sausage meat and cooked manufactured meats as they can contain sulphite preservatives."

              Believe whatever you want but don't blindly tell others "do not feed human grade raw meat" just because your cat got sick from raw meat you fed.

              • -1


                What makes you think that meat intended for pets are "cleaner"?

                Because chicken intended for humans is intended to be cooked but meat intended for pets is intended to be eaten raw. In the US, they wash all chicken with chlorine regardless of whether it is going to humans or pets but in Australia they don't do this for human meat because we are trusted to cook it properly. You are taking a risk giving your cat chicken that is for humans without cooking it.

              • @User210686:

                Like in my previous comment, get educated on facts and myths on these links.

                Citing diet books as a source is no different to a paleo advocate listing paleo books or a juice cleanser listing books that claim juice cleansing fixes your liver. Including one that self proclaims "In this controversial new book" and a website that proudly states 'I am not a vet' in the same vein as the paleo 'I am not a doctor but I did something and it worked for me and therefore its right and you can ignore all science because, um, conspiracy'

                Note that the RSPCA link also says 'The basis of your cat’s diet should be a high quality balanced premium commercial cat food that is appropriate for their life stage and health status…Bones and raw meat are not recommended'.

                • @dtc: These are not all diet books. They teach you that the cat is an obligate carnivore and that their ideal diet is real meat. That’s a scientific fact. Species appropriate nutrition is more important to the cat than the paleo or cold-pressed juice is to humans.
                  Also, the book 'Your Cat' is written by a vet. "In this controversial new book, dedicated veterinarian Elizabeth Hodgkins DVM raises the alarm regarding serious flaws in the commercial diets we feed our cats and the nutritional diseases that result." It is only controversial because the vast majority of people don't know about cats.
                  These resources elaborate more on that topic from various perspectives. Why most vets recommend commercial dry kibbles for dental heath and an annual booster shot? Because that’s what they learn in vet school. These same vets also prescribe prescription dry food to patients (often male) who suffer from urethral block even though feeding dry food further aggregates the condition.

         is also written by a qualified vet Lisa Pierson who has extensively studied cats and knows about cats. But I don’t waste my time trying to change your views. Commercial pet food companies exist because people believe their products are optimally formulated and of high quality when in fact all they care about is profit margins. But if anyone else reading this is curious about their cats, I recommend these websites and books I referenced. It’s ultimately up to you to decide what’s best for your cats.

                  I posted that RSCPA link only to show that human grade meat is superior, which is why I quoted the relevant sentence.

                  Before anyone labels me as an anti-vaxxer or a health fanatic, I'm neither.

                  • @User210686: You still sound like a paleo advocate 'the human can live without carbs therefore eating carbs is evil'. Thats a fact.

                    To say something is 'only controversial because the vast majority of people dont know about cats' is exactly the same as saying 'its only controversial because all the other experts who say something different dont understand and are ignorant. Sure they are trained experts who rely on scientific studies and 1000s of combined years of experience, but they dont actually know. See, this single person in this book knows, thats a fact'

                    Its all a conspiracy theory.

                    • @dtc: And you still sound quite ignorant and narrow minded with your false analogies. How about you counterargue by actually backing 'all the other experts' who say feeding dry food is good for cats and that commercial cat food full of carbohydrates satisfy nutritious needs of cats who are obligate carnivores then, or explain why feeding species appropriate food is controversial?

                      Contrary to what you believe, cats haven't been extensively studied because scientists have largely ignored them up until recently. They assumed cats and dogs had similar nutritious needs, so commercial cat food of past decades added in large amounts of potatoes/peas which are high in carbohydrates along with other cheap fillers. Cats also do not drink enough water from a bowl to make up for the hydration deficit caused by feeding dry food. More and more people both in the veterinary community and cat owners became aware of the issues surrounding commercial cat food, particularly dry food - the leading cause of chronic kidney disease, in recent years. Just because 'trained experts' have been taught in vet schools to feed cats species inappropriate food, that doesn't make them experts on cats. If they are experts as you say, they wouldn't recommend commercial cat food without any thought as to feline illnesses that these foods contribute to due to their species-inappropriate composition/ingredients, as well as the contamination issues. Sure, feeding raw meat comes with risks if not handled properly but commercial pet foods aren't 100% safe either. In the summer of 2007 many cats and also dogs suffered and died or have been left with diminished quality of life due to the contamination of commercial foods processed by Menu Foods. Make no mistake this wasn't the first time pets died after consuming commercial pet foods contaminated with bacteria, chemicals, and mould toxins. Also, not long ago in the 80s cats were going blind and dying from heart problems because of those 'trained experts' with 1000 years of combined experience didn't know that cats were exquisitely sensitive to taurine deficiency. Many cats survive on heavily supplemented plant-based diets but do not thrive on these diets.

  • +4

    The best food for a cat is the food they like.

    Anything else and it'll go uneaten.

    As a human, you'll give your owner what it demands.

  • This would be like a 95 vs 98 fuel and the brand debate…

  • +2

    Your cat needs a balanced diet of native birds, small native mammals and small native reptiles. Throw in a few more as play things.

    • -2

      This. But only change gradually and add probiotics to ease the transition. Blood is especially great, if you can't source it, make bone broth. It's to make sure their kidneys are healthy in the long run.

  • Cat's stomach PH ~ 2.0, suggesting an animal based optimization ;)
    Cat's also have extensive biochemical pathways for gluconeogenesis (suggesting protein is an optimal energy source):…

    • It reminds of the [mercifully brief] when the companies that love and care for your pets[/s] were pushing " fat reduced" cat food - a bizarre and ridiculous proposition given that cats don't get energy from carbohydrates, but from the fats in their food.

      • +1

        They are actually quite unique as their metabolism is more focused to get the majority of their energy from protein!
        Check the amount of protein in those supermarket "cat foods", it's less than 10% - such a farse!

  • +1

    Royal canin persia is quite good. Give it a bit more push especially the royal canin persian pouch.
    If it still doesn't work then try hills or royal canin hairball control or other good brands with some hairball control. Petbarn usually have satisfaction guarantee if your cat doesn't like the food and give you a refund. I really wouldn't recommend cheap brands that are big on fillers.

    Breed specific foods can matter where breeds have certain requirements - long hair breeds would have hairball control oils or ingredients, shape of kibbles for cats with flat face to make it easier to eat etc.

  • +1

    I had the same debate for years thinking I wasn't feeding my cat fancy enough food (British Shorthair).
    We tried everything. But in the end he liked the basic Whiskas gravy satchels, the fresh meat that comes in the trays but he never really ate much kibble of any variety.
    Put a Madeira cake, bread or red kidney beans out and you'd come back to serious nibbles.
    He lived over 15 yrs. Cats eat what they want.

  • The hint is in the name - Persian Ragdolls.
    Might be able to get some at your local market.

  • +1

    Contrary to some recommendations in the other comments my cat gets Whiskas and Optimum dry food. One in the morning and the other at night. As well as some dentalife treats once a day. It’s all supermarket brands and reasonably priced. When I tell vets that’s what my cat has they look at me surprised but then say whatever you are doing keep it up because your cat is in great shape. I don’t think it’s all about the diet btw. My cat has lots of play time and stimulation which keeps her interesting and not just a lump of fur that sits around the house. She’s 11 and I’ve had her since she was a kitten. She thinks she is still a kitten though.

  • After millennia and even eons of eating mice, crickets, small birds and a later move to whatever could be found in rubbish bins, cats have now evolved into epicures who want chicken breast fillet and crayfish or prime lamb in a beef jus.

    My girl would turn her nose up at anything but Dine beef & liver and a tuna flavour, [ although she only lived to ~ 15] and most cats I have met will attack the Aldi "Cachet" biscuits with gusto.

    Cat's like stability - but not monotony. Any new food you try should be introduced as an option, not a substitute, but try to avoid the larger cans of factory sodium salts, and only offer foods such as tuna or fresh chicken no more often than once per week.

    If you want something your cat will appreciate and eat with gusto, try to give it a chance to eat their all time favourite - another cat's dinner while that cat isn't watching…

  • Weirdly my cat eats anything, we buy whatever is on special and give him whatever comes to hand from reaching into the cupboard. So from day to day he gets 4 or 5 different goods. One is clearly less preferred and we wont buy that one again (although its still eaten) but the others are gulped down (dry and wet).

    I'm a bit sceptical of all the 'pure' diet stuff out there at the moment. It wasnt there 5 years ago and cats lived perfectly healthy and fine lives. It strikes me a lot as 'paleo for cats' - same arguments, same basis, same guilt, same sense of proselytism. Your cat wont die if it eats some grains or if the food isnt 103% organic line farmed tuna. Indeed, cats can live off dry food only

    That said, the very cheapest food is cheap for a reason. So the mid range stuff is probably a good balance between your sense of guilt and your wallet. As Traveller107 says, there are breed specific options for some breeds with specific needs eg hairballs. Otherwise, whatever.

  • +4

    Raw food diet is far healthier than dry l used to breed and show rag dolls. I fed a raw food diet lots of places sell balanced raw food diets, I fed chicken necks froze for 10 days to kill off any bacteria or dried them by putting in oven on 50 for 5 hours good too keep teeth healthy.

  • +1

    persian owner here… my boy started with the aldi packets of both ocean and land meats.
    As he grew older it appears 'dine' is the next preference… being anything but the loaf type foods in this category.

    a treat he will warm up to is grilled salmon, you will see the expression on his face once he gets a taste of the good stuff lol

    • My Tabby/Siamese X was the same - the Dine 'gravy' ones went down well, with a little variety demanded, but the loaf ones appear to only appeal to Garfields, and it's the same with my neighbour's Burmese X fully aware of his rights and entitlements over the neighbourhood.

  • "its not a cat"

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